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Titan Code of Conduct 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Titan Code of Conduct 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Titan Code of Conduct

2 Philosophy Create self-managing students by developing citizenship skills and self-discipline through intrinsic motivation. What does intrinsic mean?

3 TMS Expectations Titans STRIVE to do what is expected to the best of their ability. Titans understand that no one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, or well-being of others. What does interfere mean? So what does it mean to NOT interfere with learning? Safety? Or well-being of others?

4 Guiding Principle of Titan Code of Conduct
Students will be given prompts or cues from the teacher or fellow students when they are not meeting class expectations. What is a cue?

5 Examples of Prompts/Cues/Self-Managing Behavior
Teacher proximity Time out Titan Way Hand Cue

6 What if the prompt/cue doesn’t work?
If a student continues to interfere, then that student will be asked the four questions by the teachers and notified they have been given “Notice 1”.

7 Four Questions for Misbehavior
What are you doing? What are you supposed to be doing? Are you doing it? What are you going to do about it? “You understand, you have now been given notice 1.”

8 Four Questions for Disrespect
Excuse me, whom are you talking to? How should you be talking to me? Were you doing it? So, how are you going to talk to me? “You understand you have now been given notice 1.”

9 What happens if a student continues to interfere?
If a student continues to interfere with the learning, safety, or well-being of others the teacher will state: “Notice 2 (teacher will state behavior). Please move to ____ (identified area within the learning environment). After 2-3 minutes the teacher will visit with the student and ask: What were you doing? Are you ready to return?

10 What happens if a student continues to interfere after Notice 2?
If a student still interferes after receiving Notice 1 and 2, the teacher will state: “Notice 3, please report to the SRC with this referral.”

11 SRC Student Responsibility Classroom




15 How long do I stay in the SRC?
Students may not return to the room from which they received the SRC referral during the same period. Example: you received Notice 3 in your 1st period class you will not go back to your 1st period class that day.

16 How long do I stay in the SRC?
Students must successfully complete the SRC referral form and make parent contact. YOU will complete the form and make the parent contact. YOU are responsible for taking responsibility for your behavior. The completed for MUST be approved by Mr. McCaulley, Mr. Bell or Mr. Ross. Finally, the form must be approved by the referring teacher.

17 What about the work I miss while in the SRC?
It is the students responsibility to speak with their teachers about the work they missed while in the SRC. The district make-up policy applies. Teacher late work policy applies.

18 Can I be in SRC for more than 1 period?
Yes. You will be in SRC until you have met all of the outlined exit criteria.

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