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People communicate with each other

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2 People communicate with each other
in many ways: Surfing the internet speaking writing Body movements

3 Gesture Good!

4 Gesture Bad!

5 Gesture Come here!

6 Gesture Good Luck!

7 Gesture I don’t know!

8 Gesture Me?

9 Sign gestures victory

10 Sign gestures ok

11 Body movements welcome

12 Facial Expressions disgust 厌恶 轻视 contempt surprise anger fear joy
1 2 3 disgust 厌恶 contempt 轻视 surprise anger fear joy sorrow 4 5 6 7

13 Unit 21 Body Language Eric Feng

14 Warming up Match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence.

15 Confused I don’t know what to do

16 Angry “I can’t believe she said that! That is so unfair”

17 Sad “ I’ve lost my wallet!”

18 Happy “ I got an A in maths!”

19 Tired “ It’s been a long day. I can’t keep my eyes open.”.”

20 Act and guess 1.Thank you! 2.No! 3.Yes. 4.I have a toothache.
5.May I ask a question? 6.Thinking 7.I am tired/sleeping. 8.I am full. 9.I am hungry. 10.Be quiet. 11.Well-down. 12.Stop. 13.Welcome. 14.Hello!Goodbye! 15.Feeling sorry for having done something wrong. 16.In a hurry 17.I can’t hear you. 18.Not afraid/proud.

21 Discussion Do you think you should be careful about your body movements while you are communicating with others? If you use wrong body movement what will happen?

22 situation If you see Miss Feng carrying a heavy box. Would you be ready to help her? What will you say? Can I help you with that ? Would you like some help? Do you need some help with that? Is there anything else I can do for you ?

23 I will say: That’s very nice of you .Thanks /yes, please. It’s all right. Thank you . Thank you for your help. That is very kind. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. I can manage.

24 If you don’t notice Miss Feng carrying a heavy box,but I really need your help, how could I ask for help? Could you help me with…? Could you please…? Could you give me a hand with this?

25 Then you say: No problem. Of course, I’d be happy to. You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.

26 O: Excuse me, young man. Could you give me a hand with
Asking for help O: Excuse me, young man. Could you give me a hand with this, please? It’s very heavy. P: Of course, I’d be happy to. There we go. O: Thank you. P: You’re are welcome. O: Oh my, this is heavy. Excuse me, sir, could you help me with this bag? P: Certainly. Where should I put it? O: Thank you. Just put it over there, please. P: There you are. O: Thank you, that’s very nice of you.

27 Offering help P: That bag looks very heavy. Do you need some help with that? O: Oh, thank you. Could you please put it over there? P: No problem. There you are. Is there anything else I can do for you? O: No, thank you. Thank you for all your help.

28 Speaking Work with your partner and act out the situations .
Situation 1:Help you with homework. Situation 2 :An old and sick person is on a crowded bus and wants to sit down. Situation 3: Ask the way to the cinema. Situation 4:……………………………

29 Good Bye Thank you for joining us!

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