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Introduction to HTML Section A – Programming, HTML

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1 Introduction to HTML Section A – Programming, HTML

2 Programming and HTML The World Wide Web Created in 1989 Purpose
European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Geneva Switzerland) Purpose Provide an easy way to access cross-referenced documents that exist on the internet

3 Programming and HTML The World Wide Web Hypertext links
Contain reference to locate and open specific documents Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Language used to design web pages (documents) Web Browser Program that displays HTML documents

4 Programming and HTML The World Wide Web Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
A type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Identifies names and addresses on the WWW A unique identifier for a web document e.g., a telephone number or mailing address

5 Programming and HTML The World Wide Web Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Consists of 4 parts: Protocol  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Domain Name  or Internet Protocol (IP) address Directory Filename Specific document filename index.(s)htm(l) or default.(s)htm(l)


7 Programming and HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTML Document
Text document that contains: Tags  formatting instructions Text to be displayed

8 Programming and HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTML Document Tags
Enclosed in brackets <tag> Generally consist of: Opening tags <tag> Closing tags </tag> Text contained between the opening and closing tags are formatted according to tag instructions

9 Programming and HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTML Document Tags
All HTML documents begin with <html> tag and end with </html> HTML is not case sensitive

10 Programming and HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTML Document
Tag Attributes Used to configure tags Placed before closing bracket of opening tag <tag attribute=“value”>some text</tag>




14 Programming and HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTML Document
Web browser only acknowledges text and valid tags Web browser ignores non-printing characters Spaces, tabs, carriage returns Must use valid tags or special character codes to accomplish this: Non-breaking space   



17 Programming and HTML Creating an HTML Document Text editor (text)
Notepad, WordPad Word Processor (that can create text files) Word HTML Editor (WYSIWYG) FrontPage, PageMill HTML Converters (WYSIWYG) Word, PowerPoint

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