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Daniel Mazin and Nadia Tonello Max-Planck-Institut für Physik München

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel Mazin and Nadia Tonello Max-Planck-Institut für Physik München"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel Mazin and Nadia Tonello Max-Planck-Institut für Physik München
Analysis chain for MAGIC Telescope data Daniel Mazin and Nadia Tonello Max-Planck-Institut für Physik München D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

2 Technique Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope Cherenkov light
Image of particle shower in telescope camera: Atmosphere Particle shower ~ 10 km ~ 1o Cherenkov light ~ 120 m D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

3 Calibration Calibration runs: same number of photons in all PMs
MAGIC Camera Calibration Calibration runs: same number of photons in all PMs Calibration methods: Ffactor method (relative calibration) Muons (absolute calibration) Blind-pixel method …to be installed D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

4 Charge extraction Extract signal from ADC data:
signal digitized every 3.3 ns pedestal subtraction sum N-ADC slices N=large: collect charge in tails N=small: reduce NightSkyBackground contribution typical value: N=4 Pulse shape after pedestal subtraction D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

5 Calibration Relative pixel to pixel calibration Calibration runs:
MAGIC Camera Calibration Calibration runs: Output of PMs not uniform After calibration: All PMs show the same photon density D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

6 Calibration Nphel = (Q2/ s2Q) F2 Q Mean charge for pixel
absolute calibration in number of photoelectrons Calibration Mean number of photoelectrons Nphel = (Q2/ s2Q) F2 where F2= (measured) Q Mean charge for pixel from a calibration run s2Q variance from the charge distributions of the pixel F2 correction for intrinsic noise of the photomultiplier D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

7 Image cleaning Calibrated charge Arrival time Signal/Noise
Shower image D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

8 Hillas Parameters muon shower gamma shower hadron shower (background)
LENGTH, WIDTH, DISTANCE, SIZE, ALPHA, … Shower reconstruction and background rejection based on image shape analysis D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

9 -hadron separation PRELIMINARY MC-
-hadron separation by using cuts in: LENGTH, WIDTH, DISTANCE, etc MC- Black: data MC-hadrons Since all these parameters are not independent, we use Dynamical cuts WIDTH PRELIMINARY MC- Black: data MC-hadrons Remark: cuts are optimized using ON and OFF data. MC data are not used for optimization due to ongoing tuning of MC LENGTH D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

10 -hadron separation SuperCuts hadrons WIDTH gammas SIZE
Current analysis D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

11 -hadron separation Mean Scaled Hillas
For each SIZE bin Mean value of LENGTH is calculated (red curve). Black curves – optimized cuts on LENGTH. D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

12 Alpha plot D.Mazin, N.Tonello ISCRA 14th Course
MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

13 Preliminary results by using anode currents:
Source Position For determination of the source dependant parameters: SOURCE POSITION is needed First step: pointing and tracking precision Star guider (online correction, being commissioned) Use anode currents to determine star positions (offline) H Mrk 421 Crab Nebula 3C279 Triangulation Second step: determine source position (known coordinates) Preliminary results by using anode currents: Position with a statistical error ~0.01 possible to detect stars until 8th magnitude in the inner pixels updating every 10 sec D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

14 False Source Method If the source position unknown:
For each position in FoV the source dependant parameters are calculated The same for the OFF data For all positions in FoV the alpha plot is produced and Nexcess / significance are calculated ~5min of Mrk421 data ~5min of Mrk421 data D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

15 OUTLOOK Other analysis techniques: Further analysis steps:
Further optimization of gamma-hadron separation using Hillas parameters: Random Forest (is used) Neural Net (ready to be used) Fit the complete camera event information: Model Analysis (being development) Further analysis steps: Lightcurve (gamma-flux as a function of time) Energy spectrum D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

16 OUTLOOK NEXT TALK: presented by Ester Aliu MAGIC first results
D.Mazin, N.Tonello MPI for Physics, Munich ISCRA 14th Course Erice, 2nd-13th July 2004

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