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The Three Little Pigs.

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Presentation on theme: "The Three Little Pigs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Three Little Pigs

2 Movie of “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs”
Adapted Text: Movie of “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs”

3 Characters

4 Vocabulary Out: From a specified source or material.
The pig built his house OUT of straw In: In or into some place, position, state, relation etc: Little pig, little pig, let me come IN Big: Large in size, height, width, or amount The BIG, bad wolf blew the house down Little: Small in size, not big or large; tiny The first LITTLE pig built his house out of straw

5 Comprehension Questions
In the original “Three Little Pigs” who is the bad guy? Give examples of things he does that are bad. “What do the pigs think happened? What does the wolf thing happened? (is this the same or different)” “Who do you believe and why?”

6 Writing prompts “Write how the pigs felt” (descriptive)
“Write how the wolf felt” (descriptive) “Describe what your dream house would look like”

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