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Summary of WG3 “Detector technology development”

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1 Summary of WG3 “Detector technology development”
Shoji Uno (KEK) Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors  Melbourne Jan 16, 2014

2 WG3 19 presentations (11 in the last AFAD)
6 from Australia 7 from China 5 from Japan 1 from Korea Unfortunately, no speakers from Russia, Taiwan and India Detector Technology Application 9 : Semi-conductor +diamond : Particle Physics 3 : MPGD + wire chamber : X-ray 4 : Scintillator : Neutron 1 : MCP PMT        1 : X-ray beam monitor   2:ASIC               : Hadron Therapy



5 The Progress of JUNO Liquid Scintillation Research
Li ZHOU On behalf of LS group

6 Performance measurements of LAB and LS
LS light out varies with temperature detector design LS light out varies PPO contents LS final Formula LS electron energy Non-Linearity MC parameter LS ageing test



9 The dual light-emitting crystals detector for WIMPs direct searches
Xilei Sun IHEP AFAD2014 Melbourne

10 Dual Light-emitting Crystals
CsI:Na LaCl:Ce NaI:? CeBr:? ……. Doped crystals has two scintillation components, one is from the solvent, another is from the doping. 300 420 nm Electron recoils Nuclear recoils electron recoils cover more doping due to large range ~ n*1000Å Nuclear recoils cover less doping due to small range ~ n*100Å The ratio of the two luminescence is different for nuclear recoils and electron recoils.







17 Preliminary Results of the Readout ASIC of Silicon Pixel Detector
Preliminary Results of the Readout ASIC of Silicon Pixel Detector R&D for BAPS Wei W., Li H.S., Ning Z. Li S.F., Liu G., Lu W.G., Jiang X.S., Wang Z., Allan K. Lan, Lu Y.P., Ouyang Q. State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

18 Array uniformity and noise
12×20 Pixel Array (v1.0) Array input, 96pixels Threshold distribution histogram Test performed on 12×20 pixel array chip, results showed one of the sub arrays of 12×8 Serial clk Freq=500kHz, input Freq=800kHz Threshold distribution before calibration=360e Array average noise=102e, almost unchanged compared to pure analog measurement Highly uniform of all measured pixels Noise distribution histogram





23 X-ray Time-resolved Measurements
AFAD Workshop Jan. 15th, 2014 X-ray Time-resolved Measurements with a 64-pixel Si-APD Linear-array Detector Shunji Kishimoto Photon Factory, IMSS, KEK, Japan

24 Multi-channel scaling with the 1-ns time bin
PF ring :624 ns in one revolution = (Multi-bunches:126ns+gap:30ns)x4 with the min. interval of 2 ns Time resolution : 1.4ns(FWHM) Peak observed by the single electron-bunch e-bunch width(FWHM): 0.14ns

25 X-ray Imaging Device Based on GEM Detector
Yi Zhou State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics University of Science & Technology of China

26 GEM Foils(30cmx30cm)

27 A Low-noise Front-end ASIC design based on TOT technique for Read-out of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors
Huaishen Li, Na Wang, Wei Lai, Xiaoshan Jiang 1State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, 2Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), CAS

28 Circuit simulation: INL
input INL can be enhanced by time walk correction

29 Status of MPGD Activities
Shoji Uno KEK, Detector Technology Project AFD, Melbourne Jan 15, 2014 Introduction New GEM foils Electronics Applications Neutron Detector Summary

30 Results Neutron beam at Hokkaido University FWHM:1.8mm

31 Neutron detectors development for the China Spallation Neutron Source
Detector develop group,Sun. Zhijia AFAD-2014, Melbourne, Australia

32 Detector prototype Keep the flatness of the fibers array WLSF arrays

33 Silicon Detectors for Real-time Monitoring of Submillimeter Synchrotron X-ray Beams
M.L.F. Lercha, M. Petaseccaa, A. Cullena, I. Fudulia, P.Fourniera, I. Corneliusa, A. Kokb, V. L.Pervertayloc, A.B. Rosenfelda a. Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong, Australia b. SINTEF, Norway c. SPA BIT, Ukraine IEEE MRT Workshop, 257th Oct, 2013

34 Microstrip Detector 0.9 mm Epitaxial Si construction
Designed by CMRP Manufactured by SPA-BIT, Ukraine ion implanted junction technology Epitaxial Si construction 50 μm thick epitaxial layer p-type (100 Wcm) On 370 μm Si substrate, p-type (0.001 Wcm) Single strip surrounded by a guard-ring Strip dimensions are 10 µm × 900 μm Waterproof 0.9 mm For offline quality assurance

35 14th -16th Jan, 2014 – AFAD, Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne.
High spatial resolution microdosimetry with SOI Microdosimeter on 12C beam at HIMAC, Japan L. T. Tran1, D. A. Prokopovich2, J. Livingstone1, M. Petasecca1, Mark I. Reinhard2, M. L. F.Lerch1, N. Matsufuji3 and A. B. Rosenfeld1 1Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong, NSW 2Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Australia 3Research Centre for Charge Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Science, Japan 14th -16th Jan, 2014 – AFAD, Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne.

36 Experimental Setup, HIMAC, 2013 2nd Generation SOI Microdosimeter
1st Generation SOI Microdosimeter

37 The response of a Monolith Silicon ΔE-E Detector in a 290MeV/u 12C ion beam using Geant4


39 and Anatoly B. Rosenfeld
An Evaluation of Charge Collection Confinement Within A Novel Diamond Structure For Microdosimetric Applications Jeremy A. Davis, Kumaravelu Ganesan, Marco Petasecca, Dale Prokopovich, Michael L. F. Lerch and Anatoly B. Rosenfeld

40 IBIC Study: Part 1- Results
Bias: 300V ~100 % Charge collection efficiency Verification of sample quality.

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