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OFF GRID on MARS: Shoham Atia Konstantinos Chiotis Omer lIchter.

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Presentation on theme: "OFF GRID on MARS: Shoham Atia Konstantinos Chiotis Omer lIchter."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFF GRID on MARS: Shoham Atia Konstantinos Chiotis Omer lIchter

2 Future Colonization:

3 What Now ? What are the needs to survive?
How can we sustain our basic needs?

4 So what can we do? Use the natural resources of the Martian terrain
Harvest the water ice, located close to the northern polar ice cap, melt it and use it for water , oxygen , fuel, etc.

5 Harvesting Ice : By using a rover that is autonomous
Locates ice using an H2 Spectrometer Self sustainable Use a drill for ice extraction A device that turns the water ice into liquid

6 Rover: Autonomous, Self Charging Lightweight (Carbon Fiber)
Has a device that turns ice into water(conversion tank)

7 Conversion Tanks The Rover : dock

8 Conversion Tanks: This container is using concave
lenses and mirrors inside to concentrate the sun light to the center of the tank to melt the ice.

9 Sunlight Mirrors Concave lenses

10 Conversion Tanks: Carbon fiber and optic material . Mass = 3.6 kg
Length = 35 cm , R = 7 cm Special lenses that magnify the sunlight on Mars with an intensity of 590 W/m2 One focal point inside

11 Ice to Water: The ice rods lie inside the container
The heat, increases the temperature inside the tank thus melting the ice This process happens during the return of the rover back to home base

12 Home Base: Starts charging the rover immediately
Transfers the captured water Flexible, lightweight solar panels Integrated electrolytic converter for water to become Oxygen and Hydrogen

13 Electrolysis : By the application of electricity on water,
we can create Hydrogen and Oxygen.

14 Oxygen : One of the products of water electrolysis
Vital for human survival The average human consumes ~1000 liters of O2 per day. For this amount of Oxygen, ~1.5 kg of ice is needed

15 Hydrogen : This gas can be used for future utilization as a reacting gas with the atmospheric CO2 to produce by products such as Water (H2O) and Methane (CH4) that can be used for energy production. This can be achieved by utilizing the Sabatier reaction CO2 + 4 H2 → CH4 + 2 H2O + energy

16 Why Electrolyze: Oxygen is the most viable resource for human beings to survive. Hydrogen can be used for energy production

17 Hydrogen energy: In order to produce energy, we need oxygen
By taking double the amount of water , we use half of the oxygen for breathing and half for it to react with hydrogen in a fuel cell to produce energy

18 Process of creating Oxygen And Energy:

19 All in All:

20 Sources: Average energy use -

21 Tanks : https://github. com/Project- HOPS/H. O. P. S. /blob/master/b
Tanks : HOPS/H.O.P.S./blob/master/b.Producing%20Fuel%20on%20the%20G o.markdown 3D models: Oxygen Usage: &tabid=156&mid=715&language=he-IL Software: Solidworks, Schetchup, 3DS Max , Paint , Photoshop Pictures:

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