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Opening Doors of New Opportunity through Syndication Partnerships

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1 Opening Doors of New Opportunity through Syndication Partnerships
HinduNet, Inc. Opening Doors of New Opportunity through Syndication Partnerships

2 Why Partner with HinduNet
Largest Hindu Site in the world Online since 1994 No. of unique visitos - over 300,000 per month 18 well branded Hindu sites targeted towards demographics and interest groups Extensive name recognition, featured in all the major media The only major commercial site catering to one billion Hindus around the world

3 HinduNet Business Model
HinduNet seeks to generate revenues through the following channels : B2B services : Enabling IT for Hindu temples and organizations. B2C Services : Books, Music, Art, Educational Material, Tourism. Expansion through key acquisitions Content Syndication : Through global localization rights Online Advertisements

4 Growth Model Rapid growth through partnerships and acquisitions
Marketing through grassroots community outreach Leverage unique opportunity presented by Vishwa Dharma Prasar Yaatra Drive commerce through content and community Leverage our non-profit roots (and part ownership) for commerce.

5 HinduNet Management Chairman of the Board : Dr. B. K Modi
Prominent industrialist and visionary business leader Board Member : Dr. Mahesh Mehta Prominent Hindu leader, founder of VHP-A, with decades of Hindu leadership experience President and CEO : Dr. Ajay Shah Founder of HinduNet, Hindu Students Council and American Hindus Against Defamation. Pioneer of religion on Internet, extensive experience in development, customer support, marketing and management Chief Technical Officer : Srinivas Bolisetty Ten years of development and system architecture experience in startups and established companies

6 Global Hindu Community

7 Partnering Opportunities
Localize the content of HinduNet to your suite local market Cater to the local Hindu community and local businesses Business opportunities include providing IT services to Hindu temples, community organizations, event management system Sell Online pujas from local temples globally Sell specialty India and Hindu related goods and services to local market

8 HinduNet Syndication Program
HinduNet will point customers to the local version of the site where available Territories to be awarded exclusively Territories based on population concentration - e.g., regional or national Only Pre-screened qualified partners will be accepted in HinduNet Syndication Program

9 HinduNet Syndication Program
Syndication Partnerships will be 50-50, between HinduNet and the partner Syndication Partner to pay HinduNet one time $50,000 licensing and setup fees HinduNet will provide technical infrastructure, software for services (such as , website for users, personalization etc.), customizable content Syndication Partner will pay an annual fee for maintenance of their site (amount to be decided)

10 Partnership Advantages
No investment for core content development Substantially reduced investment in technical infrastructure Leverage from HinduNet’s name recognition Shared marketing costs While you concentrate on local content, marketing and sales at the local level, HinduNet will handle technical infrastructure. Ability to sell your local services globally Benefit from our strong B2B Offerings Key acquisition to help partners sell more services online

11 Maintenance Fees : $1000 per month
Partner Revenues Advertisement on local pages : Partner share 100% Local Classified Ads. : Partner share 100% Commission to local partner for selling B2C goods through partner site 10% B2B Products and services : Partner share 25% HinduNet Revenues Onetime setup Fees $50,000 Maintenance Fees : $1000 per month Commission to HinduNet for selling local Pujas : 10%

12 Conclusion

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