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WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models

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1 WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models
EA SEA-WAY Project WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and capacity building 3rd Technical CB Working Group LWGs & TWGs FB1 Informest Shkodër, 3rd March 2015

2 Local Working Groups LWGs are operational team composed by multidiscipalry actors expert in transport, logistics, energy, environment, etc. LWGs will identify local needs and priorities LWGs will identify themes of common interest to be transferred to the TWG activity and to be taken into consideration into the transport strategy. Common interest themes: New passenger services Infomobility LWGs will provide INPUT for CBB: Priorities and investment needs Share/coordinate common aspect of Pilot Activities LWGs will be composed by 5 to 10 participants each. LWGs are operational team composed by multidiscipalry actors expert in the field (transport, logistics, energy, environment, etc.) LWGs will programme the activities, reflect the local needs and priorities and identify themes of common interest to be transferred to the TWG activity. LWG will be composed by 5 to 10 participants each.

3 Technical (Cross Border) Working Group
TWG is an operational team composed by experts from each PP which will indicate at least one expert per WG TWG will debate on themes of common interest at regional and CB level; TWG will implement the discussion on the needs and priorities arising from the LWGs activity. TWG will provide INPUT for CBB: Outlining of the Strategy; Sharing and coordinating common aspects of the pilot activities (WP6). TWG will develop their activities on at least 2 WGs based on issues in line with the pilot actions to be carried out: 1) services to passengers (ex: ICT, new lines) 2) physical infrastructures

1° TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Start the Analysis of the current situation of the port services and major needs MAY ‘14 1° CROSS BORDER BOARD General discussion concerning the priorities of the partners OCTOBER ‘14 2° TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP - First outcomes of the pps general survey and first idea on the priorities and needs - Set up of common basic ‘standards’ for services in ports DECEMBER ‘14 3° TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP - Inputs for the drafting of the Action Plans - Proposals for Cross Border Agreements MARCH ‘15 2° CROSS BORDER BOARD - First Draft of the Action Plans - Discussion on the Draft of Cross Border Agreements JUNE ‘15 4° TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP - Finalisation of the Action Plans - Discussion on the Final Cross Border Agreements SEPTEMBER ‘15 3° CROSS BORDER BOARD - Final Approval of the Actions Plans - Signature of the Cross Border Agreements & Strategy DECEMBER ‘15

5 Thanks for your attention
Tito STEFANELLI TRT – Trasporti e Territorio Walter GORUPPI INFORMEST

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