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Published byEleanore Quinn Modified over 6 years ago
Chapter 6 유스케이스를 이용한 서비스 요구명세 Specification with Use Cases
박 수 용 서강대학교 컴퓨터공학과
An Outline of Specifying SRS Using Use Case
Use case driven requirements specification is composed of as follows: 1. Create Use Case Specification 2. Create Non-functional Requirements Specification 3. Organize SRS using UC Spec and Supplementary Spec
1. Create Use Case Specification
1.1 Step 1 for Creating Use Case Specification
1.1. Identify actors and use cases 1.2. Outline each use case Brief Description Basic Flow of Events Identify Alternative Flows of Events 1.3. Detail each use case Add detail Pre and post-conditions, special requirements, relationships, use-case diagrams, and so on 1.4. Structure each use case 1 2 3
1.2. Outline Each Use Case Use case name Structure the flow into steps
Brief description Basic Flow 1. First step 2. Second step 3. Third step A1 Alternative flow 1 A2 Alternative flow 2 A3 Alternative flow 3 Use case name Structure the flow into steps Number the steps
1.2. Why Outline Use Cases? Use Case Size ?
DRAFT Too Small? Use Case Size Too Big? Is it more than one use case? ? Help find ALL alternate flows Use Case
1.2. Flow of Events (Basic and Alternative)
One Basic Flow Happy day scenario Successful scenarios from start to finish Many alternative flows Regular variant Odd cases Exceptional (error) flows
1.2. Outline the Flow of Events
Basic What event starts the use case? How does the use case end? How does the use case repeat some behavior? Alternative Are there optional situations in the use case? What odd cases might happen? What variants might happen? What may go wrong? What may not happen? What kind of resources can be blocked?
1.2. Example of Alternative Flow
Are there optional situations in the use case? 해외계좌 송금의 경우 What odd cases might happen? 0원을 송금하는 경우 What variants might happen? 예약송금의 경우 What may go wrong? 비밀번호 입력이 틀린 경우 What may not happen? 대상 계좌번호를 입력하지 않은 경우 What kind of resources can be blocked? 송금한도를 초과한 경우
1.2. Using Activity Diagram
It is flow charts that are used to show the workflow of a system Show the flow of control from activity to activity in the system Flow of event in use case can be represented by activity diagram Activity Transition Decision point Synchronization Bars Swimlances Performance of some behavior Used to partition an activity diagram according to responsibility (person or organization) The passing of The flow of control Branch according to Some condition Used to Show concurrent activities
1.2. Using Activity Diagram (Course Register Example)
Swimlances Activity Decision point Synchronization Bars Transition
1.2. Step-by-Step Outline: Withdraw Cash
What are other alternatives?
1.2. Exercise 2: Write a Step-by-Step Outline
Select use cases from previous exercise Write a brief description Write a step-by-step outline Identify basic flows Identify alternative flows
1.2. Packages: Organizing the Use Case Model
Use-Case Packages Top-Level Package Use Cases Actors
1.2. Checkpoints for Use Cases
Is each use case independent of the others? Do any use cases have very similar behaviors or flows of events? Has part of the flow of events already been modeled as another use case? Create use-case packages when the model is large and/or the responsibilities for parts of the model are distributed Packaging is intuitive and makes the model easier to understand
1.3. Step 2 for Creating Use Case Specification
1.1. Identify actors and use cases 1.2. Outline each use case Brief Description Basic Flow of Events Identify Alternative Flows of Events 1.3. Detail each use case Add detail Pre and post-conditions, special requirements, relationships, use-case diagrams, and so on 1.4. Structure each use case 1 2 3
1.3. Why Detail Use Cases? Specify the software requirements
Clarify important details in flow of events What the actor does What the system does in response What information is exchanged Describe additional information Preconditions Postconditions
1.3. Detail a Use Case 1. Find the actors and use cases
2. Detail the use cases <Use-Case Name>* 1. Brief Description* 2. Flow of Events* Basic Flow of Events Alternative Flows of Events 3. Special Requirements 4. Preconditions 5. Postconditions 6. Extension Points 7. Relationships* 8. Use-Case Diagrams 9. Other Diagrams/Enclosures Brief Outline Add Detail
1.3. Detail the Basic Flow of Events
Structure the flow into steps Number and title each step Describe steps (1-3 sentences) Make each step a roundtrip of events
1.3. Detail General Alternative Flows
Occurs anywhere in another flow
1.3. Detail Specific Alternative Flows
Describe what happens Start Condition Actions Resume
1.3. Preconditions Constraint on when use case can start
Not the event that starts the use case Optional: Use only if needed for clarification withdraw cash
1.3. Postconditions Guaranteed true when use case ends
May contain variants Optional: Use only if needed for clarification withdraw cash
1.3. Other Use Case Properties
Special requirements Related to this use case, not covered in flow of events Usually nonfunctional requirements Extension points Places in the flow of events to attach extensions Relationships (same as in Use-Case-Model Survey) Associations with actors and other use cases Use-case diagrams Visual model of all relationships involving this use case Other diagrams or enclosures Interaction, activity, or other diagrams Pictures of the user interface
1.3. Use Case Checkpoints Are the actor interactions and exchanged information clear? Does the communication sequence between actor and use case conform to the user's expectations? Is it clear how and when the use case's flow of events starts and ends? Is the subflow in a use case modeled accurately?
