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System of language interrelated components of Phonology Morphology

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Presentation on theme: "System of language interrelated components of Phonology Morphology"— Presentation transcript:

1 System of language interrelated components of Phonology Morphology
Videos of babbling Morphology covered last time– Turkish; wug test Syntax Negatives, questions, passives Semantics Word learning (Baldwin for today; Tomasello paper for Wed) Pragmatics

2 Morphological Rules Berko (the Wug test)
Do children know the English plural rule with segments (non-words) that they have never encountered before? Children do not memorize each plural but they have internalized a rule for it This is a Wug Now there is another one. There are two of them. These are two …?

3 3 problems of language Problem of reference Problem of grammar
has to do with discovery of what words mean Problem of grammar has to do with arranging morphemes and words into well-formed utterances Problem of pragmatics has to do with figuring out how to use language appropriately in a given context

4 Baldwin: interpersonal understanding
Importance of social interaction and interpersonal understanding Importance of salience (general cognitive constraints) Evidence for importance of social interaction Young typical babies Autistic children Discuss

5 Discrepant labelling 30 to 50% of time
Difference between the infant’s and adult’s focus But infants can learn new words in discrepant labelling situations Understand discrepant emotional expression By 18 months Imitate intentional behavior (there), not nonintentional behavior (whoops), by 15 months Deficits to intentional understanding in autism Motherese and motionese

6 Next 3 meetings Wed: Tomasello, perceiving intentions (pdf)
Mon: Hoff/Naigles; Hurtado, Marchman, Fernald (pdf’s) Wed: Küntay & Slobin (to be distributed)

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