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The Burden of Skin Disease in the United States Wendy Smith Begolka, MBS Associate Director, Science & Research.

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Presentation on theme: "The Burden of Skin Disease in the United States Wendy Smith Begolka, MBS Associate Director, Science & Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Burden of Skin Disease in the United States Wendy Smith Begolka, MBS Associate Director, Science & Research

2 A Contemporary Report Previous Burden of Skin Disease Report developed in 2004 The past 10 years have seen significant changes that may impact skin disease burden Practice of dermatology Treatment advances Healthcare policy Evolving U.S. population

3 Burden of Skin Disease Resources
Manuscripts Briefs Report

4 Broad Representation of Skin Disease
SKIN CATEGORIES Acne Contact dermatitis Benign neoplasms/ keloids/scars/cysts Non-melanoma skin cancer Actinic keratosis Cutaneous infections Melanoma Ulcers Atopic dermatitis Cutaneous lymphoma Pruritus Wounds and burns Bullous diseases Drug eruptions Psoriasis Urticaria Congenital abnormalities Hair and nail disorders Rosacea Vitiligo Connective tissue diseases HPV / molluscum Seborrheic dermatitis Viral and fungal diseases

5 Claims-Based Assessment of Burden
PREVALENCE Portion of population having at least one skin disease diagnosis recorded on a health insurance claim during 2013

6 Key Insights from the BSD Report
Skin Disease is Common Skin Disease has High Economic Impact Direct costs: Societal, Personal Indirect costs: Lost opportunity (work, school) Skin Disease is Serious Mortality

7 One in Four Americans Have Skin Disease
84.5 million Americans (~27% of population) treated for skin disease in 2013 For those > age 65: 50% treated for skin disease Avg. 2.2 diseases per person * Average number of skin diseases

8 Skin Disease Incidence with Age
3.1 million 14.5 million 18.0 million 18.0 million 4.8 million

9 Economic Burden of Skin Disease
$75 billion in 2013 Care by health care providers: $46 billion Prescription drugs: $15 billion Over-the-counter treatments: $10 billion $46 billion more compared to 2004 Total Direct Costs (in $1,000,000s)

10 Medical Costs Vary By Skin Disease

11 …as do Per Affected Person Costs
Average Cost of Skin Disease: Per Affected Person = $887 Per US Capita = $240

12 Impact of Prevalence on Total Costs
Prevalence does not always correlate with total costs Skin diseases with lower prevalence can have substantial economic impact

13 Skin Disease and Loss Productivity
Skin disease categories with higher loss productivity correlate with those with higher prevalence Report was unable to assess Quality of Life aspects of disease burden Loss productivity ~ $11 billion 2013 average hourly wage was $23.97 or $ per 8 hour day The significant economic impact of skin disease can also be assessed by looking at more indirect measures of cost and skin disease care—this graph shows lost opportunity costs. Every encounter with the healthcare system requires time: time that the patient and often the patient’s parent(s), spouse, partner, or other caregiver would have had the opportunity to use for other purposes, including work or school—for children the opportunity cost is often the parents’ opportunity cost. The report estimated patient-days of interaction with the healthcare system and assigned a value to it using the hourly wage shown here. Although not all 24 skin diseases are shown on this graph – in total they result in $11 billion in loss productivity. This is in additional to the $75 billion dollars in direct costs shown previously. Unfortunately the report was unable to assess other indirect measures of skin disease burden—largely that would fall into the quality of life category – as there is not currently a consistent way to do this across all skin disease. This is an area for future study and assessment.

14 Skin Disease is Serious
Half of skin categories analyzed were associated with mortality Life expectancy decreased by 5 years for those with fatal diseases Skin cancers = 60% of skin-related deaths

15 Dermatologists and Management of Skin Disease
1 in 3 patients with skin disease: treated by dermatologists An estimated 20,000 dermatology clinicians would have been needed to treat skin disease in 2013 Access to dermatologists and other dermatology providers is critical for skin disease prevention and treatment

16 Merging BSD and Patient Stories
Use real stories and the Burden of Skin Disease data to raise awareness of: The breadth and seriousness of skin conditions The critical role dermatologists play, working in partnership with other physicians Dermatologists’ efforts to increase access to care

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