1.3. Exercise 3: Detail the Use Case
Add detail to the step-by-step outline Basic flow Alternative flows Identify preconditions Identify postconditions
1.4. Step 3 for Creating Use Case Specification
1.1. Identify actors and use cases 1.2. Outline each use case Brief Description Basic Flow of Events Identify Alternative Flows of Events 1.3. Detail each use case Add detail Pre and post-conditions, special requirements, relationships, use-case diagrams, and so on 1.4. Structure each use case 1 2 3
1.4. Structure the Use Case Model
What is structuring? Factoring out parts of use cases to make new use cases Why structure the use case model? Simplify the original use cases Make easier to understand Make easier to maintain Reuse behavior Share among many use cases
1.4. Relationships between Use Cases
Include Extend <<include>> <<extend>>
1.4. What is an Include Relationship?
A relationship from a base use case to an inclusion use case The behavior defined in the inclusion use case is explicitly inserted into the base use case Inclusion <<include>> Base
1.4. Include Relationship: ATM Example
Withdraw Cash Deposit Funds Transfer Funds Inquiry Account Identify customer Report Bank Consorium Customer Identify Customer Use Case 1. ATM은 카드의 유효성을 확인한다. 2. 사용자 선택 기능이 비밀번호가 필요한 것인지를 확인한다. 3. ATM은 사용자에게 비밀번호 입력화면을 출력한다 4. 사용자는 ATM에 비밀번호를 입력한다.. … A1: 잘못된 카드일 경우 A2: 비밀번호가 틀린 경우 A3: withdraw Use Case 1. ATM은 고객의 유효성을 확인하기 위해 ‘Identify customer’ 유스케이스를 포함한다.. 2. ATM은 사용자에게 인출금액 입력화면을 출력한다. 3. ...
1.4. Execution of an Include
Fully executed when the inclusion point is reached Use Case Instance Base Use Case Included Use Case
1.4. Why Use an Include Relationship?
Factor out behavior common to two or more use cases Avoid describing same behavior multiple times Assure common behavior remains consistent Factor out and encapsulate behavior from a base use case Simplify complex flow of events Factor out behavior not part of primary purpose Inclusion <<include>> Base
1.4. What is an Extended Relationship?
Connects from an extension use case to a base use case Insert extension use case’s behavior into base use case Insert only if the extending condition is true Insert into base use case at named extension point Base <<extend>> Extension
1.4. Extended Relationship: Order Processing Systems Example
Insert ‘Backorder item’ use case if the item is sold out Adding new orders Backorder the item Modifying existing orders Accounting System Accounting Manager <<extend>> Partial use case diagram for order processing system
1.4. Extended Relationship: Order Processing Systems Example
Adding order Use Case Basic Flow: 1. The system requests that the accounting manager enter the order information . 2. Once the accounting manager provides the requested information, the system generates and assigns a unique order number to new order. New order is added to the system. 3. The system checks if there are enough inventories of the ordered items. … Extension Points: The “Sell out” extension point occurs at Step 3 in the Basic Flow. Backorder Use Case This use case extends adding order and modifying order usecase, at extension point “sellout” Basic Flow: 1. The system prompts that it is impossible to order due to out of stock and asks the accounting manager if he/she wants to backorder the item . 2. The accounting manager informs to the system that he/she wants to backorder the item.. 3. The system sets the status of order as “backordered” and pre-occupies the amount which has been ordered in the inventory information.. …
1.4. Execution of an Extend Executed when the extension point is reached and the extending condition is true Base Use Case Use Case Instance Extension Point Extension Use Case
1.4. Why Use an Extended Relationship?
Factor out optional or exceptional behavior Executed only under certain conditions Factoring out simplifies flow of events in base use case Example: Triggering an alarm Add extending behavior Behavior developed separately, possibly in later version Example: Get News UC Base <<extend>> Extension
1.4. How to Describe User Interfaces
Enclose sketches of proposed screen appearance with the use-case descriptions Be careful not to specify too much of the design in the use-case documents
1.4. Use Case Modeling Guidelines
Notations to use and not use For example, whether to use generalization relationships Rules, recommendations and style issues, and how to describe each use case Recommendations for when to start structuring the use cases (not too early)
1.4. Discussion: Structuring the Use Case Model
How should we structure the use case model for our class project? Include relationships? Extend relationships?
