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Announcements Group 1A and 1B please hand in lab kits TODAY after lecture (sometime after 9:30). No kit return = zero lab score. Group 1B and 2B lab kits.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Group 1A and 1B please hand in lab kits TODAY after lecture (sometime after 9:30). No kit return = zero lab score. Group 1B and 2B lab kits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Group 1A and 1B please hand in lab kits TODAY after lecture (sometime after 9:30). No kit return = zero lab score. Group 1B and 2B lab kits will be distributed Monday. Exam review session in class next Wednesday. Midterm exam next Friday. I will have extended office hours Monday and Wednesday of next week. Exam will be provided to the DRC, so please make arrangements with them if you require special accommodations for the exam.

2 How much bigger, on average, is a typical cloud drop compared to a cloud condensation nucleus?
They’re approximately the same size About 10 times About 100 times About 1000 times

3 Summary of Lecture 10 Supersaturation occurs when the rate of condensation exceeds the rate of evaporation. In order for condensation to proceed a condensation surface is necessary. The condensation surface in the atmosphere is a cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) which originate as aerosol particles from the Earth’s surface. In order to be good CCN, the aerosols must be hydroscopic. More CCN are found over continents than oceans. Haze forms when water condenses on dust or salt particles, and it makes the sky appear gray or white due to Mie scattering. Cloud droplets are about 10 µm or greater. Fog is a cloud which forms near the ground and reduces visibility. The four types of fog are radiation, advection, upslope and steam. Know the physical mechanism for each of these and where they’re most likely to occur.

4 NATS 101 Section 4: Lecture 11 Clouds

5 But there are a DIVERSE number of cloud types!
Clouds form when air rises, cools to its dew point, and condensation begins on cloud condensation nuclei. But there are a DIVERSE number of cloud types!


7 Cloud Classification Basic cloud type Meaning stratus layer cumulus
Luke Howard (English naturalist) developed a system in that employed Latin words to describe clouds as they appear to a ground observer. Basic cloud type Meaning stratus layer cumulus heap cirrus curl of hair nimbus violent rain Clouds could also be described by combining these types

8 Cloud Classification Original system of Howard was modified by Abercromby and Hildebrandsson to account for cloud base height. Is pretty much what is used today. High Cirrus (Ci) Cirrostratus (Cs) Cirrocumulus (Cc) Low Stratus (St) Stratocumulus (Sc) Nimbostratus (Ns) Middle Altostratus (As) Altocumulus (Ac) Vertically developed Cumulus (Cu) Cumulonimbus (Cb)

9 Cloud Heights in Midlatitudes

10 High Clouds: Above 23,000 ft. High, thin clouds are composed of ice crystals. Often are stretched because of high winds at that altitude.

11 Cirrus (Ci) These clouds typically associated with fair weather

12 Cirrocumulus (Cc) Small, rounded white puffs that may occur individually or in long rows. Because it resembles fish scales it is sometimes called “mackerel sky”

13 Cirrostratus (Cs) Thin, sheet-like clouds that cover the entire sky. The ice crystals in the clouds may refract the sunlight and produce a halo. May be a sign of an approaching storm.

14 Middle Clouds (6500 to 23,000 ft.) Clouds composed of water and/or ice crystals. Have the prefix “Alto”

15 Altocumulus (Ac) Thin clouds composed mostly of water droplets and have rounded masses or rolls. Typically appear in parallel bands

16 Altocumulus Castellanus
Look like “little castles” and indicate the presence of rising air. May signal afternoon thunderstorms if they start forming in the morning.

17 Altostratus (As) Gray or blue-gray. Often cover the entire sky. Sun may be visible, as appearing through a disk. Often precede storms with widespread precipitation.

18 Low Clouds (Below 6500 ft.) Almost always composed of water droplets, but may contain ice particles and snow if it’s cold enough

19 Nimbostratus (Ns) Dark gray clouds associated with continuous rain or snow, but precipitation is typically light or moderate. Visibility below the cloud base is often poor because of the precipitation.

