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IHP: Innovation for High Performance Microelectronics

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Presentation on theme: "IHP: Innovation for High Performance Microelectronics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Completely Distributed Low Duty Cycle Communication for Long-living Sensor Networks
IHP: Innovation for High Performance Microelectronics 독일 연방정부와 부란덴부르크주 지원받음. 라이프니츠연구협회(WGL) 산하에 있으며 프랑크푸르트에 소재 연구분야 System Design Circuit Design Technology Materials Research ETRI와 60 GHz이상의 밀리미터파 통신 및 회로기술, SiGe BiCMOS 기술, MPW 활용 및 반도체 관련 상호 교류 가능한 기술분야 등의 MOU 체결 Marcin Brzozowski, Hendrik Salomon and Peter Langendoerfer IHP Im Technologiepark Frankfurt RTLab. Kim Tae-Hyon

2 Contents Introduction Related work Problem Statement Protocol Overview
Protocol Detail Implementation Experiment Result Conclusion

3 Introduction An off-the-shelf sensor node works only for few days if all the parts are permanently powered on The challenge is to guarantee a lifetime of several years Therefore, low duty cycle protocol are essential in long-living sensor networks. Such protocol keep the nodes sleeping most of the time However, to transmit and to receive data the nodes must be awake at the same time. This problem is referred to as rendezvous problem In This paper they continue their work, and present a completely Distributed Low Duty Cycle MAC(DLDC-MAC) protocol

4 Related work Classified rendezvous schemes Purely Synchronous
Nodes agree on the next communication time ex) SMAC Purely Asynchronous A node wakes up another node, e.g. wake-up radio Pseudo Asynchronous Nodes use an underlying periodic wake-up scheme STEM(Sparse Topology and Energy Management), WiseMAC

5 Problem Statement Lifetime and rendezvous Decentralized networks
To achieve longer lifetimes, the nodes stay in sleep mode for a long time, keeping the transceiver powered down Synchronize their wake-up phases is referred to as rendezvous Decentralized networks As there are no base stations and no permanent sinks in decentralized networks, rendezvous and data dissemination is very challenging

6 Problem Statement (Cont’)
Fig1. Example decentralized application Each source node replicates data (guaranteed replication within 1-hop neighborhood + random replication outside 1-hop) A temporary sink may appear anywhere and at any time; the sink issues data gathering request, which are forwarded randomly until they reach the source

7 Problem Statement (Cont’)
Protocol requirement We need a low duty cycle protocol which achieves a long lifetime. Nodes must realize a global wake-up synchronization scheme Such a MAC protocol must support data replication in this scenario

8 Protocol Overview

9 Protocol Overview (Cont’)
Beacons The beacon period is the same for all nodes Upon receiving a neighbor’s beacon, the node estimate the next beacon After sending a beacon, the node stays in the receive mode shortly. During this time other nodes can send request. Schedule setup After powering on, a node listens for the whole beacon period. Then knowing the beacon times of neighbors, the node sends network join announcements during the receive time of neighbor Each node collects the complete list of the two-hop neighbors with corresponding beacon times.

10 Protocol Overview (Cont’)
Two-hop neighborhood To get the two-hop neighborhood, each node sends its neighbor list together with corresponding beacon times once in a while Data transmission With Beacon Piggy-backed in beacons Additional Time Slot The node arranges additional data slots in cooperation with its neighbor

11 Protocol Details Clock drift and missed beacons
Each node stores for each neighbor the reception time of the last beacon If a node misses a neighbor’s beacon, it increases the guard time for the next receive attempt

12 Protocol Details (Cont’)
Asymmetric links If a node can transmit data to its neighbor but cannot receive anything from it, the link is Asymmetric In this protocol ignores permanent asymmetric links Experiment revealed that links tend to be temporarily asymmetric Links failures A node detects a broken link, when it does not receive several consecutive beacon from a neighbor. After detecting a broken link, the corresponding neighbor is not immediately regard as not working After some time, the node tries to receive beacon from the neighbor again by waking up neighbor at neighbor’s beacon time

13 Protocol Details (Cont’)
Beacon overlap prevention The beacons overlap leading to collisions To counter this threat, each node monitors beacon times. When the time difference between any two beacon is smaller than a threshold, one of the affected nodes choose a new beacon time The node includes in its beacon the new beacon time together with the remaining number of beacon periods until the beacon change take place Collision avoidance As the nodes prevents the overlap of transmit times, there is no collisions risk in this protocol

14 Implementation Hardware Software Tmote sky TinyOS DLDC-MAC
8MHz MSP430 (10k RAM, 48k Flash) CC2420 Humidity, Temperature, Light Sensor Software TinyOS DLDC-MAC

15 Experimental Result

16 Experimental Result (Cont’)
Description 10 tmote sky sensor nodes using DLDC-MAC protocol Transmitter output power to -25dBm Beacon period is one minute Nodes transmitted data a few bytes a minute towards node 1 14 day office experimental Beacon overlap prevention and clock drift They observed that the clock drift was quite stable for each sensor node The experiment showed that each node can use shorter guard times related to the real clock drift

17 Experimental Result (Cont’)

18 Experimental Result (Cont’)
Robustness against link failure

19 Experimental Result (Cont’)
Direct communication drawback

20 Conclusion DLDC-MAC copes with the problem of clock drift, i.e. nodes wake up at right time and do not miss beacon due to the clock drift The experiment revealed that the clock drift is stable and much smaller than the worst possible drift We observed that direct communication over long distances led to a very high packet error rate. In that case, multi-hop communication achieved much higher communication reliability.

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