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Code of Conduct Notes Lockers are school property

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1 Code of Conduct Notes Lockers are school property
Students are responsible for lockers Earliest get into school is 7 a.m. School bus is considered school property 12 or more absences 8 unexcused absences Check-ins/Check-outs considered an absence for classes missed

2 Make-up work get within 3 days
Truant = excessive absences from school with no excuse Only 3 tardies allowed in a month Cheating consequences for cheater and the one who gave answers True Student’s locker Class III violation Cell phones banned in bathrooms and locker rooms No shorter than mid-thigh

3 1 example of Class I = (page 11)
Standard consequence = detention Standard consequence = in school suspension Stolen property = Class III violation Treat computer storage areas like their lockers True It is the student’s responsibility Verbal or written comments Cell phone consequences: 1st – detention & parent picks up 2nd – ISS & parent picks up 3rd – referral to office, out of school suspension, & parent picks up

4 Technology Class III Violation
Major violations of AUP: (Acceptable Use Practice) Tampering with another student’s classwork Use of school or personal technology to break laws Intentional destruction of school technology Downloaded or viewing inappropriate material

5 Class I Violations (examples)
Littering school property Failure to bring necessary supplies to class Possession of nuisance items Disruption on a school bus Breaking dress code Distracting other students Chewing gum

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