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Healthy diet.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy diet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy diet

2 Respiration What is respiration Where does respiration happen?
What is the word equation for respiration?

3 Respiration What is respiration The release of energy from glucose
Where does respiration happen? In all cells of the body What is the word equation for respiration? Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water

4 Put in order

5 Put in order

6 A balanced diet

7 How much of each food group should you eat?
Use in body Carbohydrates Energy Fats and oils Energy (more energy that carbohydrates) Protein Growth and repair Vitamins and minerals Staying healthy

8 Calories Calorie is a measure of the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 °C. The kilocalorie (kcal) is the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of one kg of water by 1 °C.

9 Which of these need more energy?
Woman Man Men 2500 calories Women 2000 calories How would their diets vary?

10 Which of these need more energy?
Pregnant woman Woman How would their diets vary?

11 Which of these need more energy?
Athlete Couch potato How would their diets vary?

12 Which of these need more energy?
Male teenager Male old age pensioner How would their diets vary?

13 Which of these need more energy?
Eskimo Desert dweller How would their diets vary?

14 Metabolic rate Even if people are similar in age, sex and size they may still need different amounts of energy in their diet, WHY? What is metabolic rate? Metabolic rate is the rate at which chemical reactions in your body cells happen (determined by our genetics!!!). Where in a cell does chemical reactions occur?

15 Would these two people vary in the amount of energy they need?
Yes, because they have different genes and therefore metabolic rates!!!! Same age & sex, same fitness, both exercise, similar mass

16 What effects how much energy you need?
Metabolic rate is the rate at which chemical reactions in your body cells happen (determined by our genetics!!!). Where in a cell does chemical reactions occur? Exercise, fitness, age, metabolic rate, gender, Genetic factors, environment, body mass

17 Comparing metabolic rates Explain the graph, what does this show?

18 Metabolic rate In your books write: What is metabolic rate?
Sort the people you have been given into groups based on metabolic rate and energy requirement

19 least energy most energy


21 Can we see respiration?

22 carbon dioxide energy water + oxygen glucose carbon dioxide glucose oxygen water energy

23 Comparing the energy content of two foods Food 1 Food 2
Temperature of water at start oC Temperature of water at end Change in temperature

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