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Published byJade Gregory Modified over 6 years ago
Jet Energy and calibration with data at the CDF experiment
Monica D’Onofrio 3rd Top Workshop, from the Tevatron to ATLAS Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Outline Introduction CDF experiment and calorimeter Jet Energy Scale correction: method Calorimeter response h-dependent corrections Absolute correction Multiple interactions Underlying event and Out-of-cone Energy Cross check of jet energy scale (photon/Z+jet data) Other calibration signals: In-situ calibration for top B specific jet corrections with Zbbbar Note: MC samples used in JES PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG 6.5 Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Motivation Knowledge of Jet Energy Scale (JES) is fundamental for hadron colliders All physics processes involve jets that span a wide ET range [0,√s/2] Important for SM measurements … Phys Rev D75, (2007) Inclusive jet cross section Jet Energy Scale uncertainties are dominant for high PT jets A 1% uncertainty on the jet scale translates to ~10% uncertainty for jet C.S. ~500 GeV PT and O(1%) on the top mass Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Impact on top mass Dilepton Top Mass channel: JES dominant systematic Mainly dominated by Underlying Event and Parton Shower uncertainties Lepton+jets (DLM) In lepton+jets and all hadronic channels, in-situ calibration is possible using the well-measured W boson mass: JES systematics not dominant still an important factor Systematic source Systematic uncertainty (GeV/c2) Calibration 0.1 MC generator 0.5 ISR and FSR 0.3 Residual JES b-JES 0.4 Lepton PT 0.2 Pileup PDFs Background Total 1.0 Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Tevatron and CDF@RunII
Highest-energy accelerator currently operational CDF Peak luminosity above 3.1 *1032 cm-2 s-1 Integrated luminosity/week about pb-1 CDF: ~4.2 fb-1 on tape Silicon micro-vertex tracker Excellent tracking efficiency Solenoid High rate trigger/DAQ L2 trigger on displaced vertices Calorimeters and muons Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Jet reconstruction A jet is a composite object: complex underlying physics depends on jet definitions Use different kind of Jet algorithms: - Cone algorithms (JETCLU and MIDPOINT) - KT algorithm Corrections on Jet Energy Scale (JES) for different effects: Instrumental effects: - response to hadrons - poorly instrumented regions - Multiple p-pbar interactions Physics effects: - Underlying event - Hadronization Time Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
CDF Calorimeter Central and Wall ( |h|<1.2 ): Granularity: Df × Dh = 15° × 0.1 (~ 800 towers) Non compensating non-linear response to hadrons Rather thin: 4 interaction lenghts Small amount of noise Resolutions: EM energies (g,e): s/ET = 13.5%/√ET+1.5% HAD energies(p±): s/ET = 50%/√ET+3% Plug (1.2<|h|<3.6): Similar technology to the central Resolutions: - EM energies (g,e): s/E = 16%/√E+1% - HAD energies (p±): s/E = 80%/√E+5% Thicker than central: 7 interaction lenghts Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Calorimeter calibration: EM energy
Check calorimeter response: Use test beam (from 1980s!) and single particles measured in-situ to understand absolute response Check time dependence For EM energy response use: MIP peak when possible (at about 300 MeV) Ze+e- mass peak stability Set absolute EM scale in central and plug Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Calorimeter calibration: Hadronic Energy
For hadron energy response use Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIP): J/ and W muons Peak HAD calorimeter: ~ 2 GeV Also Minimum bias events: - E.g. N towers (ET>500 MeV) Syst. Uncertainty related to Calorimeter Calibration ~ 0.5% Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Calorimeter simulation
Use MC simulation to determine Jet Corrections MC needs to Simulate accurately detector response to single particle (E/p). CDF uses: GEANT to track generated particles through the detector Gflash for fast EM and HAD shower simulation, using parametrizations of longitudinal and lateral shower profiles Describe jet fragmentation: MC tuned on data Tuning based on in-situ CDF data (dedicated triggers) E/P response as a function of particle momentum p. Lateral profile shower Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Single particle response simulation
Test beam In situ: Select ‘isolated’ tracks Measure energy in tower behind them Dedicated trigger Bgk subtraction Tune simulation to describe E/p distribution at each p Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Single particle response simulation
