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Space time characterization II What have we learned about the internal energy of the fragment pattern ? Thermodynamics Temperature measurements using correlation.

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Presentation on theme: "Space time characterization II What have we learned about the internal energy of the fragment pattern ? Thermodynamics Temperature measurements using correlation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space time characterization II What have we learned about the internal energy of the fragment pattern ? Thermodynamics Temperature measurements using correlation function techniques LP-LP/IMF- LP Method : determination of relative population unbound states Impact parameter selected excited states Results Internal excitation of the fragments using correlation function techniques IMF- LP Method description : background simulation Representative results Determination of the thermal component Hard photons : Mg-Mimf correlations Other applications 3-body correlation in Borromean halo nuclei Spin determination

2 Temperature measurements from excited states unstable nuclei
Idea : The unstable complex cluster should be emitted early in the decay --> the temperature is expected to be close to the initial temperature of the fragmenting system Hypothesis : at least local equilibrium Advantages Small sensitivity to collective dynamical effects : rotational, translational, expansion Direct emission Etc. Technique : Correlation function to reconstruct the unstable nuclei Position-sensitive hodoscope MSU Pochodzalla et al., PRC , 1987

3 Results of the excited states
Nayak et al., PRC45 132, 1992

4 Impact parameter selected excited state
F. Zhu et al., PR C52 784–797 (1995)

5 Temperature vs impact parameter / Ein
H.F. XI et al., PRC58 R2636 (1998) Explanation of the THeLi : Excluding volume Emission time of 3He See thermometry F. St-Laurent et al., PLB 202, 190 (1988) Constant temperature over a large range of impact parameter / Ein Serfling et al., PRL 80, 3928 (1998)

6 explanation of low peak energy alpha particle spectrum ?
Experimental kinetic energy spectrum of a is enhanced in the sub barrier compared to statistical calculations. sequential a particles from 5He and other clusters ? R.J. Charity et al., PRC

7 Excitation energy of the primary fragments
Kr + 45A MeV Dwarf Ball/Wall IMF-LCP Vrel Correlations 1+R(Vrel) = Nc/Nnc Background Parameterization A-1/(BVrel+C) Evaporated p, d, t, 3He, a size, E*pr primary fragments Thermal Contribution N. Marie et al., PRC 58, 256 (1998) S. Hudan et al., PhD thesis and PRC67, (2003) P. Staszel et al., PRC63, (2001)

8 Excitation energy of the fragments
Data Simulation Xe + 50A MeV, Indra Collaboration TAMU-GANIL

9 Evaporated LCP multiplicities
<E> (MeV) <M> Zimf Zimf

10 Evaporated LCP multiplicities

11 Excitation energy of the primary fragments
Primary fragment mass hypothesis

12 Application 1 : Proportion of thermal contribution
Excitation energy saturates at 3 AMeV Mev/Mtot fraction reflects <E*/A> of the primary fragments The majority of LCP are not evaporated by excited primary fragments

13 Application 2 : Constraint to statistical calculations
Direct comparison to primary fragments produced by SMM, before their decay and Coulb. Total evaporated charge ( z=1, 2 ) In these calculations the size of source was kept fixed, if we decrease this size we may fit the data. It was not our choice. In deed we performed predictive dynamical calculation with AMD. It was not compared to MMMC since in this model the secondary decay is included in the final partition

14 Charge distribution for Xe + Sn at 50 and 100 A MeV
Data-AMD Comparison S. Hudan et al., PhD thesis and A. Ono & S. Hudan PRC66, (2002) Charge distribution for Xe + Sn at 50 and 100 A MeV Xe+Sn 50 A MeV, 0<b<4 Xe+Sn 50 A MeV, 0<b<4 Reasonable agreement in the limit of the number of simulated events (a huge cpu time )

15 Application 3 : Direct comparison to AMD before cooling
Xe + 50 AMeV AMD For the 22% of protons which are evaporated by the primary fragments we have some problems but for the remaining 78% The agreement is good.

16 Characteristics of the Quasi-Projectile
Carmen Escano PhD thesis (in preparation) Stage Josiane Moisan

17 Zbig > 40 30 < Zbig < 40 25 < Zbig < 30 Alpha
Stage Josiane Moisan Alpha 20 < Zbig < 25 10 < Zbig < 20 5 < Zbig < 10

18 Zbig > 40 30 < Zbig < 40 25 < Zbig < 30 Proton
Stage Josiane Moisan Proton 20 < Zbig < 25 10 < Zbig < 20 5 < Zbig < 10

19 Evaporated protons Preliminary results :
Carmen Escano PhD thesis (in preparation) Preliminary results : Quasi-Projectile Central collisions The proton multiplicity evaporated from the quasi projectile spectator vs the charge of this spectator. It has a linear increase with the size of the spectator. Let’s compared to the multiplicity of proton evaporated from the primary fragments produced at central collisions at 50 AMeV. It follow the systematic

20 Nuclear breakup Dominates, small b Electromagnetic dissociation

21 Spin determination of particle unstable levels with particles correlations
8Be : p-7Li 8B : p-7Be W.P. Tan et al., PRC69, (R) (2004)

22 central collisions: correlation factors as a function of a threshold on the photon energy
1+R g-IMF E NI + AU 30A MeV NI + AU 45A MeV Black: IMF’s velocity in W1 Red: IMF’S velocity in W2 0.28 0.14 0.07 beam  c.o.m W2 W1 The 45A MeV data strongly support the hypothesis of prompt multifragmentation, while the 30A MeV data are compatible with a late statistical decay of a heavy composite system. This indicates a transition between the two mechanisms just in the region of the Fermi energy direct thermal The photon energy spectra: two component exponential fit thermal photon source  nucleus-nucleus c.o.m. velocity direct photon source  nucleon-nucleon c.o.m. velocity

