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English Pronunciation
An overview G0uErf8WY&feature=related
Vowels : monophthongs short long
long: /i:/ bean /u:/ boot /ɑ:/ barn /ɔ:/ born /ɜ:/ burn short: /ɪ/ tin /ʊ/ tuna /e/ ten /ʌ/ run /ɒ/ rob /ə/ about intermediate: /æ/ tan
Vowels: diphthongs long: /eɪ/ pain, gain, main, slain /aɪ/ fine, mine, wine, dine, sign /ɔɪ/ boy, toy, coy, soy /aʊ/ house, mouse, louse /əʊ/ bone, cone, dome, zone, tone /ɪə/ beer, deer, dear, here, mere /eə/ bear, care, dare, mare, stare /ʊə/ tour, endure, sure, cure
Consonants Obstruents Obstruents
plosives: /p,b/ pond, bond /t,d/ torn, dawn /k,g/ old, gold fricatives: /f,v/ feel, veal /θ,ð/ think, this /s,z/ sink, zinc /ʃ,ʒ/ pressure, measure /h/ hall
Consonants Nasals: /m/ map, mass, math /n/ nap, nasty, nobody /ŋ/ pang, bang, sing Approximants: /l/ lip, list, like /r/ rip, rest, roast /j/ yes, yet, yawn /w/ what, where, when
Spelling rules: Plural endings: /ɪz/ , /s/ , /z/ - /ɪz/ : after /s,z,ʃ,ʒ/ in buses, roses, bushes, ridges, kisses, Joyce’s - /s/: after /p,t,k,f,θ/ in lips, lights, books, coughs, moths, smokes, Jack’s - /z/: after /b,d,g,v,ð,m,n,ŋ,l/ and all vowels in tabs, loads, bags, loves, booths, storms, pens, kings, balls, trays, bars, goes, Mary’s …
Spelling rules: Past participle endings /ɪd/ , /t/ , /d/
- /ɪd/ after /t,d/ in fitted, loaded - /t/ after /p,t,k,f,θ,s,ʃ/ in helped, knocked, stuffed, pronounced, leashed - /d/ after /b,g,v,ð,z,ʒ,m,n,ŋ,l/ and all vowels in stabbed, bagged, loved, breathed, diagnosed, staged, combed, mined, longed, snarled, showed, starred,…
Spelling rules /i:/ Examples:
Neat, complete, see, receive, chief, police Rule: /i:/ nooit voor r: hearing, near (= /ɪə/)
Spelling rules /ɪə/ Examples:
Tear, deer, here, pierce, idea, real, theory, museum
Spelling rules: /ɪ/ Examples: Lip, guild, city, coffee, manage, loaded
Exceptional spellings: With e: pretty, England With u: busy, business With o: women
Spelling rules: /e/ Examples: Bed, bread, ready Exceptional spellings:
With a: any, many, Thames With ay, ai: says, said, again With u: bury, burial
Spelling rules: /æ/ Examples:
Land, comparison, transparent, arid, swam, quack Exceptional spelling: - With ai: plaid, plait
Spelling rules: /eə/ Examples:
Dare, variable, fair, Sarah, swear, there, their Rules: All words ending in –are, -ary (vary) and derivatives (various) All words ending in –arian, -arium, -arius (vegetarian) Exceptions: with ea: bear, pear, swear, tear, wear
Spelling rules: /ɑ:/ Examples: Bath, card, aunt, half
Exceptional spellings: With –er: Berkshire, clerk, Cerby, Hertford(shire), sergeant With –ear: heark, haert, hearth
Spelling rules: /ʌ/ Examples:
Nut, curry, son, (m)other, one, dove, country, thorough, Exceptional spellings: With –oo: blood, flood With –orr: worry With con-: conjure, constable
Spelling rules: /ɒ/ Examples:
Watch, quality, coffee, bomb, sorry, holiday, foreign, moral Exceptional spellings: With –au: Austin, Australia, Austria, because, laurel, Maurice, quarrel, sausage, Vauxhall With –other: bother
Spelling rules: /ɜ:/ Examples: Bird, learn, serve, word, turn
Exceptional spellings: - With –our: adjourn, journal, journey, courtesy, scourge, courteous
Spelling rules: /ʊ/ Examples:
Put, bull, sugar, bosom, wolf, woman, foot Rules: /ʊ/ nooit aan het eind van een woord -oo = /ʊ/ alleen bij: foot, good, gooseberry, hood, soot, wool, stood, wood, wool, cook, took
Spelling rules: /ɔ:/ Examples:
All, law, sore, door, boar, aural, oral, born, war, sure, fought, daughter, (a)broad
Spelling rules: /u:/ Examples:
Soon, lose, group, shoe, chew, nude, fruit, blue Rule: -/u:/ never before –r: touring, moor = /ʊə/
Spelling rules: /ʊə/ Examples: Tour, Europe, moor, cure, skewer, jury
Spelling rules: /eɪ/ Examples: Ace, plain, may, veil, grey
Exceptional spelling: With –ea: break, great, steak, Yeats, Reagan, McLean
Spelling rules: /aɪ/ Examples: Line, mind, fight, die, eye, (n)either
/aɪ/ rarely before –r: hire, higher, pirate
Spelling rules: /ɔɪ/ Examples: Loin, boy, buoy
Spelling rules: /əʊ/ Examples: Old, shoulder, row, load, goes, though
Spelling rules: /aʊ/ Examples: Down, mouth, row Rule:
/aʊ/ never before –r: hour, scour
Spelling rules for consonants:
/θ/ of /ð/ Note: -th = /t/ in posthumous, thyme, Anthony, Esther, Mathilda, Thames, Thomas, Theresa, Thai(land) Initial th-: /ð/ in that, the, this, these, those, they, them, their, there, then, than, thus, although All other words had /θ/ Medial –th-: /ð/ in gather, leather, mother, father, rhythm /θ/ in author, method, pathos Final –the: altijd /ð/ Final –th: /θ/ behalve in booth, to mouth, smooth en with
Spelling rules for consonants:
/s/ of /z/ ss, c, sc = /s/ lascivious, mice, lesson But: ss = /z/ in dessert, dissolve, hussar, possess(ion) and scissors Final –s = /s/ behalve in as, does, has, his, is, was Behalve in lens, series, species, Mrs, Ms Behalve in Dickens, Williams, Leeds, Knowles, .. words in –ns = /ns/ defense, rinse Words in –rs = /s/ conversation, university, coarse Exceptions: lens, cleanse, Mars, parse
Spelling rules for consonants
/ʃ/ in –ci, -ti, -Csi, -Csu Musician, Confucian, attention, nation, fission, tension, pressure, excursion, censure /ʒ/ in Vsi, Vsu, zu Vision, evasion, measure, usual, seizure
Spelling rules for consonants:
/g/ or /dʒ/ Before i,e and y the letter g = /dʒ/ In German or /g/ in Gertrude /g/ in goal, bargain -g = /dʒ/ in margarine, goal
Spelling rules for consontants:
/f/ or /v/ - f, ph = /v/ only in nephew, Stephen, of
Spelling rules for consonants:
/j/ or /dʒ/ Initial j is always /dʒ/ in jam, jet, Jones Initial y is always /j/ in yet, yoke
Silent letter Silent letters: ch?v=dj7RzVxe764
Silent letters No /h/ in heir, honest, honour, hour and derivatives
exhaust, exhibit, exhibition, exhilirate, exhort and derivatives Annihilate, forehead, shepherd, vehement, vehicle
Silent letters Word final –gm and –gn = /m/ and /n/ In diaphragm, deign, reign, sign
Silent letters Word initial kn-, gn-, mn- = /n/ In knight, gnat, mnemonic
Silent letters Word final –mb and -mn = /m/ In climb, limb, plumber, comb, tomb, womb, autumn, condemn, solemn But derivations have /mn/ in autumnal, condemnation, solemnity
Silent letters Word initial ps- = /s/ In psyche, pseudo, psychiatrist, psychology
Silent letters In hasten, moisten, soften, often
Word final –ten = /n/after s and f In hasten, moisten, soften, often
Silent letters Word final –tle = /l/ after s In castle, jostle, thistle, mistletoe
Silent letters No /w/ in Who(m), whose, whole, whooping-cough, shore And words beginning with wr- In wrench, write, wrong, wreath
Silent letters No /b/ in Debt, doubt, subtle, subtlety
Silent letters r= /r/ when a vowel immediately follows in the same word or a following word In arrow, far away, awry But not in Far West, storm, my pleasure
The end Practice makes perfect!
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