Jet composition: ~ 70 % charged particles - 10% protons - 90% pions 30 % neutral pions ( gg) - EM response hadrons Remaining difference data/simulation taken as syst. uncertainty Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Uncertainties on calorimeter simulation
Improved now with higher statistical samples up to p~40 GeV/c Sensitive to 0.9x0.9 = 81% inner part of the tower. For tower boundaries: additional 10% uncertainty Total uncertainties: Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
CDF Jet Energy Scale Method
Different correction factors: (frel) Relative Corrections Make response uniform in h : all corrections are then referred to the central region (MPI) Multiple Particle Interactions Energy from different ppbar interaction (fabs) Absolute Corrections Calorimeter non-linear and non-compensating PT jetparticle(R) = [ PT jetraw(R) frel (R) – MPI(R)] fabs(R) Additional corrections to get to parton energy: (UE) Underlying Event Energy associated with spectator partons in a hard collision Hadron-to-Parton correction (historically defined as Out-Of-Cone) PT parton(R) = PT jet particle(R) - UE(R) + OOC Systematic uncertainties are associated with each step Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Relative Corrections Jet Corrections are relative to the central calorimeter: Central (0.2<|h|<0.6 jets) ~1 by definition (reference) Difference Data/MC mainly in the forward region Depends on ET jets considered cracks Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
h-dependent corrections
After corrections Data Pythia PT-balancing also used to implicitly correct for transverse spreading of calorimeter showers outside jet cone + any h dependence of gluon radiation and multiple parton interactions Systematic Uncertainties Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Multiple Interactions
Overlapping interactions can overlap the jet Number of extra interactions depends on luminosity LHC Low lumi (L = 1× 1033 cm-2 s-1): <N>=2.3 High lumi (L = 1× 1034 cm-2 s-1): <N>=23 Tevatron L = 2× 1032 cm-2 s-1: <N>=6 Offset depending on number of interactions Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Multiple Interaction corrections
Linear correlation between number of interactions and number of vertices Define random cones in the central region (0.2<|h|<0.6) and determine average transverse energy associated to a cone Cone-based method For cone R = 0.7, <ET> = 1.06 GeV Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
CDF Absolute Corrections
Use MC simulation MC is adjusted by comparison with data to: simulate accurately detector response to single particle (E/p). Due to non-linearity of the calorimeter, non trivial correlation between N particles and PT track spectra Very important a good understand of track efficiency describe jet fragmentation Measurement of jet shape is fundamental Integrated jet shape Data/MC difference Systematic uncertainty ~ 1% Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Mapping the absolute scale
Map the calorimeter jet PT to the particle jet PT Use di-jet events generated in PYTHIA (0-800 GeV). Based on the most probable observed jet transverse momentum PTjet, given a particle jet with fixed value PTparticle Probability density function dP(PTparticle,PTjet): where DPT = Ptparticle – Ptjet and remaining parameters are used to model a double Gaussian function representing a core response and tails Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Jet corrections to particle level (absolute)
Unbinned likelihood fit used to extract the response parameters Almost independent on jet cone size. Depends on transverse momentum: calorimeter response is ~ 70% for 25 GeV/c jets, ~ 90% for 400 GeV/c jets. Absolute correction factor After this correction, jets are independent of the detector. Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Jet Fragmentation Fraction of tracks VS P If E/p was flat, uncertainty in Pt spectrum of particles in the jet will not lead to any uncertainty in energy scale. Momentum distribution of charged tracks distribution in data and Pythia MC agree except at low momenta. However, for same measured jet , total energy carried by charged tracks is different in data and Pythia (~a few %). Pythia/Data scale differ by <1% for GeV jets. Take as systematic uncertainty. HERWIG and PYTHIA agree to better than 1%. Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Absolute systematic uncertainties
CALORIMETER SIMULATION (1.3 2.5%) uncertainty on response of the calorimeter to single particles (p, p, n, etc) FRAGMENTATION(1%)takes into account how well MC describe the particle spectra and densities at all Jet ET STABILITY (0.5%) Calorimeter scale variation with time Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Model-dependent corrections
