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The free flap for burned nose reconstruction 游離皮瓣在燒傷鼻部重建的應用

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1 The free flap for burned nose reconstruction 游離皮瓣在燒傷鼻部重建的應用
顏琤嬑 楊瑞永 黃嫆茹 吳至偉 楊士毅 陳宏彰 張淑茵 莊秀樹 蕭彥彰 林口長庚醫院整形外科

2 Burned nose Short nose with alar flaring alar margins nasal tip
Columella Nostril Vestibule Dorsum scar

3 Challenging Associated facial injury Local flap
Nasolabial flap Cheek advancement flap Paramedian forehead flap Tissue expander Scar tissue

4 Purpose Free flap Full thickness nasal defect after burn injury

5 Patients 1998/08 ~ 2015/09 6 patients 7 free flaps for burned nose reconstruction 4 ulnar forearm flap 1 radial forearm flap (face and nose, acute stage) 1 anterolateral thigh flap 1 medial sural artery perforator flap

6 Demographics Age 25.2 years old (7~37) Mechanism of burn TBSA 4% ~48%
2 flame burn, 2 chemical burn, 1 explosive burn, 1 contact thermal burn TBSA 4% ~48% face and forehead all involved Duration from injury to nose reconstruction: 1 acute stage (6 days) 10 years (3~18 years)

7 Reconstruction Skin Lining Framework Excise the contracture scar
Subunit principle Lining Turnover flap from scars on alar and columella Framework Autogenous rib cartilage Reinforcement Alar rim graft, dorsal onlay graft, columellar struct

8 Reconstruction Template Flap size: 5cm x 7cm ~ 7 x 8cm (12cm x 5cm)
6 Skin envelope and 1 partial lining Recipient vessel facial artery and vein/ superficial temporal artery and vein Pedicle length: 10 cm - 12 cm

9 Reconstruction Donor site No circulation problems
ALT primary closure Others skin graft No circulation problems No early complications Discharge within 2 weeks

10 Refinement Follow-up : 59 months (16 ~126 months)
Refinement operations: 4.5 times (2 ~7) Satisfactory aesthetic and functional outcomes

11 Complication 1 partial necrosis 1 infection
1.5 months after debulking procedure Replaced by another free flap 1 infection 3 months after reconstruction Remove rib cartilage Replaced with alloplastic implant for dorsum 1 year later

12 Case presentation







19 Discussion Secondary reconstruction Aesthetic unit Framework
Refinement Patch-like looking

20 Conclusion In terms of limited local tissues for nasal reconstruction after severe facial burn injury, free flap serves as an applicable choice to restore nasal lining and skin envelope , with rebuilding of nasal framework could be performed at same stage. Through thoughtful planning and sufficient refinement, satisfactory aesthetic and functional results are achievable.

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