20 Stratocumulus (Sc) Low, lumpy clouds that appear in patches or as rounded masses. Not typically associated with precipitation. Common off the west coast of continents because of cold sea currents

21 Stratus (St) Uniform grayish cloud that often covers the entire sky. Resembles fog that doesn’t reach the ground. Typically not associated with precipitation.

22 Clouds with vertical development
More vertically developed clouds typically indicate a unstable, warm air mass (we’ll talk about what unstable means next lecture).

23 Cumulus (Cu): Cumulus Humilis
Fair weather cumulus (or cumulus humilis) look like cotton balls and have a flat base. Typically about 3300 ft. above the ground and less than a mile wide. Usually don’t see precipitation from these.

24 Towering Cumulus (TCu) Cumulus Congestus
Cumulus congestus, or towering cumulus, are larger and more vertically developed. Resembles the head of a cauliflower. Can be a single cloud or a line of clouds.

25 Cumulonimbus (Cb) If a cumulus congestus continues to grow it may become a cumulonimbus—or thunderstorm cloud. These can grow to reach heights of up to 39,000 ft. and the “anvil” (or incus) defines approximately where they hit the stratosphere. These clouds are composed of water below and ice above. Typically associated with heavy rain, lightning, thunder, and perhaps hail or tornadoes.

26 Wall cloud on cumulonimbus
A wall cloud may form at the base of a cumulonimbus cloud that is rotating—and is typically the prelude to a tornado.

27 These don’t fit in the standard classification system.
Unusual Clouds These don’t fit in the standard classification system.

28 Lenticular clouds Have a lens shape or looking like a hovering UFO. Typically associated with air traveling over mountains. The mountains induce a wave in the atmosphere, and where air rises and condenses in the wave a cloud forms.

29 Pileus or cap cloud Like a lenticular cloud, but caps a growing cumulonimbus or cumulus congestus cloud. It forms for the same reason as the lenticular cloud—air flowing over the cloud condenses.

30 Mammatus Clouds Called such because they are bag-like sacs that hang beneath a cloud resembling a cow’s udder. Unlike most clouds, this type forms in sinking air that remains saturated as it descends. Typically found on the underside of cumulonimbus clouds.

31 Billow Clouds (or Kelvin-Helmholz clouds)
Clouds appear as breaking waves—like on water! Caused by differences in wind speed with height (or wind shear).

32 Nacreous Clouds Unlike the other clouds, these form in the stratosphere at very high altitudes. They are composed of ice crystals and best viewed from polar latitudes during the winter months. Important for understanding the ozone hole…

33 Noctilucent clouds Similar to nacreous clouds, but form even higher in altitude. Unique in that the ice crystals that composes them originates from outer space or by chemical breakdown of methane.

34 Contrails: Man-made clouds
Exhaust from jet aircraft typically release cloud condensation nuclei and add water vapor to form clouds in their wake. They may significantly impact climate too!

35 Detecting Clouds in Satellite Pictures
Just how does the weatherman get that picture?

36 Visible Image (VIS) Detects the reflected visible light from clouds. This is how it would appear to your naked eye from outer space. Since it’s visible light, can’t get these images at night

37 Infrared Image (IR) Detects the longwave, or terrestrial radiation being emitted. High, cold cloud tops appear white and warm low cloud tops and the surface appear gray or black. Advantage to IR imagery is that you can use it day or night.

38 Summary of Lecture 11 High (mostly ice) Above 23,000 ft. Cirrus (Ci)
Cirrostratus (Cs) Cirrocumulus (Cc) Middle (ice + liquid) ,000 ft. Altostratus (As) Altocumulus (Ac) Low (mostly liquid) Below 6500 ft. Stratus (St) Stratocumulus (Sc) Nimbostratus (Ns) Vertically developed Can extend upwards of 39,000 ft. Cumulus (Cu) Cumulonimbus (Cb) Unusual clouds: Lenticular, pileus, mammatus, billow, nacreous, noctilucent, contrails. Clouds are detected by satellites using visible or infrared imagery.

39 Reading Assignment and Review Questions
Reading: All of Chapter 6 Chapter 5 Questions Questions for Review (8th ed.): 11,12,13,14,15,18,20 (9th ed.): 12,13,14,15,16,19,21 Questions for Thought: 15 Problems and Exercises: 3

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