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Essential Question: How does water movement across the cell membrane affect the shape of the cell?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How does water movement across the cell membrane affect the shape of the cell?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: What are 3 words that begin with hyper? What does hyper mean?

2 Essential Question: How does water movement across the cell membrane affect the shape of the cell?

3 Let’s check your eggs! Open your journal to page 17 (Egg Lab).
Send ONE person from your group to get your egg cup. This person will pour out the vinegar and GENTLY rinse the egg. Place the egg back into your cup and bring it back to your table. As a group, make observations. What do you notice? How does the egg look different? How is it the same? Write what you see. Draw a picture of what the egg looks like now. Write a sentence in your Conclusion area about whether your hypothesis was right or wrong.

4 Now what?? Use the bottle at your table to cover the egg in syrup – just barely cover it! Don’t drown it. With your group, create a hypothesis about what you think will happen to the egg in syrup overnight (If I put an egg in syrup, then………). Send ONE member of your group to put the cup back on the counter.

5 Solutions Foldable Fold the top of the paper down to make a tab.
Put a THIN line of glue on your tab, then glue it to the bottom of page 16 (Transport Foldables). Write SOLUTIONS (Osmosis) above the paper.

6 Osmosis Osmosis- Diffusion of water from high to low concentration

7 ISOTONIC means “same” Under the flap, write this:
DRAW THIS Picture Under the flap, write this: equal concentration of solute inside & outside NO VISIBLE CHANGE

8 In isotonic water will enter and leave the cell at the same rate so the cell stays the same size

9 HYPOTONIC means “below”
DRAW THIS on the flap! Under the flap, write this: solute concentration is LOWER outside the cell water moves into the cell CELL WILL SWELL

10 In hypotonic water will enter the cell will expand and possibly lyse (burst)

11 HYPERTONIC means “above”
DRAW THIS on the flap! Under the flap, write this: solute concentration HIGHER outside the cell water moves out of the cell CELL WILL SHRINK

12 In hypertonic water will leave the cell and the cell will shink

13 Blue arrows are showing which direction water is moving

14 In Osmosis what is moving??

15 This membrane is ONLY permeable to water, which way will water move?
Blue- Water Orange- Glucose

16 In these next 3 questions again we are talking about Osmosis which is the movement of _______ not solute. Water

17 Hypotonic, the cell will swell
90% Water 10% Solute Hypotonic, the cell will swell 75% Water 25% Solute

18 50% Water 50% Solute 20% Water 80% Solute
Hypertonic, water will leave the cell 50% Water 50% Solute

19 60% Water 40% Solute 60% Water 40% Solute
Isotonic, water is moving in and out of the cell at the same rate 60% Water 40% Solute

20 Copy this in your journal we are filling this in together
Type of environment Description of conditions How will the water move? A cell placed in this solution will Hypotonic Higher solute concentration inside the cell Inside the cell Swell Isotonic Same solute concentration outside and inside the cell Both inside and outside the cell Stay the same Hypertonic Higher solute concentration outside the cell Outside the cell Shrink

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