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Starter for 5! Give one example of how the poor are exploited and briefly explain it. Give one reason why the Roman Catholic church do not allow women.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! Give one example of how the poor are exploited and briefly explain it. Give one reason why the Roman Catholic church do not allow women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! Give one example of how the poor are exploited and briefly explain it. Give one reason why the Roman Catholic church do not allow women leaders in the church? Which Muslim quote says men and women have equal chance of entering paradise? Which religious believers take the 7 day creation story as fact? Is it fundamentalists or liberalists? Which angel in Islam is the angel of mercy and will reward the righteous?

2 Starter for 5! Give one example of how the poor are exploited and briefly explain it. E.g. Human trafficking, unfair pay, excessive interest Give one reason why the Roman Catholic church do not allow women leaders in the church? Jesus only chose male disciples, ‘women should remain silent in the churches’. Which Muslim quote says men and women have equal chance of entering paradise? Which religious believers take the 7 day creation story as fact? Is it fundamentalists or liberalists? Fundamentalists Which angel in Islam is the angel of mercy and will reward the righteous? Mika’il

3 Responses to Poverty – Helping those in need
Learning Objective: To explore Christian responses to poverty. I can recap why Christians and Muslims believe we should help the poor. I can review my learning of the work of Christian Aid from Year 9. I can creatively demonstrate my learning of the ‘Send a Cow’ campaign.

4 Remember Remember… Why do Christians and Muslims believe it is their duty to help the poor? Give three Christian quotes on helping the poor. Give two Muslim quotes on helping the poor. Recap Christian and Muslim beliefs from previous lessons on helping the poor

5 Remember Remember… Christian Aid
What is Christian about Christian Aid? What is Christian Aid and what do they do? What is the aim of Christian Aid? Christian Aid What do they believe about education? What do they do about this? How do Christian Aid speak out, and what do they speak out about? Recap what students already know about Christian Aid – you can always show the clip they watched from Year 9 as a recap if they are really struggling. Another good link is here: What is an emergency and how do Christian Aid respond? How do Christian Aid give help in the long term?

6 Responses to Poverty – Helping those in need
Learning Objective: To explore Christian responses to poverty. I can recap why Christians and Muslims believe we should help the poor. I can review my learning of the work of Christian Aid from Year 9. I can creatively demonstrate my learning of the ‘Send a Cow’ campaign.

7 Send a Cow British Christian dairy farmers in the West Country started the charity ‘Send a Cow’ when the African country Uganda was emerging from a civil war. Farmland had been destroyed by the war and livestock killed. They came up with the idea of providing a cow for families to provide milk for the family who could then sell any surplus milk. Calves were then given to other families in need so the number of people helped continue to grow. The scheme spread to other African countries. It means the money raised goes directly to helping people in need, rather than possible corrupt governments, and benefits people in the long term.

8 The group whose jingle raises the most money wins!
Radio Jingle You are in charge of creating a radio jingle for the charity ‘Send a Cow’. You are in competition with other groups to see which radio jingle raises the most money. Each group has £20, £50 and £100 to donate to the other groups. When you hear a jingle you will decide whether to donate to that group and how much of your money to give. The group whose jingle raises the most money wins! Top Tips: Make sure your advert is informative. Explain why this is a good way of helping those in need. Link to Christian teachings on helping the poor If you cannot come up with a tune, write lyrics to one you already know, e.g. match of the day, Eastenders etc.

9 How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Evaluate ‘The ‘Send a Cow’ charity is an effective way of helping those in need.’ How far do you agree or disagree with this statement? Strongly disagree Strongly Agree

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