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Sharon A. Haynes Coosa County Extension Coordinator

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1 Sharon A. Haynes Coosa County Extension Coordinator
Coosa County New Leaf Health Coalition Bringing and Educating Alabamians Together to Prevent Diabetes ”BEAT-PD” Sharon A. Haynes Coosa County Extension Coordinator

2 Coosa County New Leaf Health Coalition Members
Left to Right: Belinda Catchings- AL Dept. of Public Health, Debra Ward- AL Cooperative Extension System, Cornelia Tuck- Faith-Based Organization, Judy Marbury- Faith-Based Organization and Sharon Haynes- AL Cooperative Extension System. Not pictured: Michelle Hunter- Rockford Senior Center Representative

3 County Profile Population: Approx. 10,816
Mostly 55 years of age and older Unemployment: 5.7% No major industry, school and local government major employers One School System in the entire county approx. 2,017 students No Grocery Stores in County Seat, nearest grocery store is 21 miles one way. Only 1 dentist in the entire county 2 Clinics in the entire county (only Nurse Practitioners) No Restaurants in County Seat, nearest 10 miles Consumer Shopping: Dollar General (3) stores Two (2) Food Pantries Two (2) City Parks Over 64 Faith-Based Churches

4 Program Strategies Improve Community Setting/Outreach Education
- Community Health Fair, Family Festival, Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) and Diabetes and You Conference Improvement of Food Environment Market Day and Expansion of Two Localized Food Pantries Increase Opportunities for Physical Activity Scale Back Alabama Program, Revitalization of City Park and Hiking Trails

5 Community Setting Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP)
Coosa County New Leaf Health Coalition completed its’ six weeks Diabetes Empowerment Education Program-DEEP at the Coosa County Community Life Center. DEEP- diabetes self-management education classes were taught by certified instructors. The following modules were taught: Understanding the human body and diabetes, Monitoring your body, Get up and move: diabetes and exercise Nutrition Preventing diabetes complications Coping with diabetes. Classes were conducted for 60 to 80 minutes each session. A total of 12 participants started the class, with 9 completing the entire six weeks. Program completion was April 14th.


7 DEEP Graduating Class 1

8 Coosa County- Family Festival 2016 Coosa’s Strength: Our Families

9 Coosa County- Family Festival 2016 Coosa’s Strength: Our Families
Coosa County- Family Festival 2016 Coosa’s Strength: Our Families In conjunction with the Coosa County Children’s Policy Council, Coosa County Schools, and Coosa Pride, the Coalition help sponsored a family festival for the county. The festival was held to give families an opportunity to network and receive services from area agencies and free health screenings. In addition, Dr. Shannon Murphy, pediatrician from Birmingham, AL provided information on children and diabetes, drugs and other adolescents related health issues. Approximately, 22 agencies participated as vendors and more than 148 individuals participated. Coalition members were on hand disseminating diabetes related publications, including nutrition information. Each participant was given a measuring cup to aid them with portion control. Below are photos from the family festival.

10 Family Matters: Diabetes and You Conference
The Family Matters: Diabetes and You Conference was held May 14th to increase awareness and promote the importance of family and health issues, especially diabetes education and cancer awareness. The conference was open to all interested persons, with emphasis placed on faith-based organizations. Several health related topics were addressed, by Guest Speakers: Dr. Clayton Yates of Tuskegee University and Deborah Griffin, R.N. with Alabama Department of Public Health.

11 Community Health Fair

12 Diabetes and Breast Cancer

13 Diabetes and Breast Cancer

14 Taking it to The People Southern Style AU- TIPSS

15 Improvement of Food Environment
Improvement of Food Environment- In addition to providing education, the coalition also wanted to let residents know about the access and availability of healthier foods that would enable rural communities in the county to improve and develop healthy sustainable foods needed to combat diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases.

16 Market Day

17 Market Day

18 Market Day

19 The “WAY” Tour

20 The “WAY” Tour

21 The “WAY” Tour Eagle Roost Herb Farm

22 Increase Physical Activity



25 Partners and Sponsors Alabama Cooperative Extension System-Auburn University Auburn University School of Nursing Auburn University Office of Outreach Education Town of Rockford and Other County Government Entities Faith-Based Churches AL Department of Public Health Coosa County ALProHealth Coalition Coosa Valley Medical Center and Russell Medical Center

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