Underlying event (UE) and Hadron-to-Parton (Out-of-cone, OOC) energy corrections used only if need parton energy Modeling are required, difference MCs as systematic uncertainties. Method might be different depending on analysis (top mass reconstruction, Higgs boson searches) Parton transverse momentum: PT parton(R) = PT jet particle(R) - UE(R) + OOC Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Underlying Event Particle jet could have contributions related to hard interaction: Beam-beam renmants Initial state radiation MC tuned on Data (as Pythia Tune A) Use di-jet events Will be much harder at the LHC!!! Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Out-of-Cone Correction
OOC energy: energy escaping the cone radius Gluon radiation (FSR) Obtained from Pythia di-jet samples: Ratio PTparton / PT jet particle Similar performance Pythia and Herwig Systematic uncertainties from photon+jet events: Assume PTg = PT jet corr. Difference Data/MC of energy inside annuli around jet axis taken as systematic uncertainty Take the largest difference between Data/PYTHIA and Data/HERWIG Up to 6% for low PT jets Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
JES Systematic uncertainties
Total systematic uncertainties for JES between 2 and 3% as a function of corrected transverse jet momentum High Pt: Dominated by calorimeter simulation uncertainties Low Pt: Dominated by MC/data uncertainties Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Cross-checks using prompt photons
Photons are well measured in EM calorimeter Complications: number of events at high ET very low Background due to p0 Purity % for [20-100] GeV photon transverse energy range Use photon+jets (but also Z+jets) for cross check and to evaluate OOC corrections and JES systematic uncertainty due to Data/MC differences. Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
g (Z) + jet pT balance pT photon > 27 GeV (trigger) ET (second jet) < 3 GeV Df (Jet-g) > 3 Sensitive to radiation effects when allow second jet: Herwig farther away from jet cone Data Pythia Herwig pT balance: Agreement Data/MC within 3% Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Z-jet pT balance These events allow us to reach lower PT than photon+jet and also cross check photon+jets results. Selection two e(m) with ET>18 GeV (pT>20 GeV) 76 < M ee(mm) < 106 GeV ET (second jet) < 3 GeV Df (Jet-Z) > 3 Similar Herwig behaviour for Z+jet w.r.t. g+jet but less visible pT (Z) Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Comments on CDF procedure
CDF procedure demands a very accurate simulation of calorimeter showers and good understanding of underlying physics. It requires a detailed understanding of material in tracking volume, calorimeter response to single particles as well as particle Pt spectrum in jets (good knowledge of track reconstruction efficiency in high multiplicity environment). A lot of work has been done! Ensuring good simulation implies that simulated data can be directly compared with real data in the variable of one’s choice (e.g. size of τ Jet). Easy to build upon to improve jet resolution. Same procedure valid for all Pt Jets, even at 500 GeV jets. The procedure depends only on jet/calorimeter simulation and is independent of extra radiation in the event. Various stages of corrections allow users to do analysis at calorimeter-level, particle-level, particle-level after UE subtraction, parton-level, depending on physics. Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Contraining JES with Dijet mass resonances & b-jet specific corrections
- W from top decays - Z in bb decay mode
Calibration Peaks from W’s
In situ calibrations in ttbar samples: take the single dijet mass closest to the well known W mass as the single value of mjj per event Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
JES on top mass with in-situ Wjj
One example (lepton+jets Multivariate method) mt = ± 1.0 (stat.) ± 0.9 (JES) GeV/c2 Measured value for ΔJES, which is: ΔJES = 0.09 ± 0.29 σ BUT: “One point” calibration cannot constrain JES over wide PT range. (residual dependence on jet PT and h) Not specific for b-jet (b-specific uncertainty) Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
