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helicopter landings at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center

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1 helicopter landings at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center
Seattle, WA 4800 Sand Point Way NE A report to the community about emergency medical helicopter landings at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center Explanation of Diagnoses * Diabetic Ketoacidosis - an abnormal buildup of sugar and acids in the bloodstreams, resulting in a decreased level of consciousness * Status Epilepticus - continuous epileptic seizures that cannot be stopped with medication * Bowel Perforation - rule out intestinal rupture * Pulmonary Hypertension - abnormally high blood pressure in the lungs * Fungal Pneumonia/Heart Failure - overwhelming blood infection resulting in heart failure * Sepsis with Shock - overwhelming blood infection resulting in loss of blood pressure * Epiglottitis - inflammation and narrowing of the opening airway resulting in severe breathing difficulty * Meconium Aspiration - Pneumonia-like illness of a newborn due to inhalation at birth of fluid containing mucous and bile A summary of flight activity, for two quarters: January - March, 2001 April - June, 2001 Permit No. 8225 NONPROFIT ORG. Seattle, Wash. U.S. Postage PAID 2001 Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center All rights reserved.

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