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World Health Organization

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1 World Health Organization
9 May 2018 Frequency of clinic visits and drug refills for antiretroviral therapy A systematic review and meta-analysis Tsitsi Appollo,1,2, Nathan Ford,3 Eugenua Socias,4 Matthew Weins,4 Edward J Mills,4,5 Steve Kanters4,6 1. College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe 2. AIDS and TB Unit, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Harare, Zimbabwe 3. Department of HIV/AIDS, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland 4. Global Evaluative Sciences, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 5. College of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda 6. School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


3 Half of the 15 million people on ART people were started >5 years ago

4 Retention in care gender Clinical stage CD4 count Age
41 countries. WHO-IeDEA collaboration, 2015

5 Barriers to care Distance Waiting times Competing priorities
Govindasawmy, AIDS 2012; Mills Plos Med 2006

6 World Health Organization
Systematic review 9 May 2018 6 databases searched 01/2000 – 06/2015 Clinic visits & dispensing frequency Mortality, morbidity, adherence, retention, viral suppression, cost

7 Strategies Reduced frequency could either be changed
Without any other changes, typically within centralized care In combination with non-clinical services within a decentralized care model Five studies reduced frequency of clinic visits and/or pharmacy re-fills without any further changes Five studies reduced clinic visit frequency with decentralization of care

8 Study characteristics (1)

9 Study characteristics (2)

10 Less frequent clinic visits
Mortality Morbidity

11 Less frequent clinic visits
Retention Adherence

12 Less frequent clinic visits
Viral failure

13 Less frequent clinic visits
Other outcomes Cost: Three studies pointed towards reduced cost per patient with reduced clinical visits $520 USD vs. $655 USD in Babigumira et al, 2011 $58 USD vs. $109 USD in Adherence Clubs in South Africa $793 USD vs. $838 USD in the Jinja trial Acceptability (Direct): reported by one study (Selke et al, 2010) Comparable Acceptability (Indirect) : At 12 months follow-up 521 (13.6%) of patients in the 6-monthly group had returned to SOC in the Malawi study

14 Less frequent drug refills: retention

15 Reduced clinic visit frequency Reduced drug refill frequency
Summary Reduced clinic visit frequency No difference in mortality Less morbidity Significantly better retention Possibly better adherence Possibly better viral suppression Reduced drug refill frequency Possibly better retention Possibly better adherence Possibly better viral suppression

16 WHO Recommendations 2015 Less frequent clinical visits (3-6 months) are recommended for people stable on ART Less frequent medication pickups (3-6 months) are recommended for people stable on ART

17 Acknowledgements Systematic review Team World Health Organization
Tsitsi Appollo, Eugenua Socias, Matthew Weins, Edward Mills, Steve Kanters, World Health Organization Meg Doherty, Rachel Beanland, Eyerusalem Negussie Guidelines Development Group MSF Tom Decroo, Marielle Bemelmens, Saar Baert, Eric Goemaere, Marc Biot, Gilles van Cutsem, Lynne Wilkinson

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