B-jet energy scale B-jet response is expected to be different from light quarks or gluon jets responses: Harder fragmentation B-hadron decays (semileptonic fraction) Dependence on tagging procedure used to identify b-jets Use MC to model b-jet response Apply generic jet energy corrections Additional corrections (from MC) to correct b-jets back to the parent b-quark Imply additional uncertainties (~ %) based on constraints from other experiments Test in data using g+bjet or Zbbbar Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Z bbbar signal Published on NIM doi: /j.nima b-jet energy scale from Z signal tools to extract DiJet mass resonances (Hbb) Trigger on two displaced tracks+ two 10 GeV jets DisplacedVertex tag (2-tags required) , SecondaryVertex Mass to select b-jets kinematic cuts to improve S/B Fit signal and background (direct QCD production) templates, for varying JES 1 tag extract a signal of N = 5674 ± 448(stat.) Z → bbbar decays in low-radiation central dijet events Result of a constrained unbinned likelihood fit performed to double tagged dijets data (blue points). The signal is constrained to the number of expected events (gaussian constraint: 4630 ± 727 Gaussian). The data-driven background shape and Monte-Carlo signal p.d.f are shown respectively in green and red. The fit returns 5674 ± 448 events of signal and a b-JES of ± (errors are statistical only). The inset on the upper right shows the data minus background distribution (blue points) and the signal shape (in red) normalized to the fitted number of events of signal. 2 tag Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
b-jet energy scale from Z bb Constrained unbinned likelihood fit performed to double tagged dijets data. Signal constrained to Nexp. events (gaussian constraint: 4630 ± 727 Gaussian). DiJet Invariant mass σZ x BR(Z->bb) = 1578 ± 123(stat) (syst) pb = (stat+syst) pb. Theory (NLO): σZxBR(Z->bb) = 1129 ± 22 pb B-Jet energy scale: 0.974 ± ( stat.) ± (sys.) (agreement with 1 sigma of nominal scale factor) Result of a constrained unbinned likelihood fit performed to double tagged dijets data (blue points). The signal is constrained to the number of expected events (gaussian constraint: 4630 ± 727 Gaussian). The data-driven background shape and Monte-Carlo signal p.d.f are shown respectively in green and red. The fit returns 5674 ± 448 events of signal and a b-JES of ± (errors are statistical only). The inset on the upper right shows the data minus background distribution (blue points) and the signal shape (in red) normalized to the fitted number of events of signal. Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Summary and Conclusions
CDF Jet Energy Scale done in several steps Tunes simulation and derives (part of the) corrections from MC Many ‘calibration’ signals: MIP peak, Zee and Minimum Bias for calorimeter Di-jet balance for relative response in cracks and plug Isolated tracks for calorimeter response Photon/Z-jet balance for cross-check and systematic uncertainties 2-3% systematic uncertainty achieved depending on jet transverse energy Can be reduced in specific measurement with in-situ calibrations (Wjj in lepton+jets top samples) Approach for b-jet correction still rely on MC Use of Z bbbar very promising For more details on JES at CDF arXiv:hep-ex/ , published on NIM /j.nima Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Jet Algorithms Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Clusters using different Jet algorithms
Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Details on GFlash (1) Simulation of EM and Hadronic showers involves two steps GFLASH calculated spatial distribution of energy, Edp, deposited by a shower w/in the calorimeter volume: depends on incident particle energy, shower fluctuations, sampling structure of detector Fraction of deposited energy visible to active medium, is calculated. Depends on relative sampling fractions of MIPs, EM and Hadronic particles: Sem/Smip , Shad/Smip (tunable parameters) Longitudinal shower profiles modeled with Gamma-distribution. Hadronic showers classified 3-ways: ● Purely hadronic (h), scales w/absorption length, l0 ● Showers w/ p0 produced in 1st inelastic collision (f) ● Showers w/ p0 produced in later inelastic collision (l) 22 parameters total Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Details on GFlash (2) Transverse/Lateral shower profiles for both EM and HAD particles are modeled with the Ansatz function: R50 is given in units of Moliére Radius (RM) / Absorption Length (l0) for EM/HAD showers respectively. The lateral spreading is taken to be linear (n=1) in HAD showers and quadratic (n=2) in EM showers. 14 parameters total Possible 38 parameters 11 are tuned for central calorimeter 7 are tuned for the plug (forward) calorimeter Remaining parameters use default settings from H1 Collaboration Relies on relative independence of shower profiles to particular calorimeter Tuning in-situ w/ isolated track data: E/p measurements w/ isolated charged particles Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Lateral profile Measure E/p signal in 5 towers adjacent in h signal defined as 1×3 strip in φ Plot E/p vs. relative eta for 5 towers In Gflash, use formula for lateral profile EM and HAD calorimeter probe different parts of the hadronic shower excluding 90° crack E/p vs ηrel (Central) Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Calorimeter simulation
