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Introduction to Smart Systems Introduction to course

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1 Introduction to Smart Systems Introduction to course
(COMP 1659) Introduction to course

2 Overview of course 12 Lectures 12 Technical laboratory sessions
Unsupervised work - reading, and additional lab work Main subject categories Atmel / AVR processors Embedded Systems Concepts Embedded Systems Applications Embedded Systems Architecture Embedded Systems Programming Introduction to Robotics and Home Automation concepts Equipment Main - Atmel ATmega1281 microcontroller (8-bit processor) Optional – Mindstorms robotics system (32-bit processor) Languages AVR RISC Assembler Embedded C Java Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

3 STK300 Development Board ATmega1281 Microcontroller module
JTAG connector, position of bit 0 (red wire) indicated

4 Dragon programmer / Debugging Board
JTAG connector, position of bit 0 (red wire) indicated

5 Assessment This is a 15 credit course.
1 Coursework task (100% weighting) No Exam Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

6 Coursework task (working in pairs)
Design, develop, test and evaluate an OPEN-LOOP controller. The coursework task is individualised on a student-contract basis: A list of applications will be provided by the tutor. Each pair of students will identify (from the list) the embedded application for which they will build the controller. The tutor will then confirm choices, on a first-come-first served basis. The coursework is based on the ATMEL microcontroller and the STK300 development boards 100% of course assessment. Groups of 2 with individual evaluation/conclusion Starts this week! Interim upload due: Sat 22nd October 2016 Final upload due: Sat 10th December 2016 Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

7 Labs Each lecture is accompanied by a 2-hour supervised laboratory session (KW116 10am – 12noon Fridays) Students have been allocated to a single lab group which spans the entire 2-hour timeslot. An additional 2-hour lab session occurs later on the same day as the main lab. (KW116 1pm – 3pm Fridays) Anyone can attend this additional lab but tutor help will be focussed on students who are struggling with the work or who are lagging behind. Note: - Students who turn up only to this session will not be given priority. - Students who are making adequate progress will not be given priority. - If you are making good progress with your work please do not take up the lab tutor’s time unnecessarily during this additional lab; there are likely to be others in more need of help. Lab activities may have to be continued in your own study time – the most important thing is that you learn all of the course content, and do not get behind with the schedule. 7 Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

8 What is expected of students studying this course?
Motivation, Positive Mental Attitude and commitment Good attendance, and be on time for lectures. Attendance of all scheduled lab sessions, plus additional lab time as necessary to complete tasks and fully understand. Pre-requisites Level 1 ‘Computer Systems’ or similar subject. Good numeracy, number systems, fluent in Binary, Hex, Decimal. Good programming – concepts and practice. Background study Reading, Reviewing and reflecting, Discussion groups, etc. Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

9 Books, websites and other resources
Books - in library, list is on Teachmat. Useful websites listed on Teachmat. Sample code (custom prepared for the course by Richard). Technical documentation – links to numerous PDFs on Teachmat. Links to videos (Robotics, etc.) Career information (links to sample job adverts). Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

10 Introduction to Smart Systems (COMP 1659)
Introductory content (mini-lecture because most of first session is concerned with course overview and introduction to the coursework)

11 Definition of an embedded system
A special-purpose computer system with the following typical characteristics: A limited, clearly defined functional scope (not user programmable); Functions include sensing of environment, monitoring of behaviour, control; Placed within the device that it controls or monitors; Self-contained (may transmit data, or receive commands through external links); Real-time computing constraints (e.g. control of dynamic system); Optimised for a specific purpose (so minimal processing power, power use, physical size, cost etc). Wide variety of types of embedded systems, deployed in: Portable devices; Battery powered devices; Static sensors in infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, pipelines; Medical equipment; Vehicles; Street signs, traffic lights, speed cameras; Toys; Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

12 Overview of embedded systems concepts and challenges
Embedded systems hardware and software must be designed with a different mindset to general purpose computers and applications. In addition to designing for functionality, a whole range of other aspects must be considered at the design stage. This is because a number of special constraints apply: Once deployed, may be difficult to perform upgrades (because of remoteness, scale of deployment, cost effectiveness, sealed devices that are ‘maintenance free, etc Resources are limited, memory and processing time must be used carefully. No hard disk – long-term and/or bulk storage of data is an issue. Persistence of data storage is an issue (so often are ‘stateless’). Field-upgrade may be needed (e.g. routers) so an interface must be created. No operating system typically – may need a custom ‘monitor program’. Power supply may be limited – so design for efficient power use (power saving ‘sleep’ modes, low power peripherals may be needed such as low-intensity LEDs for output, etc). Small physical size may be necessary, so may use a smaller device package - brings other challenges such as multiplexed I/O pins. Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

13 Example applications of embedded systems (1)
Requirements Functional specific control functions such as rotate motor until endstop reached specific monitoring functions such as sample temperature at 1Hz rate e.g. Activate alarm siren within 10ms of event occurrence Non-functional power efficiency reliability mechanical robustness A specific example (washing machine controller - simpilfied) User settings selection (temperature, spin speed etc.) Wash (Turn on valve 1 (cold water), turn on valve 2 (hot water), Measure water level, Turn off valve 1 (cold water), Turnoff valve 2 (hot water), Start motor (slow) Timer 10 minutes Stop motor) Spin (Start motor (fast) Timer 5 minutes End (Beep, Timer 20 seconds, Repeat loop) Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

14 The first laboratory exercise
Familiarisation with: Atmel Studio 6 – the development environment The STK300 development board The ATmega1281 Microcontroller The AVR instruction set Basic programming techniques Basic activities: Simple parallel port input and output Binary counting and display on LEDs Busy-loop delay Dynamic Debugging using the Dragon board and JTAG interface More advanced activities (time permitting): Inspecting individual input port bits Changing the counting speed based on user input Introduction to Smart Systems Richard Anthony, Smart Systems Technology, The University of Greenwich

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