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Competitive Recruitment Robynne Hall

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1 Competitive Recruitment Robynne Hall
Positive People Solutions

2 Not-for-Profit Sector: The ‘Real’ World
Is ‘Not-for-Profit’ how organisations in this Sector should define themselves? “Not for Loss” “Profit for Purpose” Passion needs to be focussed appropriately….. Ask yourself, is your NFP Commercial? Competitive? Realistic? Pragmatic?

3 HR Jargon – Who Am I? Human Resources Manager HR Business Partner
HR Superintendent General Manager, People & Culture Executive Director, Human Resources & Engagement Talent Resourcing Specialist Principal People Advisor People & Culture Business Partner People Strategist Specialist / Practitioner / Advisor / Consultant / Coordinator

4 Time for a revitalised approach …
“One thing’s for sure. If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting. One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.” Stephen Convey

5 Standing Out in a Crowd Protect and capitalise on your brand and reputation Work from the inside out! Creative Employee Benefits “People Governance”

6 People Investment “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” Richard Branson

7 Process…. Process…. Process
Bad hiring decisions Right approach….. Right tools….. Right candidates Selection criteria Selection panels Unconscious Bias “Grow your own”

8 Keep it simple ….

9 Complex Processes & Policies

10 In a nutshell Keep it simple Engage with your passionate people
Dare to be different Try new approaches Offer creative employee benefits Build a reputation in the talent acquisition pool Collaborate with like-minded organisations

11 And remember…..

12 Thank you Positive People Solutions Robynne Hall T: E: Your People. Your Performance. Our Passion.

13 Sources 5 Things that Motivate your Employees more than Money Marc Barrage, Managing Director, Hays Japan “The real story of how the Shane Warne Foundation fell apart: Sydney Morning Herald, 14 February 2016Linked In Business Review Weekly – Leadership Probono Australia Australian Institute of Company Directors

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