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Trends in Global Business

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1 Trends in Global Business

2 Trends in Global Business
Globalization Internationalization of U.S. Markets and Businesses PewResearch Opinion Poll Decreasing Economic Dominance of the U.S.?

3 Trends in Global Business
Growth of Prospering Regional Trade Areas EU, NAFTA Disappointment of Regional Trade Areas ASEAN, MERCOSUR Growth of Multilateral Trade Agreements Trans-Pacific-Partnership Pacific Deal Rewrites Rules on Trade in Autos, Patented Drugs Move toward free market system by countries in Asia and Eastern Europe Increasing Skepticism about free markets Capitalism’s Waning Popularity Republicans, especially Trump supporters, see free trade deals as bad for U.S New Tendencies of Protectionism

4 Trends in Global Business
Decreasing Power of WTO Populism in Latin America Large Emerging Markets such as China, Russia. India, and Brazil China’s Leadership and Capitalism What Do Chinese and Japanese Think about Each Other?

5 Trends in Global Business
Russia’s Oil Wealth, Dutch Disease, and Crumbling Democracy India’s two worlds Arab Spring, Civil War, and Refugee Crisis Europe’s migrant crisis in numbers Ideological Divide shifts from Economy to Religion

6 Environmental—Economic
Trends in Global Business Sustainability Economic—Social Ethical business practices Fair trade Worker’s rights “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Environmental—Economic Energy efficiency Less pollution Environmental-Social Environmental justice Stewards of the environment Adapted from UNLV Urban Sustainability Initiative Presentation

7 Trends in Global Business
Sustainability: Fact or Fiction? Fair Trade What is Fair Trade? A Tesla for the U.S. What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? Teslas May Be Making Hong Kong's Pollution Worse A Diesel for Europe No Cheating Needed. Europe's Lax Laws Make Diesel Tests a Snap Critical evaluation of the European diesel car boom

8 Trends in Global Business Increasing Divide Between Rich and Poor
Gini Index: Are the Top 1% getting richer? Do the Math: The Rich Really Are Different

9 r ˃ g (r = rate of return on capital and g = rate of growth of economy)
„When the rate of return on capital significantly exceeds the growth rate of the economy (as it did through much of history until the nineteenth century and as is likely to be the case again in the twenty-first century), then it logically follows that inherited wealth growth faster than output and income“ Piketty, Thomas (2014), Capital in the twentyfirst Century, p. 26, Cambridge: the Bellnap Press of Harvard University. The Importance of Inheritance (France)

10 Trends in Global Business
Aging Population in most Developed Countries and China Aching Health Care and Retirement Systems Aching Health Care System: U.S. Perspective Why is the US health spending so high? Evolving Global Middle Income Households E-Commerce Increasing ideological divide between Islamic and Western countries

11 Trends in Global Business
Offshore Outsourcing of highly skilled labor Capital Movements ($ 400billion/day) exceed Trade ($15 billion/day) Deflationary Forces Driven by New Market Economies Low Real Interest Rates due to Global Saving Glut Large Trade Imbalances

12 Trends in Global Business
Increasing Tensions in the EU Diverging Competitiveness of Countries (North-South divide) Unsustainable Debt in Southern Countries Investors loose confidence, flight of capital, Questionable Rescue Funds and Eroding Trust in Euro

13 Trends in Global Business
Global Financial Crisis and Recession Deleveraging Quantitative Easing Gouvernement Bailouts Deflation or Inflation? Dollar Crisis or Euro Crisis? End of Paper Money? Default of Governments? Psychological and Political Consequences: End of Deregulation? Is the Paradigm of Free Markets Loosing its Dominance? End of Globalization?

14 Trends in Global Business
Perspective of the National Intelligence Council: Global Trends 2030

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