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Presentation on theme: "CAREER PORTFOLIO."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Career Portfolio?
A record of your 4-H career. Shows personal growth and development. Most beneficial to start when you begin 4-H and continue every year. Just what the name implies.

3 Why do a Career Portfolio?
Easy way to record activities and accomplishments. Opportunity to win awards and trips. National 4-H Youth Congress Records for job applications and scholarship applications. Conclusion of project. Fun to go back and read and look at pictures when you are older!

4 Parts of Career Portfolio
Section 1: Project Accomplishments Identify projects you are taking List what was done / accomplished List what you learned through each project Note: Any experience related to the projects you are taking: workshops, judging contests, presentations, speeches, camps specific to curriculum areas, etc. should be listed in Section 2.

5 Parts of Career Portfolio
Section 2: 4-H Leadership, Community Service, Volunteer, Citizenship, & Educational Experiences List each 4-H Activity in appropriate curriculum area. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ENROLLED IN A PROJECT THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE CURRICULUM AREA. Activities can include camps, contests, workshops, county events, educational experiences, service projects, elected offices, committees, judging, presentations, speeches, etc.

6 Section 2 Continued It is OK if you don’t have information for all the sections. It is important to show a progression of learning activities and leadership responsibility from year to year.

7 Parts of Career Portfolio
Section 3: Non 4-H Experiences Do not include any items pertaining to 4-H in this section. List most meaningful participation in school, church and community organizations other than 4-H. Important to show a progression of learning activities and leadership responsibility year to year.

8 Parts of Career Portfolio
Section 4: 4-H Curriculum Story Landscape, max. 6 pages, one side, double spaced, 1 ½” top and 1” side and bottom margins, True Type Font, Times New Roman, 12 point. Introduction Growth in curriculum area and area you are applying for an award. Other projects and Experiences Leadership / Community Service to the curriculum area in which you are competing. Conclusion and summary of the impact of 4-H on you.

9 Parts of Career Portfolio
Section 5: Support Materials Materials must provide documentation to support your 4-H Career Portfolio. Includes max. of 6 pages with materials fitting on 11”x 8 ½” landscaped paper. No more than 4 pages of photos. ACTION shots best. Up to 2 additional pages of supporting materials other than photos.

10 What are judges looking for?
4-H Career Portfolio Accomplishments Review (scoresheet) Section 1 – Project Accomplishments, 35% Show income & expenses Ex: My five chickens cost me $50.00 and I spent $45.00 in feed and supplies. I butchered them and sold them for $12.00/ bird and made $60.00. Ex: My art project supplies cost $12.00 and framing cost me $25.00.

11 What are judges looking for?
Section 2 – 4-H Leadership, Community Service, Volunteer, Citizenship, and Educational Experiences, 35% Jr. Leader Club or Council Officer Committee member and / or officer Explain what you done and how many you helped. Size and scope.

12 What are judges looking for?
Section 3 – Non 4-H Experience, 5% Diverse and variety key. School sports and summer leagues ok but looking for variety of activities. Section 4 – 4-H Career Story, 15 % Follow format guidelines. Be sure and proof read and have someone else proof it.

13 4-H Curriculum Story Parts
Suggested story format from Do not identify theses parts in your story! Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Describe your growth in your curriculum area. (In the area you are applying for an award.) Part 3: Other 4-H Projects & Experiences Part 4: Leadership / Community service related to the curriculum area in which you are competing. Part 5: Conclusion – summary of the impact of 4-H on you.

14 What are judges looking for?
Section 5 – Support Material, 5% If have access to digital pictures, makes it neater but do not have to be digital. If have access to computer to type caption on pictures is neater but neat hand written captions are ok too. Make use of all the page. Action shots!!! Pictures of 4-Her working with or on project.

15 What are judges looking for?
General, 5% NO plastic sheet protectors! Follow formatting guidelines on each tab.

16 Guidelines Follow the instructions on each tab and look at the examples given on each tab. Be sure to list an activity only once.

17 Nemaha County Extension Office 1824 N St. , Suite 102 Auburn, NE www
Nemaha County Extension Office 1824 N St., Suite 102 Auburn, NE (402)

18 Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture. The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.

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