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Develop lifelong readers with Accelerated Reader

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1 Develop lifelong readers with Accelerated Reader

2 Why are we excited by Accelerated Reading?
Limited pilot 2013/14 - Scores & Attitudes. 2016/17 - A £10,000 investment! New books and technology e.g. iPads. Fantastic Success!

3 What is Accelerated Reading (AR)?
AR is a computer programme that helps manage children’s independent reading. Your child picks a book at their level and reads it at their own pace. Your child takes a short quiz on the computer after completing each book. Passing the quiz is a good indication that the child understood what was read.

4 Accelerated Reading Timetable
Each class will be given 2 x 1 hour slots per week. 6-8 pupils will be supported by one reading mentor. The class teacher oversees the work! Each child will receive 1:1 attention.

5 Book Choice Children choose their own books.
Ownership and enjoyment are key! The teachers and mentors guide pupils to the optimum book (interest, level and challenge).

6 Student Accounts We use both iPads and laptops as well as books.
Pupils will have password entry details for their accounts. The software will record books read and quiz scores. It will also show your child their AR points. Points are gained by successfully completing quizzes. This encourages children as they see their success grow!

7 How does the school determine my child’s reading level?
Professional Judgement Progress in English Standardised Score STAR Reading Test

8 What is a STAR Reading Test?
Star Reading is a computerised reading assessment. Questions continually adjust to your child’s responses. The test uses multiple choice questions and takes approximately 15 minutes. This test gives individual book level range.

9 Year 5 Reading Score An average Year 5 child is likely to have a score between An effective year’s work with Accelerated Reading may help pupils increase their scores by one additional year!

10 Why is the score a range? There are two reasons for this.
Assessing reading is not an exact science. Background, vocabulary, culture and interests all affect how hard or easy a book is to read. Students need a large variety of books. This allows them to pursue their interests and results in the most authentic and motivating reading experience.

11 What if my child doesn’t like reading?
Children will be involved in choosing the books. Teacher/mentor will ensure that they choose a book within the student’s score range. Success on the quiz should encourage your child to read more books.

12 Choosing books at home If your child would like to read books at home you may check the AR Book Level of lots of books on AR Bookfinder(


14 Choosing books at home If your child would like to read books at home you may check the AR Book Level of lots of books on AR Bookfinder( This site will also let you know if the title is on the AR scheme and has a quiz. Books are added to AR all the time.

15 My child already does well in school. Why do they need this?
Able children may benefit most! Bright children need and enjoy challenge. A.Q.E. tests more demanding comprehension.

16 How will I know how my child is doing?
Your observations of their motivation and speed of reading; Half-termly reports; Score range & minutes per day (15 minutes at least!) Parent Interviews & 22nd February; Online records are coming soon!


18 Which Mr Wonka?

19 Develop lifelong readers with Accelerated Reader

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