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Supervisor’s day Geobiosphere Science.

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1 Supervisor’s day Geobiosphere Science

2 Recruitment process in RE is insufficient – the best candidates are not recruited.
Regulations in force are not followed – LU’s brand and reputation is damaged Non-conformity with regulations lead to insecurity regarding the rights of the individuals admitted to RE Missing or insuficient ISP’s can cause problems in disputes between LU and individuals admitted to RE. 2011 Internal Audit - Risks 2013 – Revised regulations for Research education New routines for selection and admission New routines handling of conflicts New routines for change of supervisor New routines for follow-up of ISP (Dept. representatives etc.) 2014 – 2015 Changes at Faculty of Science

3 Announcement Selection
The suggested project is scientifically sound and a suitable basis for the candidate to reach the educational goals There is funding for the entire education There are resources available in concordance with the decision about acceptable study conditions (N 2013/722). That appointed supervisors are able to give relevant supervision to the extent required by the decided minimum requirements on supervision (U 2014/411) Announcement Selection Selection shall be done by a group including at least one senior person without close ties to the main supervisor. Top candidates (around 2-5) are to be interviewed Written report with motivated ranking of candidates from the group to the Prefekt.

4 Flowchart – Handling of conflicts
Prefekt corrects Follow-up Dir. of studies OK! (possibly prolongation) NO Investigate – Is LU doing its part? YES YES Rrequest withdrawal of resources Still cooperation-problems? The candidate follows ISP? NO NO Issue not solved by supervisor committee = conflict formalities Director of studies Cooperation problems YES Supportive actions Dir. of studies, HR-function etc. Follow-up Dir. of studies Still problems? NO YES Change of supervisor or request withdrawal of resources The candidate follows ISP? NO YES Change of supervisor

5 Department representative
Individual Study Plan – Department representatives What does the Higher Education Ordinance say? (6 Kap. 29 § HF) An individual study plan shall be drawn up for each doctoral student. This plan shall contain the undertakings made by the doctoral student and the higher education institution and a timetable for the doctoral student's study programme. The plan shall be adopted after consultation with the doctoral student and his or her supervisors. The individual study plan shall be reviewed regularly and amended by the higher education institution to the extent required after consultation with the doctoral student and his or her supervisors. Department representative PhD student Supervisors

6 Education project Research project Supervisor
Research in the project, conducted by others Courses

7 What do we wish to achieve with our research?
Research project Education project Establish scientific basis for (further) grant applications Improve qualifications (for grants/positions) Meet expectations of financiers Meet expectations of collaborators Overall goals Conduct certain experiments Analyze certain samples within certain time frames Analyze certain data sets Write certain papers Present results at certain conferences Etc. Short-term goals

8 Higher Ed. Ordinance SFS 1993:100 (Annex 2: Qualifications ordinance)
Knowledge and understanding For the Degree of Doctor the third-cycle student shall: demonstrate broad knowledge and systematic understanding of the research field as well as advanced and up-to- date specialised knowledge in a limited area of this field, and demonstrate familiarity with research methodology in general and the methods of the specific field of research in particular. Competence and skills For the Degree of Doctor the third-cycle student shall: demonstrate the capacity for scholarly analysis and synthesis as well as to review and assess new and complex phenomena, issues and situations autonomously and critically, demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues with scholarly precision critically, autonomously and creatively, and to plan and use appropriate methods to undertake research and other qualified tasks within predetermined time frames and to review and evaluate such work, demonstrate through a dissertation the ability to make a significant contribution to the formation of knowledge through his or her own research, demonstrate the ability in both national and international contexts to present and discuss research and research findings authoritatively in speech and writing and in dialogue with the academic community and society in general, demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and demonstrate the capacity to contribute to social development and support the learning of others both through research and education and in some other qualified professional capacity. Judgement and approach For the Degree of Doctor the third-cycle student shall: demonstrate intellectual autonomy and disciplinary rectitude as well as the ability to make assessments of research ethics, and demonstrate specialised insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used.

9 Research project Education project
Overall goals Knowledge and understanding For the Degree of Doctor the third-cycle student shall: Establish scientific basis for (further) grant applications Improve qualifications (for grants/positions) Meet expectations of financiers Meet expectations of collaborators demonstrate broad knowledge and systematic understanding of the research field as well as advanced and up-to-date specialised knowledge in a limited area of this field, and demonstrate familiarity with research methodology in general and the methods of the specific field of research in particular. Competence and skills For the Degree of Doctor the third-cycle student shall: Short-term goals Conduct certain experiments Analyze certain samples within certain time frames Analyze certain data sets Write certain papers Etc. demonstrate the capacity for scholarly analysis and synthesis as well as to review and assess new and complex phenomena, issues and situations autonomously and critically, demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues with scholarly precision critically, autonomously and creatively, and to plan and use appropriate methods to undertake research and other qualified tasks within predetermined time frames and to review and evaluate such work, demonstrate through a dissertation the ability to make a significant contribution to the formation of knowledge through his or her own research, demonstrate the ability in both national and international contexts to present and discuss research and research findings authoritatively in speech and writing and in dialogue with the academic community and society in general, demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and demonstrate the capacity to contribute to social development and support the learning of others both through research and education and in some other qualified professional capacity. Two different sets of goals Obviously - Performing this properly gives much of that. Research goals not in them selves goals for PhD student ISP – It should contain undertakings by student anf department So resourses available to the student should be visible there And requirements on the student. Department resources - Requirement on student - Judgement and approach For the Degree of Doctor the third-cycle student shall: demonstrate intellectual autonomy and disciplinary rectitude as well as the ability to make assessments of research ethics, and demonstrate specialised insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used.

10 In the pipeline… NUF - Routines and practices around the defence
Pre-evaluation of the thesis? Conflicts of interest? Instructions to committee and opponent? Central follow-up on regulations for withdrawal of resources Make the procedure faster Clarify what is needed for a positive decision (ISP…) Common database for PhD course syllabi


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