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Sunday 3rd of September 2017 at Madills Farm, Kohimarama

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1 Sunday 3rd of September 2017 at Madills Farm, Kohimarama
EASTERN SUBURBS A.F.C. 12TH GRADE Girls TOURNAMENT Sunday 3rd of September 2017 at Madills Farm, Kohimarama ENTRY The closing date for entries is Sunday the 27th of Augest The entry fee of $135 per team must be paid at the time of sending the registration form. Entries will not be confirmed until payment has been made. Limited to 16 teams. To register, please your registration form to Alvin Cheung at and include the following information: - Club name - Grade - Team name - Name of contact person and address for sending receipts FORMAT • Games will be played on half fields, 9v9 format including goalkeepers. • 12 min halves with 1 min for half-time. Quarter and semi finals will have penalties in case of a draw. Final will be 15 minute halves and then if no result, 5 minutes extra time both ways and if no result, penalties. • Teams to comprise 12 NZ Football Federation registered players born after 1 January 2005. • Reporting time 8:30am for briefing and draw packs, first games scheduled to kick-off at 9am. • Eastern Suburbs to provide Club Based Referees for quarter finals, semi finals and final, pool games to be refereed by teams themselves (one half each team). • Size 4 match balls will be provided. • All teams guaranteed a minimum of 3 games in pool play, qualifying for Championship and Plate rounds. • We will accept entries for more than one team per club. If entering multiple teams, please rank your teams. • The café will be open serving food and drinks on the day.

Sunday 3rd of September 2017 at Madills Farm, Kohimarama TEAM NAME: Coach name: Mobile: Manager name: Mobile: PLAYER NAME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DOB: To register Alvin Cheung at ESAFC bank account:  club name & team name as reference

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