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Intro to Biology Review

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1 Intro to Biology Review
Chapter 1

2 2. What kinds of things would a biologist study?
1. What is Biology? Study of life 2. What kinds of things would a biologist study? Characteristics of known and new living things Interactions between living things Interactions between living things and the environment Problems living things face and possible solutions What kinds of things would a biologist not usually study? Any non-living thing (will vary…rocks, weather, plastics) 3. What are the five characteristics of life? Organization Change Reproduce Respond Adapt and Evolve

3 4. What are the levels of organization from the most simple to the most complex?
Simplest – atom Complex - Ecosystem 5. At what organizational level is a one-celled protozoan? Is there another level that it could technically fit into? Cell or organism 6. What is reproduction? Can an organism be alive if it did not reproduce? Organisms producing offspring for the survival of the species yes 7. What is a species? Organisms able to reproduce and create fertile offspring 8. Every organism starts as a _ and becomes more _. Single cell, complex

4 10. Why should any organism respond? To survive
9. My dog hears thunder and runs under my bed. What is the stimulus? What is the response? Come up with your own example of a stimulus and response. Stimulus – Thunder Response – dog under bed 10. Why should any organism respond? To survive 11. What is homeostasis? Regulation of internal conditions for survival 12. Responding to one’s surroundings requires which is the ability to _. We obtain this ability from _. Energy… work……food 13. What is the difference between adaptation and evolution? Adaptation – change in behavior, structure, internal processes to respond to environment Evolution – accumulation of adaptations or changes over time

5 Credible, accurate, and relevant
14. What are the 7 steps to the Scientific Method? For what would someone use the Scientific Method? State the Problem Gather Information (Make observations) Form a Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis - Design an Experiment Record and Analyze Data Form a Conclusion Repeat 15. When you collect data to form a hypothesis, that data should be ______, _______, and ________. Credible, accurate, and relevant 16. Where are some good places to look for reliable data? Previous scientific investigations Science journals Textbooks Other credible sources, such as scientifically reliable internet sites

6 17. What is the difference between an observation and an inference?
Observation have actually happened…inference judgment based upon previous observations 18. I notice that it is raining outside and I figure my bus is going to be late. What is the observation? What is my inference? Observation – raining Inference – bus will be late 19. You have a control group and an experimental group in your test. What is the difference? Control – all conditions are kept the same Experimental – conditions match that of the control except for the one factor being tested

7 20. I want to test the claims that a commercial made about a new shampoo. How could I set up an experiment? Be sure to define the two “groups” that I’d need and define what my two types of variables would be. Set up two groups with a reasonable number in each experimental group – use the shampoo control group - would not Observe hair in each group over the period of a month Record condition of hair Independent – shampoo Dependent – promised result (ie softer, etc.) 21. Why would you want a large sample size in your experimental set up? A large sample size increases the reliability of results and decreases the effect of errors on the outcome

8 22. Determine the independent and dependent variables in the following experimental descriptions.
A corn field is divided into four parts, each part is 'treated' with a different fertilizer to see which produces the most corn. I – different fertilizers D – corn production A teacher practices different teaching methods on different groups in her class to see which yields the best unit test results. I – teaching methods D – class results A doctor treats a patient with a skin condition with different creams to see which is most effective. I – skin creams D – skin conditions Three different groups of runners are subjected to different training methods to determine which will decrease their time I – training methods D – running times

9 23. What is the difference between precision and accuracy?
Precision – the degree to which measurements made in the same way agree with each other Accuracy – the degree to which the value measured agrees with the true or accepted value 24. No matter how my experiment turned out, what two “R” steps should I always do? Repeat and report 25. What is the difference between fact and theory? Fact – Observable phenomenon that can be confirmed by scientists many times Theory – a hypothesis tested over a long period of time, supported by separate experiments 26. Name and list the differences between the two types of research. Quantitative – controlled experiments, numerical data Descriptive – based on observations in uncontrolled environments

10 Class Records of Rainfall (cm)
27. What are some quantitative measurements and descriptive observations that I could make during my study of the African elephants? Quantitative - # of elephants Descriptive - behavior 28. What is SI and why should I use it? International Systems of Measurement Standard units so everyone understands 29. Graph the information to the right…REMEMBER to include all of the required parts. Class Records of Rainfall (cm) Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer School Charleston, SC 36 46 51 Myrtle Beach, SC 35 45 48

11 30. What parts are required for a helpful and complete table?
Title Clearly labeled columns and rows Labeled units 31. What parts are required for a helpful and complete graph? A label for each axis Legend Data properly depicted * Independent on x-axis * Dependant on y-axis 32. Looking at the table in #29, what are the independent and dependent variables? Independent – Class locations and time of year Dependent – rainfall measured

12 34. What type of graph would I use for the following data sets?
33. What are the three main types of graphs? What kind of data is appropriate for each one? Line - For continuous quantitative data Bar - For non-continuous data (usually in categories) Pie - For data that are parts of a whole 34. What type of graph would I use for the following data sets? A survey of people’s favorite color bar Height of a plant measured during the first 30 days of growth line The percentages of time spent in class on each activity pie Number of people in each state that voted in the last election Population growth over time

13 35. What unit and tool would I use to measure the following items?
Length of my textbook Centimeters - ruler Temperature of my steak Degrees Celsius - thermometer How fast I ran the 100 meter dash Seconds - stopwatch How much water I drank after my 100 meter dash Milliliters or liters - graduated cylinder The difference between the mass of my biology textbook and my notebook Grams - triple-beam balance 36. Convert the following units 467 meters is 467,000 mm 1.24 kg is 1,240 g 1,284 mL is 1.284 L

14 37. What are ethics? Do all humans have the same ethics?
moral principles and values held by humans – not everyone’s are the same 38. What are some benefits and downsides to technology? Give an example of technology that has had both benefits and downsides. Benefit – save time, make things easier… Downside – create pollution, could hurt others… Example – car…makes it easier to get places but causes pollution 39. How are the goals of scientific and technological design different? Scientific Investigation - Goal is to answer a question, perhaps advance the knowledge of science Technological design - Goal is to create a specific outcome, perhaps advance the standard of living in societies

15 Scientific Investigation
Technological Design Identifies a problem – asks a question Identifies a problem or need Researches related information Designs an investigation or experiment Designs a process or a product Conducts the investigation or experiment – repeated trials Implements the design or the process – repeated testing Analyzes the results Evaluates the conclusion – did the results refute or verify the hypothesis Evaluates the process or product – did it meet the criteria Communicates the findings Communicates the product or process

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