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Models of the Earth.

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1 Models of the Earth

2 Roundness of Earth Evidence:
Photographs from space Objects over horizon Earth shadow on eclipse Altitude of Polaris Shadow angles at different parts of the world The name for the shape of Earth is oblate spheroid Results in differential gravity; greater distance at equator = less gravity

3 Eratosthenes Method Watch how shadow length varies with the angle from the sun!

4 Lab: Earth’s Circumference
Calculate the size of Earth using your own data! Amazing! S = L C

5 Test of the day: 9/23 Given 360° longitude (180 E, 180 W) and Earth rotates 1x/day (24 hours), how fast is Earth spinning? What is this speed in Rochester? L=cos(Lat)*EqLong Our lat = 43.13°, EqLong = mi Speed = 15 * L (because of your rotational speed calculated above) =683 mph!!

6 What do you think? 9/25 At what altitude would Polaris be if you were at 30° N? What does gradient mean? (don’t just give the formula, you geek) How many labs do you owe? Turn them in.

7 Latitude and Longitude
Used for measuring Earth Useful in providing accurate locations on a sphere What is the basis of latitude? What is the basis of longitude? Who came up with this, anyway? 1884, Washington DC conference


9 What is the fastest way to get from NYC to Madrid?


11 What is a Field Map? Map indicating measurement of some value
What kind of value? Temperature Elevation Election results Strength of manure odor

12 Fields, Isolines, and Gradients, Oh MY!!
A field is just an area of space. A soccer field A topographic quadrangle A continent Isolines connect points of equal value within the field Contour lines are special kinds of isolines, connecting points of equal elevation Gradient is just how steep an area is, and can be estimated by observing how close together isolines are. Formula for gradient is change in field value divided by distance.

13 Fields Field values can either remain constant (static) or change (dynamic) Static: elevation Dynamic: grades Field values can either be just a number (scalar) or show a direction (vector) Scalar: temperature Vector: migratory patterns of European swallows But, is it unladen?

14 Isoline RULES!!!! Isolines may NEVER cross
Isolines connect points of equal value Isolines either entirely close upon themselves…. OR go off the map

15 Find a high or low in the center
250 280 290 290 310 390 310 410 320 370 540 460 350 370 560 430 410 490 540 405 530 490 385 425 475 285 480

16 Insert points where needed
250 280 290 290 310 390 310 410 320 370 540 460 350 370 560 430 410 490 540 405 530 490 385 425 475 285 480

17 Connect your points 250 280 290 290 310 390 310 410 320 370 540 460 350 370 560 430 410 490 540 405 530 490 385 425 475 285 480

18 Reminders 10/1 How do you record measurements of latitude and longitude? How does a topographic map distinguish areas of steep gradient from gentle gradient? What is the latitude of NY?

19 Topographic Maps What do they have on them? Scale Elevations Roads
Buildings Railroads Name Date Nearby maps

20 Hachure Lines Show enclosed topographic depressions, such as
Sinkholes Volcanic craters Meteor craters Are illustrated with a contour line with small marks on the inside of it. The elevation is the same as the previous contour line.


22 How to Make a Profile Align scrap paper along profile line
Mark starting and ending points Mark contour lines on scrap Move scrap over to profile sheet Follow marks up to elevation indicated, mark on profile sheet Connect the dots, La-la-la

23 A 500 460 B 480 500 CI = 20 ft

24 Voila! Transfer points straight up to their elevations
Connect the dots, la-la-la! 580 Enclosed depression 560 540 520 River 500 480 460 440 500 460 480 Voila!

25 10/3 Calculate the elevation gradient between my house and this school, given that my house is 436 ft and the elevation of the school is 486 ft. The distance between them is 5.6 miles. -units? How many different 20-foot contour lines do I cross when I ride my bicycle to school? LTI in your network drive???

26 How to Read Quadrangles
What is a quadrangle? What information is around the map? How is the map oriented? What scale am I looking at? How to use rectangles 1-9

27 Topographic Map Symbols
Check out this radical sheet!

28 Things I noticed… Parallel = latitude Meridian = longitude
Quadrangle locator map 3 different Norths Geographic Polaris Magnetic Declination is the angle (also shown in Mils!) Lat/Long vs UTM coordinates Contour lines form a V, pointing upstream Ratio scale (1:24000) is unitless

29 Comments from Lab What is the highest possible elevation?

30 Comments from Lab What is the latitude/longitude of Rochester?

31 Comments from Labs As the difference in field value increases between two spot locations, the isolines move closer together Labels for gradients Hachure marks show enclosed depressions Depression contours are the same elevation as the previous contour

32 Other Map Comments… What is a scale? How many different kinds do we use? Streams create V-shaped contours, POINTING UPSTREAM What is declination? Mils?!? From, “there are 6400 mils in a circle” Profiles from volcano lab are sloppy! Make them … curvaceous, ooh-la-la!

33 10/7 Sketch a stream flowing southwest, crossing at least three contour lines What does “contour interval” mean?

34 Lab List and “Lessons Learned”
Lab 5: Earth’s Circumference Size of Earth is approx 40k km Using Eratosthenes method Ratio of angle and 360 = ratio of distance and circumf. Lab 6: Latitude and Longitude How to use coordinate systems Altitude of Polaris = your latitude Prime Meridian, equator, N/S poles, int’l date line

35 Lab 7: Constructing a Field Map
What isolines are, isotherms, contour lines Isoline rules (extend to edge, circle back, don’t cross) Calculating gradient Visually identifying steep/gentle gradient Lab 8: Constructing a Contour Map Contour lines connect points of equal elevation Hachured lines for depressions Constructing profiles V-shape when crossing streams, points upstream

36 Lab 9: Topographic Maps Quadrangle map reading skills, lat/long
Declination Rectangles Spot elevations (benchmarks) Contour intervals, man-made structures Scales (ratio, bar) Nearby locations

37 Topics and Tasks Earth’s size Earth’s shape Earth’s spheres
Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Using ESRT! Eratosthene’s method FORMULA! Latitude/Longitude Using Polaris Labels! Field maps Drawing Isolines Topographic maps Drawing Profiles Gradient Formula Spacing of contours Units! Streamflow Relationships: As 1 variable increases, what happens to the other variable? How to tell Lat/Long without a direction- which way is increasing?

38 And more… Contour Interval is the elevation change between contours
Labels for degrees, minutes, seconds Include N/S for Latitude, E/W for Longitude. (the US is North and West!) Units! Using the ESRT Making profiles Eratosthenes Method Sketch a profile v. Create/Draw a profile

39 A B 500 CI = 20 ft

40 580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440

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