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CS 414 – Multimedia Systems Design Lecture 31 – Media Server (Part 5)

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1 CS 414 – Multimedia Systems Design Lecture 31 – Media Server (Part 5)
Klara Nahrstedt Spring 2010 CS Spring 2010

2 Administrative MP3 due today, April 12 Demonstrations 5-7pm in 216 SC
Sign up in Monday class (today) for the demo slot CS Spring 2010

3 Outline VOD Optimization Techniques
Caching, Patching, Batching Example of Multimedia File System - Symphony Two-level Architecture Cello Scheduling Framework at Disk Management level Buffer Subsystem Video Module Caching CS Spring 2010

4 Caching in Media Servers
Interval-based Frequency-based Source: “preemptive, but safe interval caching for real-time multimedia systems “Lee et al. 2003 CS Spring 2010

5 Patching Stream tapping or patching – technique to support true VOD;
Patching assumes multicast transmission and clients arriving late to miss the start of main transmission These late clients immediately receive main transmission and store it temporarily in a buffer. In parallel, each client connects to server via unicast and transports (patches) the missing video start which can be shown immediately CS Spring 2010

6 Types of Patching Greedy Patching Grace Patching
a new main transmission is started only if the old one has reached the end of the video Clients arriving in between create only patching transmissions Grace Patching If a new client arrives and the ongoing main transmission is at least T seconds old, then the server automatically starts a new main transmission which plays whole video from the start again. CS Spring 2010

7 Batching Batching – grouping clients requesting the same video object that arrives within a short duration of time or through adaptive piggy-backing Increasing batching window increases the number of clients being served simultaneously, but also increases reneging probability reneging time – amount of time after which client leaves VOD service without delivery of video Increasing minimum wait time increases client reneging Performance metrics: latency, reneging probability and fairness Policies: FCFS, MQL (Maximum Queue Length), FCFS-n CS Spring 2010

8 Batching Policies FCFS: schedules the batch whose first client comes earliest, with the aim of achieving some level of fairness Maximum Queue Length: schedules the batch with largest batch size, with the aim of maximizing throughput FCFS-n: schedules the playback of n most popular videos at predefined regular intervals and service the remaining in FCFS order CS Spring 2010

9 Source: “Selecting among Replicated Batching VOD Servers, Guo et al
CS Spring 2010

10 Examples of Real Video Server Systems
Medusa Symphony Alcatel-Lucent 5910 Streaming Server CS Spring 2010

11 Example of Media Server Architecture
Source: Medusa (Parallel Video Servers), Hai Jin, 2004 CS Spring 2010

12 Factors affecting Optimal Block Size
Server Configuration Number of disks in the array Physical characteristics of disks Type of disk array (i.e., redundant vs. non-redundant Client Characteristics Number of clients accessing the server Client request size Objective: given server configuration, client characterization, determine the optimal block size CS Spring 2010

13 Selecting Metrics Aperiodic accesses -=> client-pull architecture
Text Aperiodic accesses -=> client-pull architecture Best effort => minimize response time Graph Source: Shenoy Prashant, U. Mass., 2001 CS Spring 2010

14 Selecting Metric Continuous Media Metric: Minimize service time
Periodic and sequential access => server-push architecture Real-time => minimize tail of response time distribution Metric: Minimize service time of the most heavily loaded disk Graph Source: Shenoy Prashant, U. Mass., 2001 CS Spring 2010

15 Example Multimedia File System (Symphony)
Source: P. Shenoy et al, “Symphony: An Integrated Multimedia File System”, SPIE/ACM MMCN 1998 System out of UT Austin Symphony’s Goals: Support real-time and non-real time request Support multiple block sizes and control over their placement Support variety of fault-tolerance techniques Provide two level metadata structure that all type-specific information can be supported CS Spring 2010

16 Design Decisions CS Spring 2010

17 Two Level Symphony Architecture
Resource Manager: Disk Schedule System (called Cello) that uses modified SCAN-EDF for RT Requests and C-SCAN for non-RT requests as long as deadlines are not violated Admission Control and Resource Reservation for scheduling CS Spring 2010

18 Disk Subsystem Architecture
Service Manager : supports mechanisms for efficient scheduling of best-effort, aperiodic real-time and periodic real-time requests Storage Manager: supports mechanisms for allocation and de-allocation of blocks Of different sizes and controlling data placement on the disk Fault Tolerance layer: enables multiple data type specific failure recovery techniques Metadata Manager: enables data types specific structure to be assigned to files CS Spring 2010

19 Cello Disk Scheduling Framework
Source: Prashant Shenoy, 2001 CS Spring 2010

20 Class-Independent Scheduler
CS Spring 2010 Source: Prashant Shenoy, 2001

21 Class-Specific Schedulers
CS Spring 2010

22 Validation: Symphony’s scheduling system (Cello)
Source: Shenoy Prashant, 2001 CS Spring 2010

23 Buffer Subsystem Enable multiple data types specific caching policies to coexist Partition cache among various data types and allow each caching policy to independently manage its partition Maintain two buffer pools: a pool of de-allocated buffers pool of cached buffers. Cache pool is further partitioned among various caching policies Buffer that is least likely to be accessed is stored at the head of the list. (Examples of caching policies for each cache buffer: LRU, MRU) CS Spring 2010

24 Buffer Subsystem (Protocol)
Receive buffer allocation request Check if the requested block is cached. If yes, it return the requested block If cache miss, allocate buffer from the pool of de-allocated buffers and insert this buffer into the appropriate cache partition Determine (Caching policy that manages individual cache) position in the buffer cache If pool of de-allocated buffers falls below low watermark, buffers are evicted from cache and returned to de-allocated pool Use TTR (Time To Reaccess) values to determine victims TTR – estimate of next time at which the buffer is likely to be accessed CS Spring 2010

25 Video Module Retrieval Policy:
Implements policies for placement, retrieval, metadata management and caching of video data Placement of video files on disk arrays is governed by two parameters: block size and striping policy. supports both fixed size blocks (fixed number of bytes) and variable size blocks (fixed number of frames) uses location hints so as to minimize seek and rotational latency overheads Retrieval Policy: supports periodic RT requests (server push mode) and aperiodic RT requests (client pull mode) CS Spring 2010

26 Video Module (Metadata Management)
To allow efficient random access at byte level and frame level, video module maintains two-level index structure First level of index , referred to as frame map, maps frame offset to byte offset Second level, referred to as byte map, maps byte offset to disk block locations CS Spring 2010

27 Caching Policy Interval-based caching for video module
LRU caching for text module CS Spring 2010

28 Conclusion The data placement, scheduling, block size decisions, caching are very important for any media server design and implementation. CS Spring 2010

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