1.4. Discussion: Structuring the Use Case Model
For specifying SRS (Software Requirements Specification), we should write not only use case specification, but also non-functional specification (supplementary specification)
2. Create Non-Functional Use Case Specification
2.1. What About Non-Functional Requirements?
Quality requirements Usability Reliability Performance Maintainability Compliance with Legal and Regulatory requirements FCC FDA DOD ISO Design Constraints Operating Systems Environments Compatibility Application Standards
2.2. Specifying Usability Requirements
Definition of “usability” The ease with which software can be learned and operated by the intended users Usability requirements Training time requirements, measurable task times User abilities (beginner/advanced) Comparison to other systems that users know and like Online help systems, tool tips, documentation needs Conformity with standards Examples: Windows, style guides, GUI Standards
2.3. Specifying Reliability Requirements
Definition of “reliability” The ability for the software to behave consistently in a user-acceptable manner Reliability requirements Availability (xx.xx%) Accuracy Mean time between failures (xx hrs) Max. bugs per/KLOC (0-x) Bugs by class - critical, significant, minor
2.4. Specifying Performance Requirements
Definition of “performance” A measure of speed or efficiency of the running system Performance requirements Capacity Throughput Response time Memory Degradation modes Efficient use of scarce resources Processor, memory, disk, network bandwidth
2.5. Specifying Maintainability Requirements
Definition of “maintainability” The ability of the software to be easily modified to accommodate enhancements and repairs Supportability requirements Languages, DBMS, tools, etc. Programming standards Error handling and reporting standards Often difficult to specify If not measurable or observable, it is not a requirement Is it a design constraint? Is it an intent or goal?
2.6. How to Describe Communication Protocols
Specify a communication protocol if the actor is another system or external hardware The description of the use case should state if some existing protocol is to be used If the protocol is new, it will be fully described during object-model development
2.7. What about Design Constraints?
A requirement allows more than 1 design option A design is a choice among options A requirement that leaves no options is a design constraint Distinguish it from other requirements Place in a special section of your software requirements Identify the source of each Document the rationale for each Examples An algorithm that is required to be used A database system that is required to be used
2.8. Identify Non-functional Requirements using DOORS
Determine where nonfunctional requirements should be specified NF specification Hand out
Non-Functional Req. Spec.
3. Organize SRS using Use Case Spec. and Non-Functional Req. Spec.
3.1. What do Software Requirements Specify?
Inputs Outputs System Environments Functions Performance
3.2. Specifying the Software Requirements
Initial Req. Spec. Needs Features SRS SRS Package Use-Case Model Supplementary Specifications Software Requirements The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) package defines complete external behavior and characteristics of the system to be built.
3.3. Role of the SRS Package Basis of communication between all parties Contractual agreement between parties Basis for development: design, implement, test SRS SRS Package Use-Case Model Supplementary Specifications
3.4. What is an SRS Package? Overview of entire SRS
1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview 2. Overall Description 2.1 Use-Case Model Survey 2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 Use-Case 3.2 NF requirements 4. Supporting Information Appendixes Index Overview of entire SRS General factors affecting the product and its requirements All of the SW requirements
3.5. Where to Document Items In the SRS Package?
Project Database Documents Where to maintain information depends on: Available tools Developer environment and preferences Client environment and preferences Size of the project
3.6. How to Specify Functional Requirements?
Use both use cases and declarative statements Both are necessary to understand any system of significant complexity Give preference to use cases, where appropriate Use Cases The system shall … The system must … The system shall ... Declarative Statements + ? Which one to choose?
3.7. What about Requirements Not in Use Cases?
Write a declarative statement to describe the software requirement Number and title each requirement Group related requirements Use language the team easily understands Use simple sentence structure Subject + active verb Consider using a keyword, for example “shall” Keep it short State the requirement in 1 to 3 sentences Use terms from the glossary
3.8. Where are Declarative Requirements Specified?
Does the requirement apply to a use case? Specify in the Use-Case Report In “Special Requirements” property Does the requirement apply to the whole system? Specify in the “Non-functional Req. Specifications”
3.9. Writing SRS using DOORS
Using DOORS, we can writing SRS based on Use Case Spec and NF Requirements Spec.
Summary (1/2) Specifying SRS is consisted of as followings
Create use case specification Create non-functional specification Writing SRS Step of Creating use case specification Identify actors and use cases Outline each use case Brief Description Basic Flow of Events Identify Alternative Flows of Events Detail each use case Add detail Pre and postconditions, special requirements, relationships, use-case diagrams, and so on Structure each use case’s flows of events
Summary (2/2) Non-functional requirements specification describe
Quality requirements Compliance with Legal and Regulatory requirements Design The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) package defines complete external behavior and characteristics of the system to be built It is consisted of use case specification and non- functional requirements specification
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