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Good Health is Above Wealth

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1 Good Health is Above Wealth

2 Let’s guess the words The upper, front part of the body A chest
One of the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man and animals A lung To force air from the lungs with a sudden, sharp sound To cough

3 To put a hand or other part of the body on or against something
To touch At once Immediately The feeling of being hurt Pain Foolish Silly

4 The front of the neck A throat To nod To examine
To bow the head quickly as a sign of agreement or as a greeting To nod To look at smth, closely and carefully in order to find out smth To examine

5 To move food or drink down the throat from the mouth into the stomach
To swallow An organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing or speaking A tongue To give a person (oneself) no peace of mind To worry

6 To feel pain To suffer To be cooked in hot oil or butter To fry Having a bad taste Bitter Clear and certain Definite

7 Головная боль A headache Зубная боль A toothache Боль в животе A stomachache Измерять температуру To take one’s temperature

8 Измерять давление To take one’s blood pressure Измерять пульс To feel one’s pulse Принимать лекарство To take the medicine Чувствовать боль в шее To have a pain in the neck

9 Глубоко дышать To breathe deeply Гулять на свежем воздухе To have a walk outdoors Пить теплое молоко с медом To drink warm milk with honey Принимать душ To take a shower

10 The Doctor’s Adviсe I. Fill in the gaps:
1. The doctor … him, listened to his lungs and heart, … his pulse, … his temperature. 2. “Your … is not serious, so don’t worry!” 3. Smoke just one cigar a day and you … pretty soon (очень скоро). 4. The old gentleman … and thanked the doctor. 5. Your advice … helped me.

11 II. Define what sentences are True and what of them are False:
1. Once an old gentleman went to see a doctor. 2. The doctor didn’t examine the patient at all. 3. The patient thanked the doctor and promised to do everything. 4. A month later the patient felt much worse (гораздо хуже). 5. It was very difficult for the patient to smoke a cigar a day because he didn’t smoke at all.

12 Make up the dialogue, use the sentences below
Can you give me pills? Open your mouth. I want to look at your throat Oh, it looks sore. Yes, I have got. Have you got a temperature? Yes. If you rest today. I've got a sore throat and a headache. Good morning! Come in! Sit down, please! What's the matter? Will I recover, doctor? An injection is better than pills. Thank you, doctor. Good-bye. Good-bye. Good morning!

13 P: Good morning! D: Good morning! Come in! Sit down, please! What's the matter? P: I've got a sore throat and a headache. D: Have you got a temperature? P: Yes, I have got. D: Open your mouth. I want to look at your throat. Oh, it looks sore. P: Can you give me pills? D: An injection is better than pills. P: Will I recover, doctor? D: Yes. If you rest today. P: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye. D: Good-bye.

14 Grammar in active

15 Fill in the gaps with adjectives and nouns, (dark, read, respect, ill, change, white, fresh) don’t forget to use the suffixes –able and – ness. 1. She coughs all the time, the doctor says she has a serious … . 2. He saw the … of the snow early in the morning. 3. I can’t read the letter. I don’t think it is … . 4. Everybody respects the Queen. She is very … . 5. Miss Stone opened the window and felt … of the air. 6. We learn English and know that the weather is very … in England. 7. Somebody switched off the light and we couldn’t see in the … .

16 Don’t forget to change the tense of verbs in Reported Speech
Am/is Are Have/Has Can Do/Does (V) Play (V) Write Will Have bought/bought Was Were Had Could Did Played Wrote Would Had bought

17 Don’t forget to change the time words too:
Today, this week/month/year/ That day… I have done it today Now Then Val is seriously ill now In 2 days/weeks/months 2 days/weeks/months later I will buy a new TV set in 3 days

18 Yesterday, last night/week/month/year
The day before, the previous… She wrote a letter to her parents yesterday Tomorrow The next day My elder sister will visit a doctor tomorrow Two days/months/years … ago Two days/months/years … before The doctor examined the patient a month ago

19 The Letter

20 Hi! I’m Bill Thompson. I’m from California. I’m ten. My hobby is tennis. I don’t have brothers or sisters, but I have lots of friends. My mother is a secretary. My father is a dentist. They will give me a dog as a present on Christmas Day. I will call him Rex. Last year my parents and I went to Europe . I liked Paris most of all because we visited Disneyland there. It was great! I want to have friends in Russia and visit your country some day. All the best Billy

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