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Building the Model Neurons or parts of neurons Ions Gates dendrite

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1 Building the Model Neurons or parts of neurons Ions Gates dendrite
Ions Gates dendrite axon cell body synaptic vesicles presynaptic neuron postsynaptic neuron K+ Na+ negative organic ions Ca++ voltage-gated ion channels Na+ gates or channels K+ gates or channels

2 Questions to Answer How is this potential difference across the cell membrane generated? What characteristics of membranes allow cells to concentrate or exclude ions? What is it about neurons (nerve cells) that make their properties different from those of other cells? In other words, what enables nerve cells to produce action potentials? How is the an AP started and propagated?

3 5. Explain how the transmission of information between neurons occurs across synapses

4 6. Transmission across synapses involves chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.
Explain the role of the following neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine d. dopamine Epinephrine e. Serotonin Norepinephrine f. GABA

5 7. Explain how the response can be stimulatory or inhibitory.

6 8. Different regions of the vertebrate brain have different functions:
Vision Hearing Muscle Movement Abstract thought and emotions Neuro-hormone production Forebrain (cerebrum), midbrain (brainstem), and hindbrain (cerebellum) Right and Left cerebral hemispheres in humans

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