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Energy And Its Forms Energy = Life Where do we get energy from?

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Presentation on theme: "Energy And Its Forms Energy = Life Where do we get energy from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy And Its Forms Energy = Life Where do we get energy from?
Types of energy Thermal Electrical Radiant Nuclear Gravitational Kinetic Elastic Sound Chemical Energy units Energy transformation

2 Energy = Life Energy powers our planet
Without the energy from the sun, all life would perish _______________

3 Energy = Convenience and Comfort
We use energy every day to heat our homes, run our cars and power our gadgets Life would be very different without it

4 TeachWithFergy Preview File
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5 Where does it come from? We obtain energy from many sources _______

6 Types of Energy There are many forms energy can take but we will discuss 9 List as many below as you can

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8 2. Electrical Energy The energy carried by electrons moving from one substance (atom) to another. ___________

9 3. Radiant Energy _____________
i.e. microwaves, visible light, radio waves.

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11 5. Gravitational Potential Energy
___________ Water that is raised up gains potential energy due to its motion against gravity. Gravity wants to pull it down If the water is allowed to move with gravity, it can be used to do something like spin a turbine to generate electricity in a hydroelectric power plant

12 6. Kinetic Energy _______________
Anything that is moving has kinetic energy If an object gains potential energy by raising it up, it ……………..

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14 8. Sound Energy A type of energy that is produced by vibration

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16 Energy Units No matter which form of energy you are talking about, ____________

17 Energy Transformation
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. Examples: The bonds within a piece of wood have chemical potential energy. It releases this chemical energy when it is burned ___________

18 Energy Transformation Equation
Shows the different forms the energy takes as well as the order. Each form of energy is separated by a  Example: A microwave uses electrical energy to create radiant energy (………….. _______________________

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