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Matter, Mixtures, and Separations

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Presentation on theme: "Matter, Mixtures, and Separations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter, Mixtures, and Separations

2 Chemicals or not?

3 What is Chemistry? matter change
Chemistry is the study of matter and change matter all things that have both mass and volume change when something is different than it was before…

4 Mass, Weight, & Volume Mass Weight Volume
amount of matter (stuff) a sample contains Weight force of gravity on a sample Volume amount of space an object takes up

5 What you see… isn’t always what you get.
All physical things are made up of over 100 tiny pieces of matter called elements. Chemistry focuses on how the behavior of those elements on a small scale effects the observable changes we see with our eyes.

6 Matter Again, anything that has mass and occupies space is matter.
A collection of matter with all the same chemical properties is known as a pure substance. A collection of matter with different properties is known as a mixture.

7 Pure Substances Pure substances come in two varieties.
A collection of the same exact atom is known as an element. A collection of atoms bound together in exactly the same way is a compound.

8 Mixtures Mixtures also come in two varieties.
If the collection looks the same throughout, it is called homogeneous. If the collection has a different composition in some areas, it is called heterogeneous.

9 Classifying Matter

10 Separation Techniques
Since different pure substances have different physical properties, mixtures can be separated by physical means.

11 Density A centrifuge will spin a sample, causing denser particles to collect on the bottom of a test tube. If a solid precipitates out of solution, we now have a heterogeneous mixture.

12 Filtration A mixture of solids and liquids can be separated using a funnel and filter paper. The filtered liquid may still have dissolved particles present so it may still be a homogeneous mixture.

13 Distillation A solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) is a mixture of salt and water. Heating the mixture will cause the water to boil away and leave the salt behind. Distillation will cause vaporization of the substance will the lower boiling point.

14 Chromatography This method relies of varying solubility of substances in a mixture.

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