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Effects of physical exercise and regular training in renal transplantation Laura Stefani, Gabriele Mascherini, Cristian Petri, Lorenzo Francini, Marco.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of physical exercise and regular training in renal transplantation Laura Stefani, Gabriele Mascherini, Cristian Petri, Lorenzo Francini, Marco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of physical exercise and regular training in renal transplantation Laura Stefani, Gabriele Mascherini, Cristian Petri, Lorenzo Francini, Marco .Gianassi, Ilaria Corsani, Alessandro Pacini, Enrico Minetti, Giorgio Galanti – Sports Medicine Center – University of Florence, Italy Purpose: Regular physical exercise  contrasts metabolic syndrome. The  study aims  to assess the effects  after 6 months of  individualized  moderate  exercise training program,I n renal solid organ recipients. Methods: 14  renal transplant recipients were submitted to Cardiopulmonary Test,  echocardiographic exam, skin folds, bioimpedance analysis and strengthtest for the lower and higher  limbs .Exercises consisted in 30 minutes of aerobic training , 3 times a  week, and 2 sets of 20 repetitions at 35% of the maximum load for each.  Results. EF is  significantly  enhanced. The anaerobic  threshold improved . Skin folds were significantly reduced  at pectoral level, as well as muscular power Conclusion:  A  short  period  of mixed  aerobic and resistance exercise  improves cardiovascular  performance and  reduces risks  factors linked  to  the visceral fat.  Any  other effects on other  will need of a longer  follow - up .Interruption, or failure to a constant adhesions to physical activity I determines a worsening of the clinical condition of the patients and functional. If supervised exercise based on an individualized exercise program produces, at least initially, and those who join with continuity, significant changes compared to exercises done independently, however the unsupervised form probably conduct to a more adequate adhesion declaration of interest: no conflict of interest

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