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Science Camp It’s Awesome!

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Presentation on theme: "Science Camp It’s Awesome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Camp It’s Awesome!

2 What it’s like to be a fish
We learned that fish use gills to breathe. They like to eat, sleep, swim. Fish go to the bottom to use the bathroom. They are very colorful. They live in the ocean, a tank, lake or river.

3 What’s It’s Like To live in the Ocean
For our experiment,we put the egg in the water but the egg did not float. When we added salt and it dissolved, the egg floated. Some living things live in saltwater and some live in freshwater. We used the scientific method to do our experiment.

4 Ocean floor We shared knowledge and skills.
We answered other questions. We made ocean floor models with rocks, gravel,and water. We found each other's gold at the bottom of the ocean floor. We were ocean explorers.

5 Ocean Diorama Students used food chain diagram about feeding relationships in their environment. Students created dioramas with poster board and art supplies. The class worked using their different skills to share their knowledge. Students displayed their posters so their peers can see their work.

6 The Myrtle Beach Aquarium
We went to the classroom and learned about shark teeth and how the their scale help the swim faster or slow them down. We also saw a 2,000 year old tooth. Our group saw sharks at the underwater tunnel, fish and eels. We watched a video about how a dinosaurs died. We saw how they make the dinosaur robot move. We got to see how a string ray feels.

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