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Lunchtime Supervisor training video series

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1 Lunchtime Supervisor training video series
Sue Ehgoetz, Linda Gonschior, Todd Halliday, Mike Herfst, Jim Merrick, & Genny Weerdenburg (Andre Ceci, Jacques-Yves Dubois) DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA

2 Purpose The District School Board of Niagara amalgamated years of best practices around lunchtime supervision in order to create a video series to provide system wide training for all Lunchtime Supervisors.

3 process Proposal sent in and approved by OESC.
Committee was established. Contacted other school boards and asked about their LS training procedures. Brainstormed a variety of common scenarios to videotape. Using a template created by the Tech team, created a script for each vignette. Tech team visited each of the recording sites and recorded the scene/s. LS training sessions were organized in various areas to accommodate different needs.

4 Pre-training questionnaire
In what training and development activities have you participated over the last 12 months? WHMIS  CPR & First Aid  Asbestos Awareness training  Germ Prevention  Violence Prevention  Crisis Intervention  Anaphalactic with Epi-Pen  Job shadowing of previous LS 

5 Dangerous animal on the playground
Quick, but calm action by the lunchtime supervisor minimizes danger…

6 Rank the following vignette from 1-5

7 Sample feedback Supervisor was calm, collected and acted quickly. She was right to notify the principal. Good use of whistle and radio (walkie talkie). Never experienced this. Learned a lot. I would not have known what to do. Would there be a different protocol if the children ran towards the animal (dog)? What if the children go running when they hear the bell ring and the dog follows or chases them? We don’t use walkie talkies at our school.

8 Exemplary practices video
Creating a peaceful playground

9 Rate the following vignette from 1-5

10 Sample feedback Good tips. Very informative with lots of great advice that covered all the bases. It sums up all the videos. I think the vest with pockets, whistle and walkie talkie are all excellent ideas! I like the idea of carrying a pen and paper to write things down. I think the students themselves should see this video, ask questions and make comments to help improve situations all around. Everyone will understand what is expected of themselves. This should be required viewing for all staff!

11 Post-training questionnaire
To what extent did these training and development activities help you do your job better?

12 Sample feedback It’s good to have a refresher course just to make sure you’re doing things right. I learned a few new things that will help me in the field. The videos showed various situations we deal with and it showed different approaches. As well it confirmed what I’ve been doing is correct and productive. This helped so much because I have never had any training.

13 Post-training questionnaire
To what extent did these training and development activities make you feel good about your role?

14 Sample feedback It is nice to know that I am doing the right things.
Showed different strategies. Very good because I am a visual learner. Showed me some areas that I could improve upon. I feel more valuable to the school and students. It’s a very important position. It helped because it made me feel more secure and knowledgeable.

15 Post-training questionnaire
If you could change anything about the training and development you receive, what would you change? More frequent training Nothing. It was great, very informative It would have been beneficial to have this training at the beginning of the school year to let us know what is expected. More discussion between us to compare procedures in our individual schools

16 challenges Privacy issues (with regard to filming – media releases used) Use of new technology Understanding and appreciating roles unfamiliar to us Logistics of filming certain scenes (ie. Firedrills) Weather

17 For more information:
Future plans Edit videos based on feedback Create additional videos (scenarios) Encourage principals to train all staff (provide access to videos) and answer questions/concerns Provide LS feedback to principals (ie. Many felt they needed additional training with lockdown procedures and First Aid) Make recommendations to Health & Safety committee with regards to future training opportunities, as requested by LS’s on feedback For more information:


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