23 Conclusions and perspectives
Correlation function is powerful tool to reconstruct stable or unstable nuclei  it can be applied to structure study of exotic nuclei far from stability Temperatures extracted from excited states saturate around 4-5 MeV for a large range of impact parameter and incident energy (up to 200 A MeV). Experimental study of the Xe + Sn system from the onset of multifragmentation: the fragments are excited and their E* saturates at 3A MeV. For a fermi gas a = A/8 --> T = 5 MeV comparable to T excited-state  T=5 consistent with the limiting temperature below which primary frag deexcite only through evaporation The proportion of thermal LCP does not exceed 35% and decreases with Einc. Reaction mechanism (HIC) is not able to heat the fragments more than 3A MeV.  a comparison to the proportion of the fast source component extracted from imaging source technique may provides a good cross check to the two method Comparison with a statistical and dynamical model calculation : The assumption that the system is in equilibrium at low densities reproduces the primary fragments excitation energies. BUT it fails to predict the evolution of the evaporative LCP with the incident energy. AMD predict almost the total energy spectra of protons (78% of total emission) But it fails to reproduce the thermal contribution (22%). Questions : Why are the excitation energies of the spectator fragments at 100 AMeV and the participant fragments at 50 AMeV the same ? Thermal energy saturation ? Same production mechanism ? Or … ?

24 Few hodoscopes inside a 4p ?
4p solid angle Quasi complete information Estimation of E*of all fragments, Thermal component Quantitative estimation Small solid angle Temperature measurements Precise reconstruction of fragments Structure : spin, exotic nuclei Qualitative partial information Do we need 4p hodoscope ? Few hodoscopes inside a 4p ?

25 Comparison between HIPSE model and INDRA data :
Fragment-fragment correlations in central collisions Relative velocity and relative angle Of the three biggest fragments Taken two by two Selection : Ztot >80%, Pztot>80%, flow angle> 30 degree DATA HIPSE Xe+Sn In HIPSE, clusters are formed from the very first instant of the reaction [simultaneous fragmentation] up to several thousand of fm/c (during the desexcitation [sequential decay]. In fact, the in-flight decay is performed to preserve space-time correlations. The good reproduction of Fragment-Fragment correlations indicates that the HIPSE scenario is compatible with data Figure from A. Van Lauwe, Ph.D. Thesis-LPC Caen (2003)

26 Deducing the timescale of multifragmentation using thermal photons (Eg 25 MeV) as a “clock” and the -IMF correlation factors as experimental tool MEDEA + MULTICS at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud First compression  direct photon production Expansion  prompt IMF emission (at t=t0 the system enters the spinodal region) If the system survives: Second compression  thermal photon production, HHS formation, statistical IMF’s The chronometer: density oscillation from BNV simulations of the reaction dynamics and location in time of the main processes thermal photons hot heavy surviving system  mmIMF  m mIMF The experimental tool: -IMF correlation factors 1+ R -IMF = Values  1 signal anticorrelation i.e. in a significant fraction of events the emission of fragments inhibits the photon production (0 if the system always disintegrates before and 1 for independent emission)

27 Evolution of the multifragmentation of the Xe+Sn system from 25-150 AMeV
Abdou CHBIHI for the INDRA and ALADIN collaborations Experiments GANIL and GSI with INDRA Global feature of the fragment emission Experimental characteristics of fragment production in central collisions (size and E*pr) Comparison to statistical and dynamical calculations Characteristics of the 100 AMeV Preliminary results






33 V. Serfling et al., PRL (1998)

34 V. Serfling et al., PRL (1998) H.F. XI et al., PRC58 R2636 (1998) F. St Laurent et al., PLB 202, 190, 1988



37 Primary fragment reconstruction method
N. Marie et al., PRC 58, 256 (1998) S. Hudan et al., PhD thesis and PRC67, (2003) Xe + 32 A MeV IMF-LCP Vrel Correlations 1+R(Vrel) = Nc/Nnc Background Parameterization A-1/(BVrel+C) Evaporated p, d, t, 3He, a size, E*pr primary fragments Thermal Contribution Fonction de corrélation en Vrel = rapport entre les corrélés et non-corrélés, ces derniers sont construits en mélangeant les événements. La fonction différence. Une simulation a permis de comprendre cette forme. La bosse

38 Temperature measurements from excited states unstable nuclei
Idea : The unstable complex cluster should be emitted early in the decay --> the temperature is expected to be close to the initial temperature of the fragmenting system Hypothesis : at least local equilibrium Advantages Small sensitivity to collective dynamical effects : rotational, translational, expansion Direct emission Etc. Technique : Correlation function to reconstruct the unstable nuclei

39 Temperature measurements from excited states unstable nuclei
Position-sensitive hodoscope Pochodzalla et al., PRC , 1987

40 Conclusions Experiments : Experimental study of the Xe + Sn system from the onset of multifragmentation The fragments are excited and their E* saturates at 3 A MeV. The proportion of thermal LCP does not exceed 35% and decreases with Einc. Reaction mechanism (HIC) is not able to heat the fragments more than 3A MeV.  Strong constraints on the statistical and dynamical models. Comparison with a statistical and dynamical model calculation : The assumption that the system is in equilibrium at low densities reproduces the primary fragments excitation energies. BUT it fails to predict the evolution of the evaporative LCP with the incident energy. AMD predict almost the total energy spectra of protons (78% of total emission) But it fails to reproduce the thermal contribution (22%). Questions : Why are the excitation energies of the spectator fragments at 100 AMeV and the participant fragments at 50 AMeV the same ? Thermal energy saturation ? Same production mechanism ? Or … ?

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