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Code of Conduct Fall 2017.

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1 Code of Conduct Fall 2017

2 Learning Objectives I can understand school rules.
I can understand that my child is capable of trying his/her best with help from teachers and other school staff. I can understand expectations and consequences of for my child’s behavior.

3 Purpose of Code All students have the right:
To attend school in a safe environment To be respected by adults and children To express opinions in an appropriate way To have to the opportunity to participate in all school activities To have access to information or help from school staff when experiencing a problem, including bullying

4 Student Responsibilities and Expected Behaviors
Personal Conduct and Character Cooperating with Others and Treating Others with Respect Learning Property of Others Safe School Community

5 Personal Conduct and Character
Attend school regularly and on time Follow directions and requests from adults Be responsible Be honest and accountable Follow school rules Accept consequences Try your best to fix problems Dress appropriately

6 Cooperating with Others and Treating Others with Respect
Treat others the way you want to be treated Express your thoughts and opinions in ways that are polite, respectful, and courteous Listen when others speak to you Respect others’ personal space and keep your hands and feet to yourself Work with others cooperatively in large and small groups Act with kindness, caring, and sensitivity towards others

7 Learning Complete high quality work in every subject
Be prepared to learn Challenge yourself Make your best effort Bring an open mind and positive attitude to learning every day Seek help when you need it

8 Property of Others Take care of property that belongs to other students, adults, or the school Use school or other people’s materials carefully and for what they are supposed to be used for

9 Safe School Community Help to make a school community free from violence, intimidation, bullying, harassment, and discrimination Ask for help when you need to solve problems Contribute to the safety and well being of our community Use school and bus property safely

10 Level 1 Behavior Concerns
Non-compliance/Insubordination Non-completion/Insubordination Difficulties with Social Interaction/Harassment (verbal)/Verbal Altercation Difficulties with Problem Solving Difficulties with Self-Regulation/Disruption of Education Difficulties Communicating and Managing Needs, Thoughts, and Emotions Minor Hallway and Public Space Misconduct Occasional Unexcused Absences/Tardies Non-compliance/Insubordination Does not bring necessary materials to class Does not comply with classroom rules, norms, and procedures Does not follow directions Refuses to respond to school/staff directives, questions, or requests Non-completion/Insubordination Does not attempt or complete assigned work Does not maintain focus on task at hand Does not participate in learning activities Difficulties with Social Interaction/Harassment (verbal)/Verbal Altercation Demonstrates difficulty getting along with others Does not work cooperatively in small and large groups Teasing, taunting, name-calling Initiates or joins in “side bar” conversations, interrupting, blurting out, talking out of turn Plays around or goofs off with others Difficulties with Problem Solving Demonstrates difficulty resolving problems Does not make transitions or adjust to new situations effectively Difficulties with Self-Regulation/Disruption of Education Does not work silently or independently without bothering others Makes excessive, distracting, or disruptive movements or noises Seeks attention inappropriately Takes things without permission (nominal value) Throws objects without physical injury to others Difficulties Communicating and Managing Needs, Thoughts, and Emotions Demonstrates difficulty empathizing with others and accepting others point of view Does not accept correction and feedback calmly Engages in confrontations, arguing, or back talk Expresses needs and emotions inappropriately Misinterprets instructional and social cues Minor Hallway and Public Space Misconduct Makes excessive distracting or disruptive movements or noises Uses inappropriate language and shouting Occasional Unexcused Absences/Tardies

11 Level 2 Behavior Concerns
Academic Dishonesty: plagiarism (copying another’s work), cheating Aggressive arguing, refusal, back talk Emotional outburst Excessive absences or tardies Harassment: single incident to determine bullying in regard to OLWEUS Horseplay Intentional damage to personal or school property Leaving classroom or school without permission Non-authorized or inappropriate use and misuse or school equipment, materials, and electronic devices Persistent Level 1 Behavior Theft of less than $50 Emotional outburst (may include refusal to leave classroom, repeated profanities, screaming, or tantrums) Horseplay- rough-housing, minor physical aggression, offensive touch, poking, pushing, shoving, physical intimidation, verbal threats, persistent teasing, taunting, name calling Persistent Level 1 Behavior: insubordination, showing disrespect to a staff member, failure to abide school rules

12 Potential Consequences
In School Suspension Conference with Administrator and/or Teacher, Student, and Parent Incident Investigation 1-2 Day In School Suspension Parent Notification Removal from Classroom Behavior Contract Discipline Referral 1-2 Day Out of School Suspension

13 Level 3 Behaviors Possession, being under the influence, distributing, and sales of alcohol or drugs Fire related offense (setting, false activation of alarm) Attack on fellow student (hitting, kicking, punching) Bomb threat Bullying Electronic bullying/harassment Extortion (getting something through force or threats) Fighting Intentional physical contact/attack on school personnel Persistent verbal aggression against school personnel Sexual offense including assault and sexual harassment Theft of more than $50 Tobacco possession, use, sale Verbal or written threat against school personnel Weapons, firearms, explosives: possession, use, or threat of use Bullying- persistent and repeated incidents targeted at the same person or group—OLWEUS Electronic bullying/harassment- used to threaten or emotionally harm another person—OLWEUS Fighting- all students engaged in hitting, kicking, or punching the other persons involved and when serious disruption to the operation of the school occurs

14 Potential Consequences
Immediate removal of classroom or other location to in school suspension Incident investigation Parent notification and conference with administrator, parent, and student Assignment to in school suspension 1-3 day out of school suspension or up to 5 day out of school suspension when a student: Causes the principal to initiate “shelter in place” emergency procedures Poses a serious threat to the safety of students such as a threat of substantial bodily harm to students or staff Prevents students from moving through the hallways or significantly prevents movement through the building and also disrupts the educational process 5 day out of school suspension with district Superintendent’s (or their designee) Hearing to request possible long term suspension Behavioral contract

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