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II. Nanoparticles preparation TMZ stability evaluation

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1 II. Nanoparticles preparation TMZ stability evaluation
Improvement of Temozolomide Stability by Loading in Chitosan-carboxy Enriched Polylactide Nanoparticles: In Vitro Evaluation. Di Martino A., Kucharczyk P., Kucekova Z., Humpolicek P., Sedlarik V. Centre of Polymer Systems, University Institute, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, tr. T. Bati 5678, Zlin, Czech Republic INTRODUCTION METHODS II. Nanoparticles preparation Polyelectrolites complexation method Temozolomide (TMZ) is an alkylating agent considered one of the most effective for treating grade IV glioma and metastatic melanoma [1]. However, due to its fast hydrolysis in physiological media (half-life less than 1.8 h) TMZ has to be administered in high systemic doses to reach the required therapeutic concentration, which unfortunately brings on side effects such as bone marrow depression, oral ulcerations, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and headaches. To improve TMZ stability various formulation has been developed mainly based on polyacrylates and polysorbates [2]. In this work a formulation based on chitosan grafted by carboxy-enriched polylactide (CS-PLACA) was prepared to encapsulate, release and prolong the stability of TMZ in physiological like media. Evaluation of free and TMZ loaded in CS-PLACA cytotoxicity was investigated in MEFs cell line over time to shown the advantages of the use the carrier compare to free drug. I. CS-PLACA synthesis Simple Solvent free High reproduciblity III. Encapsulation and TMZ stability UV-Vis 275 nm LC-MS - determination of TMZ release after 6h and 24h IV. Cell test MEF cell line - Evaluation of free and TMZ loaded in CS-PLACA nanoparticles cytotoxicity RESULTS Nanoparticles characterization TMZ stability evaluation Control OBJECTIVES The main aims of the presented works are: I) Preparation of an amphiphilic carrier (CS-PLACA) II) Encapsulation of TMZ in CS-PLACA based nanoparticles III) Improved stability of TMZ in physiological solution IV) Reduction of In Vitro TMZ cytotoxicity Nanoparticles dimeter: nm PDI = z-potential : 27 mV ± 5 at pH 5.5 TMZ released 6 h CS-PLACA PLACA increases TMZ encapsulation about 10% 500 mg TMZ / 1 mg of CS-PLACA TMZ released 12 h MEFs micrographs CS-PLACA + TMZ 24h CS-PLACA + TMZ 48h CS-PLACA CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Czech Science Foundation (grant No Y) and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (grant No. LO1504). Prepared system posses important properties such as i) mild preparation conditions; ii) valuable drug-loading capacity, continuous and sustainable release iii) protection of encapsulated drug. The absence of any interference between TMZ and the carrier during loading and release process stand out as important findings, suggesting CS-PLACA as an interesting candidates for TMZ controlled delivery. Moreover, no structural alteration occurred in TMZ after release, indicative the protective role against hydrolysis. REFERENCES [1] Trinh, V.A. Expert. Opin. Drug. Saf. 2009,8, 4, [2] Zhou, Q. J.Pharmacol. Exp.Ther. 2007, 321, 1,

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