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Astrophotography Class time: Tu 6:30 – 7:25pm Tu & Th 7:35 – 10:20pm

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Presentation on theme: "Astrophotography Class time: Tu 6:30 – 7:25pm Tu & Th 7:35 – 10:20pm"— Presentation transcript:

1 Astrophotography Class time: Tu 6:30 – 7:25pm Tu & Th 7:35 – 10:20pm
Meeting Place: SSC B-310 and/or APSU Observatory on The Farm Instructor: Dr. Spencer Buckner Office: SSC B-326 (through B-332) Office Hours: MWF 10:15 – 11:30am MTuWTh 2:30 – 3:30pm or by appointment

2 Grading Planetarium Test………...10% Logbook……………..……30%
Photographic Projects…..50% Participation………………10% A…90 – 100% B…80 – 89% C…70 – 79% D…60 – 69% F…<60%

3 Planetarium Test Learn the names, locations and shapes of 25 constellations. Five from each season and five circumpolar Learn the names and locations of 30 named stars (no Bayer designations). No more than two per constellations. Pass/fail. Can be taken multiple times. Last day to take the test is Thursday December 10 Key to planetarium can be checked out from Ms. Sherry in SSC B-332

4 Logbook Bound book of some kind. You can find fancy ones or a cheap composition book. Log every image with Date & time Telescope Eyepiece or PowerMate if used Camera Exposure settings: time, ISO, f-stop, etc. Will be collected and graded several times during the semester for number of images and completeness

5 Photographic Projects
Photographic projects will be turned in as jpeg’s in the D2L Dropbox. Projects will be of the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, several Messier objects, a star trails image and several others to be determined.

6 Participation Mostly helping out with intro observing nights. I will drop one 1st Quarter night and one (possibly two) Dark Sky nights.

7 Cameras If you have a better quality point-and- shoot camera or a DSLR of your own, use it. The department has four Canon Rebels (one old and three not so old) for use by the class.

8 CCD Cameras SBIG ST8 and ST9 cameras with color filter wheels

9 We will also use images from the 0.9m WIYN HDI Camera

10 Telescopes Most images will be done using the 8” RC’s.
Once it is operational, some “special images” will be done with the 20” The 100mm Refractor will also be available for imaging. Mostly we will work in pairs but there are enough telescopes for everyone.

11 Software The department has licenses for each of the upper level laptops for MaxIM DL Pro and Photoshop Other software is available. Some free, some not. Check out the Jerry Lodriguss and Sky & Telescope links on my astrophotography page.

12 Adjourn to Planetarium

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