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Food for Peace Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for

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1 Food for Peace Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for
FFP Development Food Assistance Projects Gender Integration

2 Session Objectives By the end of the session participants will have become familiar with: FFP gender M&E requirements FFP gender indicators for baseline and final evaluation Gender Integration

3 Session Outline USAID policy environment for gender
FFP gender M&E requirements Gender integration as a cross-cutting theme FFP gender integration framework FFP gender indicators Gender Integration

4 USAID-wide FFP July 2013 USAID ADS 205 released Oct 2014 March 2012
FFP adopts gender indicators March 2012 USAID Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy launched Sept 2012 FFP hires Gender Advisor March 2011 Report on Gender Integration in FFP published as an FFP occasional paper and first steps to gender integration start Oct/Nov 2009 Gender integration in Title II becomes mandatory USAID-wide May-Sept 2009 Revised Title II proposal guidelines to integrate gender FFP Gender Integration

5 FFP M&E Gender Requirements
Gender must be integrated into each project: As a cross-cutting theme 8 required gender indicators for baseline/final evaluation (BL/FE) surveys 1 required gender related ‘F’ indicator (annual monitoring) Sex disaggregation for FFP BL/FE and annual monitoring indicators (where applicable) Gender Integration

6 FFP Gender Requirements, Non-M&E
Required gender expert Gender analysis completed by the end of first year Program design must ensure equitable participation of program activities by men, women, boys, and girls continued… Gender Integration

7 FFP Gender Requirements, Non-M&E
Program design must consider how activities would affect: Status of women and men (time, health) Access to and control over resources and benefits for boys, girls, men, and women Gender-based violence (GBV) Gender Integration

8 Gender Integration as a Cross-Cutting Theme
ELEMENT Agriculture and livelihood Maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) FFP STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Improved agricultural sector growth Improved nutritional status, especially of women and children PROJECT PURPOSE Example: vulnerable households net income increased Example: chronic malnutrition among vulnerable rural populations in targeted micro-watershed reduced Gender Integration

9 FFP Gender Integration Framework
Decision Making Control Communication Resources/ Information Access Membership/ Participation Gender Integration

10 FFP Gender Integration Framework Agriculture and Livelihood
63.a. Percentage of men/women in union and earning cash who make decisions alone about the use of self-earned cash 63.b. Percentage of men/women in union and earning cash who make decisions jointly with spouse/partner about the use of self-earned cash Decision Making Communication 62. Percentage of people in union and earning cash who report talking about use of self-earned cash with spouse/partner Resources/ Information 61. Percentage of people in union who earned cash in the past 12 months Membership/ Participation 64. Percentage of people in union and earning cash who are members of a group Gender Integration

11 FFP Gender Integration Framework MCHN
67.a. Percentage of men/women in union with children under two who make MCHN decisions alone 67.b. Percentage of men/women in union with children under two who make MCHN decisions jointly with spouse/partner Decision Making Communication 66.  Percentage of people in union with children under two who report talking with spouse/partner about MCHN Resources/ Information 65. Percentage of people in union with children under two who have knowledge of MCHN practices Membership/ Participation 68. Percentage of people in union with children under two who are members of a group Gender Integration

12 Resources McNairn, Rosemarie M. and Sethuraman, Kavita Gender Integration in USAID Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Office of Food for Peace Operations: Occasional Paper #7. Washington, DC: FANTA. USAID Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy. USAID Policy. Policy.pdf USAID ADS Chapter 205. Integrating Gender Equality and Female Empowerment in USAID’s Program Cycle. Demographic and Health Surveys: Gender Integration

13 This presentation is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the support of the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition, Bureau for Global Health, and Office of Food for Peace, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under terms of Cooperative Agreement No. AID-OAA-A , through the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA), managed by FHI 360. The contents are the responsibility of FHI 360 and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Gender Integration

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