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Week 4: 8/22-8/26.

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1 Week 4: 8/22-8/26

2 M/22 Agenda Caught Ya #8/Homework Adverbs/Adjectives AR Reading time -Quiz Wednesday over conflict/adjectives/adverbs

3 Bellwork #8: Define the vocab words!
8. dread puerile commenced snivel the frightening man then announced that he was the dean of the school and his name was dean dread. pauline puerile commenced to snivel (she was such a baby and felicia fey muttered a “cheer-up spell” but only succeeded in frizzing her friends hare

4 Activating I know an adverb is used to…

5 Adverbs EQ- What is the purpose of an adverb? (and how is it different from an adjective?)

6 Notes: Adverbs: What do they do?
1. Describe a verb, usually ends in –ly (I rode quickly to outrun the desperadoes) 2. Describe an adjective (a highly-productive meeting) 3. Describes an adverb (very quickly)

7 Doing good or doing well?
“Good” is an adjective, “Well” is an adverb. Wrong: I am doing good. Correct: I am doing well.

8 Guided Practice: Spot the adverb!
1. My brother said he was very ready for his driving test. 2. He thought he could drive well enough to pass the driving test. 3. I told him he would have to drive reasonably well to pass. 4. My brother passed his test easily.

9 Indep Practice: 3 min/1 min

10 Totd: 4 sentences on the word wall…
Writing: 2 sentences using an adjective (must be 2/3 of the types below). Adjective: proper, demonstrative, or superlative/comparative Ex. That tree is a Maple tree. (demonstrative) And… 2 sentence using an adverb. Adverb: describe a verb, describe and adjective, describe an adverb Ex. I suddenly saw the rain coming down into my car window. (verb)

11 T/23 Agenda Caught ya bellwork #9 Types of Adverbs AR Reading time -Quiz Tuesday over Conflict/Adjectives/Adverbs

12 Bellwork #9: Define the vocab word
9. somber dean dread a disturbing figure in his somber suit and tie directed the group to go too the cafetorium a combination of cafeteria and auditorium. there the freinds found other sixth graders who they already new from elementary school

13 Review Adverbs An adverb is used to ________. It is different than an adjective because __________. Exercise B review page (turn in today!!)

14 Activating What is the difference between a hammer and a sledge hammer? Aren’t they both hammers?

15 Special types of Adverbs
Conjunctive: however, therefore, I do not usually allow late work; however, you may turn in the assignment this time. 2. Relative: who, what , where, when, why, which, etc… You have helped organize the books, for which you will be rewarded. 3. Comparative/Superlative: I quietly approached the tiger. (Comparative) I approached the quietest of all. (Superlative)

16 Guided Practice: Conjunctive, Relative, Comparative, or Superlative?
1. You have forgotten to do your homework; therefore, do not wait until Sunday night to do it. 2. Patrick ran the fastest to the free ice cream. 3. Tell me why you were late to class yesterday. 4. She made the cake quicker today than yesterday.

17 Well or Good???

18 Note to your parents (2 things)
In Mr. Crittenden’s RLA class I learned that… May relate to adjectives or adverbs, must give an example!! I will check it off today during AR reading, then take it home… Inspired by Kwynton C.

19 T.o.t.d. Writing: 2 sentences using an adjective (must be 2/3 of the types below). Adjective: proper, demonstrative, or superlative/comparative Ex. That tree is a Maple tree. (demonstrative) And… 2 sentence using an adverb. Adverb: describe a verb, describe and adjective, describe an adverb Ex. I suddenly saw the rain coming down into my car window. (verb)

20 W/24 Agenda Caught Ya Bellwork #10 (will check #6-10 this week) Review Adverb/Adjective/Conflict Quiz AR time

21 Bellwork #10: Define the vocabulary
10. sotto voce what a bizarre dean whispers sam sagacious sotto voce to william waggish. me and you wouldnt want to cross him or meet him in a dark alley

22 Everything I know about…
Conflict Adjectives Adverbs Review Game: At your tables!!

23 Review Game… 1. Used to describe a noun 9. enter quietly 2. Used to describe a verb 10. excellent sandwich 3. Used to describe an adjective 11. extremely excellent sandwich 4. Used to describe an adverb 12. The two types of conflict are 5. Type of adjective, usually used as a pronoun (this pen) 13. Man vs Man 6. Type of adjective, (Chinese food) 14. Man vs Self 7. Type of adjective (best chili ever) 15. Man vs Self 8. Do your very best 16. Man vs nature

24 Quiz: Put your name/date/block on the bubble sheet Grade Cam ID: Put your 3 digit locker number/bubble it in on the bubble sheet Do not write on the quiz, only on the bubble sheet!! You have 10 minutes to complete the 10 questions, any talking (even when you are done) will result in a zero/citation for disruption or cheating. You may read your AR book when you are done with the quiz

25 Review: 2 truths and 1 fib (adverbs)
Write 2 truths and 1 fib about adverbs. Which is the fib? Ex. Adjectives 1. Are used to describe nouns 2. Can be used to describe other adjectives 3. Can be demonstrative (those spoons), look like a pronoun, but used to describe. Which one is the lie? Now write your own about adverbs!!

26 agenda Walk through AR 360 assignment AR 360 assignment (computer lab)
AR Reading/Quizzes

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