Use MinBias or isolated track trigger Select good tracks within central 81% of tower. No extra track within 7x7 towers, no ShowerMax cluster. Measure E/p in data Tune Gflash parameters Difference in data and simulation is taken as uncertainty. E(HAD)/p E(EM)/p E(Total)/p After BG subtraction More statistics! Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Corrections for FLAT input spectrum. Additional correction needed to unsmear (almost negligible, high granularity in dpT ) Flat vs. QCD Spectra Avg For both spectra There is an average PT shift of hadron jets to calorimeter jets. With a Flat spectrum. After accounting for the average shift there are roughly as many low PT as high PT jets “smearing” into the calorimeter PT bin. With a QCD spectrum After accounting for the average shift, there are significantly more low PT jets than high PT jets “smearing” into the calorimeter PT bins. The QCD spectrum correction is therefore significantly lower. Hadron Jet PT Calorimeter Jet PT Avg Hadron Jet PT Calorimeter Jet PT Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Photon+jet balancing Herwig Pythia Data Δφ> 3, No 2nd jet cut PT balance between photon and jet is about 3% different among data and MC. Δφ>3 , second Jet Pt<3 GeV Herwig Pythia Data Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
Uncertainties on OOC The transverse energy around a jet of cone size Rjet is measured by adding the transverse energy in towers within the annulus defined by radii r1 and r2 around the jet axis Systematic uncertainty of OOC corrections for different cone sizes. The systematic uncertainty is taken as the largest difference between data and either PYTHIA or HERWIG Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Jet Resolution (H1 Algorithm)
Apply relative corrections to make response flat in η. Use tracks (0.5<Pt<15 GeV, Pt ordered), extrapolate to face of calorimeter Select towers within Δη=0.1 and Δφ=0.2. (Central towers are 0.1x0.26.) Take the nearest tower one if none within these limits. Order selected towers in distance from the track. Remove towers such that corresponding removed energy is always less or equal to the energy of the track. Energy already removed by a previous track is not considered by subsequent tracks. Jet is sum of all quality-selected tracks and remaining towers in the jet. Scale the final jet energy There is improvement (10-15%) Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
D0 Calorimeter LAr sampling U absorber: Compensating linear response to hadrons 7 interaction lengths Same structure for barrel and plug Resolutions: EM energies (g,e): s/ET = 15%/√ET+0.3% HAD energies(p±): s/ET = 45%/√ET+5% Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
D0 Jet Energy Scale Method
Different correction factors: (fabs) Absolute Corrections Calorimeter non-linear and non-compensating (frel) Relative Corrections Make response uniform in h : all corrections are then referred to the central region (O) Offset correction For MPI, underlying event and detector noise (S) Showering correction For detector effect of energy leaking inside or outside of jet cone ET jetparticle = [ ET jetraw -O] / (frel fabsl S) Note D0 correct to a particle level with corrections for underlying event, but not for out of cone corrections (different from CDF). Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
D0 response function Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
Top Workshop@Grenoble, 10/23/2008
D0 Offset Energy Corrects for all energy not associated to the hard scatter: MPI, underlying event and electronic noise Worked out from minimum bias events Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
D0 Relative and Absolute Corrections
Performed with photon-jet events Similar corrections for different η →shows relative corrections ok Use dijet and photon-jet events. Jet corrections relative to the central calorimeter |h|<0.6 : Depends on ET jets considered due to crack Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
D0 Showering Correction
Use MC to estimate energy smeared in or out due to detector effects (this is absorbed in the absolute corrections at CDF) Checks with data to evaluate the systematic error Does not account for true energy from the parton distributed outside the jet radius (OOC corrections at CDF) Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
JES Systematic uncertainties
Total systematic uncertainties for JES between 2 and 3% as a function of corrected transverse jet momentum CDF Similar between CDF and D0 apart from out of cone correction, which is very large at low Pt for CDF Monica D'Onofrio (IFAE) Top 10/23/2008
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