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New approaches to Diversity recruiting

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Presentation on theme: "New approaches to Diversity recruiting"— Presentation transcript:

1 New approaches to Diversity recruiting

2 In the beginning there was…
College career centers Traditional job boards Print media

3 But change was slow Diversity just ‘one more item’ on the checklist
Efforts focused on activities – not outcomes Unconscious bias prevalent

4 How about new approaches to old challenges?

5 The technologists

6 Blinded profiles Validated profiles Gets diverse candidates to the interview

7 ‘Blind’ recruiting app
‘Anonymize’ profiles from ATS or job boards Pre-sourced diverse database ‘Blendscore’ reports on major corporations

8 Diversity is part of recruitment platform
Sourcing based on gender, ethnicity, veteran status Not ‘blind’

9 Candidates play games – skills are assessed
Claim algorithms have ‘complete gender & ethnic balance’ Ignores resumes

10 ‘Blind auditions’ for technology & related candidates
Platform ‘promotes’ jobs to candidates ‘Ranked’ answers, plagiarism checks, timed answers

11 AI-based sourcing Source/screen from ATS or external Algorithms lessen screening bias

12 Common threads Using technology to ‘blind’ candidates
Spreading out the sourcing universe Pushing more diverse candidates to the interview step

13 The Pipeliners

14 Jopwell Destination site for Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American students and professionals Tech focused Employer pages

15 Door of Clubs Provides funding for college student clubs
Source from club membership Engage candidates before they are looking

16 Common threads Concentration of diverse candidates
Employer access tools

17 Final thoughts

18 Technology can help limit hiring bias

19 Diverse candidates are already there – you just need to ‘see’ them

20 Resumes aren’t always the best tool

21 Employers still need visibility!


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