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Synthetic Turf.

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Presentation on theme: "Synthetic Turf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthetic Turf

2 Timeline Based on Fall 2017 Install
Notice to Proceed - April 15th Preparation of Construction Documents and City approval (2.5 month duration) Out to Bid – July 8th Bid Opening – July 29th City Council Approval – August 16th Start of Construction – September 17th Cost Estimates Design services = $50,000 - $60,000 Total Project estimate (includes Design services) = $1.2 - $1.6 mil


4 What can be done with turf?
More events including sports other than baseball Ability to hold events every weekend Slammers are on the road Stadium can be used earlier in the spring and later in the fall Concerts Rainouts only occur if it is storming during scheduled game time. Games are not lost due to field conditions (lost one game completely in 2016, had to move another game because of standing water on warning track and in outfield)




8 Slammers 15U Tournament 2016 Held one tournament as trial
Rained Saturday into Sunday, so Sunday games were cancelled due to unplayable field conditions 8 teams (12 to 15 Players per team) 4 out of town teams = 138 night stays at Joliet hotels - Lafayette: 15 rooms for 3 nights - Indianapolis 13 rooms for 3 nights - Florence: 11 rooms for 3 nights - Kenosha: 7 rooms for 3 nights *Only 8 hours across these 4 days were directly allotted for time spent at Silver Cross Field* This left 88 hours for "economically attractive" families to spend in Joliet

9 Sports Tourism: The $7 Billion Industry
“The Sports Facilities Advisory says that despite a struggling economy, youth sports participation and sports tourism have thrived and blossomed into a fiscal impact of $7 billion” On average each youth athlete generates an additional 2.14 visitors On average each athlete and additional visitor generates a direct economic impact of $208 for each day spent in Joliet Based on this model, A 3-Day Baseball Tournament would generate an average Economic Impact of $200,304 in one weekend What this means… By giving us the ability to utilize all available weekends, Turf at Silver Cross Filed would create an average of $3,605,472 in additional revenue for the Joliet economy each year *Based on2016 Silver Cross Field Schedule = 18 available weekends from Mar 1 to Oct 31 **74 available weekdays to fill with additional events for added revenue *** Turf would also afford us the opportunity to extend our window of available dates “Recession-resistant” (SFA); during a time of recession, and a cut back on consumer spending. Youth sports and sports related travel have remained steady 53 Million, traveling athletes participate in youth sports nationwide (Forbes 2013) Goal is to create a youth sports destination (Myrtle Beach, Cooperstown, WWS, etc.) Sports tourism creates Gateway experiences for kids Building a travel baseball empire Ability to produce events beyond baseball (Football, soccer, rugby, softball, etc.)

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