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Danes’ attitudes towards waste management

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1 Danes’ attitudes towards waste management
Presentation of study from the Danish Waste Association Line Brogaard – City of Copenhagen Presentation Title

2 Collection Schemes in Denmark
Collection Schemes in Denmark

3 Curbside collection and collection from public areas
Curbside collection and collection from public areas

4 Recycling stations

5 Aim of the study Study and analysis carried out in 2013
Aim of the study Study and analysis carried out in 2013 From an economic, environmental and political agenda  Citizens must become better at sorting their own waste. A mapping of values was needed to target the initiatives towards citizens behaviour. Give input to the development of new strategies dealing with citizens and waste handling Give inputs to the political agenda – presenting facts.

6 Respondents 50% women and 50% men
Respondents 50% women and 50% men Geographically representing all of Denmark Equal distribution between: young people without kids toddlers families families with teenage kids empty nesters. Equal distribution in housing type: Single family houses Apartments Farmhouses. 14 local focus groups 24 home visits and >100 interviews at recycling stations 3 methods >1650 survey interviews

7 Seven dimensions Idealism Convenience Focus on waste fee
Seven dimensions Idealism Convenience Focus on waste fee Need for knowledge about waste management Aesthetics Other motivators Satisfaction.

8 Danes are split in 4 different segments
Danes are split in 4 different segments Profiles: Ida & Ivan Idealist Christina & Claus Convenience Poul & Pernille Pragmatic Lasse & Linda I don’t care

9 Ida & Ivan Idealist 30% of the respondents
Recycling is their religion Want to help make a difference in society. Most of them are: Women above 50 years old With own house Long education High income.

10 Christina & Claus Convenience 23% of the respondents
Christina & Claus Convenience 23% of the respondents If they sort their waste it is because it is easy. They want to help make a difference in society but feel that it is difficult. They would prefer if all systems helped make the everyday easier. The majority of the people: Women under 40 years old Living in a rental apartments Income and education are varying.

11 Poul & Pernille Pragmatic 36% of the respondents
Poul & Pernille Pragmatic 36% of the respondents This group of people does what they are told to do. They will change behavior if this is needed, one just needs to tell them what to do. The majority in this group are: Men above 60 years old Living in their own house.

12 Lasse & Linda I don’t care 12% of the respondents
Lasse & Linda I don’t care 12% of the respondents People in this group do not care and have a lack of will. If they should change their behavior and start sorting their waste it should be very easy and the system intuitively explained. This group is represented mainly by: Men under 40 years old Live in rental houses Short or no education Low income.

13 Ideal solution for waste management
Ideal solution for waste management Convenience is most important! New initiatives must not affect the waste fee Proving that you make a difference Makes you feel good about your effort Recognition of your effort.

14 Thank you Line Brogaard, City of Copenhagen Presentation Title

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